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Last active November 14, 2023 00:28
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Experimental UGenCache to optimize repeated math ops
// hjh: cache repeated math ops
// todo: `isPure` is incomplete (many deterministic ops are not currently labeled as pure)
UGenCache {
classvar <>cache;
classvar <>optimize = false; // default: use normal SC behavior
*clear {
cache =;
*at { |... args|
var test;
^if(optimize) {
test =*args);
// cache hit only if 'args' points to a legit UGen
// if it's a subtree, cache miss
if(test.isUGen) { test } // else nil
} // else nil
*put { |... args|
if(optimize) { cache.put(*args) }
+ SynthDef {
initBuild {
UGen.buildSynthDef = this;
constants =;
constantSet =;
controls = nil;
controlIndex = 0;
maxLocalBufs = nil;
// experimental
finishBuild {
this.checkInputs;// will die on error
// re-sort graph. reindex.
UGen.buildSynthDef = nil;
// experimental
+ UGen {
isPure { ^false } // deal with other ugens later
// notes:
// a. Rate is already args[0]
// b. Operator is already args[1] for op ugens
// therefore the UGen class ++ args should uniquely identify pure ops
*multiNewList { arg args;
var size = 0, newArgs, results, new, cacheKeys;
args = args.asUGenInput(this);{ arg item;
(item.class == Array).if({ size = max(size, item.size) });
if (size == 0) {
newArgs = Array.newClear(args.size);
results = Array.newClear(size);{ arg i;{ arg item, j;
newArgs.put(j, if (item.class == Array, { item.wrapAt(i) },{ item }));
// needs more testing
// in theory this recursive call will eventually check cache
// against concrete values or UGens (but not subarrays)
results.put(i, this.multiNewList(newArgs));
*new1FromCache { |args|
var cacheKeys, new, cached;
cacheKeys = [this] ++ args;
new = this.new1( *args );
// yeah, bummer that I have to make the instance
// in order to know if I need or don't need it
if(new.isPure) {
cached =*cacheKeys);
if(cached.notNil) {
new = cached // pure && in-cache, use cache
} {
// pure && not in-cache, save in cache
UGenCache.put(*(cacheKeys ++ new));
}; // not pure, don't cache at all
+ UnaryOpUGen {
isPure {
^#['rand', 'rand2', 'linrand', 'bilinrand', 'sum3rand']
+ BinaryOpUGen {
isPure {
^#['rrand', 'exprand']
+ Collection {
isPure {
+ Number {
isPure { ^true }
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