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Created September 6, 2011 14:52
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A way to pipe in rails logs and split along the double newline
cat sample_rails.log | ruby rails_multiline_log_splitter.rb > output
# ["Started GET \"/\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:44:35 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#index as HTML","Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms"]
# ["Started GET \"/\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:44:36 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#index as HTML","Rendered links/index.html.erb within layouts/main (227.1ms)","Completed 200 OK in 339ms (Views: 228.3ms | ActiveRecord: 21.0ms)"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/11\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:44:52 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#show as HTML","Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"11\"}","Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (190.2ms)","Completed 200 OK in 194ms (Views: 191.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=ruby+on+rails&commit=Search\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:12 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#search as HTML","Parameters: {\"commit\"=>\"Search\", \"utf8\"=>\"✓\", \"q\"=>\"ruby on rails\"}","Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=ruby+on+rails&commit=Search\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:12 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#search as HTML","Parameters: {\"commit\"=>\"Search\", \"utf8\"=>\"✓\", \"q\"=>\"ruby on rails\"}","Rendered links/index.html.erb within layouts/main (78.3ms)","Completed 200 OK in 218ms (Views: 79.1ms | ActiveRecord: 10.9ms)"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/137\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:28 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#show as HTML","Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"137\"}","Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/137\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:28 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#show as HTML","Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"137\"}","Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (35.4ms)","Completed 200 OK in 39ms (Views: 36.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/138\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:33 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#show as HTML","Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"138\"}","Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/138\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:33 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#show as HTML","Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"138\"}","Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (132.9ms)","Completed 200 OK in 136ms (Views: 133.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)"]
# ["Started GET \"/links/139\" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:37 -0400 2011","Processing by LinksController#show as HTML","Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"139\"}","Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (10.3ms)","Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 11.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)","\n","This is a test, only one newline","I just wanted to show some different thing","this s only one"]
# ["whoa i'm a new entry","bring it"]
require 'rubygems'
require 'yajl/json_gem'
# Simple flush to json, can add timestamp by parsing it.
def flush(buffer)
puts buffer.to_json
# Initialize
buffer = []
previous_line_matched = false
pattern_matched_count = 0
current_pattern = 0
split_buffer = []
buffer_last_seen_at = 0
# List of patterns to match
# here we have two consecutive lines with only the newline
patterns = [
STDIN.each_line do |line|
# Perform match and increment.
if matched = (line =~ patterns[current_pattern])
pattern_matched_count += 1
current_pattern += 1
# Flush out if you reached patterns.length or the EOF
if pattern_matched_count == patterns.length || STDIN.eof
buffer << line.strip if STDIN.eof # add the last line if it's EOF.
# Reset
previous_line_matched = false
pattern_matched_count = 0
current_pattern = 0
split_buffer = []
buffer_last_seen_at = 0
buffer = []
elsif matched
# we need to keep track of where we were when we found the first
# match. This is b/c we can get through a bunch of matches but
# then fail on the last pattern. We need to be able to keep track
# so we can inject the patterns matched (wich are part of the log entry)
# back in
buffer_last_seen_at = buffer.length if previous_line_matched == false
split_buffer << line
previous_line_matched = true
# We matched a few already, but then didn't get to the finish line
# we need to add the matched lines back in b/c they weren't really
# part of a split
if pattern_matched_count > 0
buffer.insert(buffer_last_seen_at, *split_buffer)
# We didn't match earlier, and we're not flushing
# so we should reset b/c there's no consecutive matches
# Reset
previous_line_matched = false
pattern_matched_count = 0
current_pattern = 0
split_buffer = []
buffer_last_seen_at = 0
# buffer up the log entry clean up newlines
buffer << line.strip
Started GET "/" for at Tue Sep 06 09:44:35 -0400 2011
Processing by LinksController#index as HTML
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Processing by LinksController#index as HTML
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Processing by LinksController#show as HTML
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Processing by LinksController#search as HTML
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Search", "utf8"=>"✓", "q"=>"ruby on rails"}
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms
Started GET "/links/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=ruby+on+rails&commit=Search" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:12 -0400 2011
Processing by LinksController#search as HTML
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Search", "utf8"=>"✓", "q"=>"ruby on rails"}
Rendered links/index.html.erb within layouts/main (78.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 218ms (Views: 79.1ms | ActiveRecord: 10.9ms)
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Processing by LinksController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"137"}
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms
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Processing by LinksController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"137"}
Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (35.4ms)
Completed 200 OK in 39ms (Views: 36.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)
Started GET "/links/138" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:33 -0400 2011
Processing by LinksController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"138"}
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms
Started GET "/links/138" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:33 -0400 2011
Processing by LinksController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"138"}
Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (132.9ms)
Completed 200 OK in 136ms (Views: 133.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
Started GET "/links/139" for at Tue Sep 06 09:45:37 -0400 2011
Processing by LinksController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"139"}
Rendered links/show.html.erb within layouts/main (10.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 11.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
This is a test, only one newline
I just wanted to show some different thing
this s only one
whoa i'm a new entry
bring it
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