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Created October 9, 2019 05:39
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An example Jenkinsfile that stops deployment if your method complexity is above 20, based on the static code analysis of PHPloc.
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
ant 'ant'
// Pull the repo first.
stages {
stage( 'Checkout Repo' ) {
steps {
checkout scm
stage( 'Build' ) {
steps {
script {
// Define a function to count all comment lines
linesOfComments = sh(returnStdout: true,
script: "vendor/bin/phploc . --exclude vendor | grep CLOC").trim()
// Measure method complexity
complexityPerMethod = sh(returnStdout: true,
script: "vendor/bin/phploc . --exclude vendor | \
grep \'Maximum Method Complexity\'| \
tr -dc '0-9'").trim()
Let build fail if complexity is above a certain threshold
if ( complexityPerMethod.toInteger() > 2000 ) {
error( "Build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} failed because methods are too complex. ${env.BUILD_URL} - ${env.JOB_NAME}")
withAnt(installation: 'ant', jdk: 'jdk') {
sh "ant phploc"
echo "Lines of Comments: ${linesOfComments}"
echo "Maximum complexity in method: ${complexityPerMethod}"
stage( 'Deploy' ) {
steps {
// This is were Ant should run if I'm not mistaken
// Run git status just to log anything outstanding.
sh 'git status'
switch( env.BRANCH_NAME ) {
case "staging":
// Comment out the next line if the target directory
// does not exist on the server.
sh 'vendor/bin/phploy -s staging --list'
sh 'vendor/bin/phploy -s staging --force'
// Doing nothing
// Run items after pipeline completion/failure
post {
always {
// Always clearn up the directory, regardless.
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