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Created February 29, 2020 14:27
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An example on how to query data from Power BI using the SQL Server PowerShell module
Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser
$cred = Get-Credential
# Executing a DAX-query to retrieve the property we need in a given scenario
Invoke-ASCmd -Credential $cred -Query "EVALUATE(VALUES(Customers[Id]))" -Server "powerbi://" -Database "CustomerData"
# The returned data is an XML-string, so we can cast the data to an XML-typed variable in PowerShell
[xml]$Data = Invoke-ASCmd -Credential $cred -Query "EVALUATE(VALUES(Customers[Id]))" -Server "powerbi://" -Database "CustomerData"
# And then work with the data as regular XML-objects in PowerShell
# In the example scenario we wanted to find duplicate customer IDs
$Names = @{}
$Duplicates = foreach($row in $Data.return.root.row) {
if($Names.ContainsKey($row.Customer_Id) -and $Names[$row.Customer_Id] -lt 2) {
$Names[$row.Customer_Id] += 1
# And call an Azure Logic App in order to notify a team if duplicates is found
if ($Duplicates) {
Write-Output 'Found duplicates:'
Write-Output $Duplicates.Customer_Id
$Body = [PSCustomObject]@{
Message = "Found duplicates: $($Duplicates.Customer_Id.ToString() -join ',')"
$NotificationUri = "https://xyz" # Webhook URL to Azure Logic App
$NotificationData = $Body | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $NotificationUri -Body $NotificationData -ContentType 'application/json'
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