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Created March 6, 2019 00:55
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Simple DynDNS update script
import argparse, socket, requests, json, os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--username', type=str, help="DynDns Username", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--password', type=str, help="DynDns Password", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--url', type=str, help="Update url with <ipaddr> and <ip6addr> parameters", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
# attempt to get the server's ipv4 and ipv6 addresses
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo('', 443)
ipv4_addrs = [addr[4][0] for addr in addrs if addr[0] == socket.AF_INET]
ipv6_addrs = [addr[4][0] for addr in addrs if addr[0] == socket.AF_INET6]
ipaddr = None
if len(ipv4_addrs) > 0:
ipv4_url = "http://" + str(ipv4_addrs[0]) + "/i/ip"
ipv4_req = requests.get(ipv4_url, headers={ "Host": "" })
ipaddr = ipv4_req.text
ip6addr = None
if len(ipv6_addrs) > 0:
ipv6_url = "http://[" + str(ipv6_addrs[0]) + "]/i/ip"
ipv6_req = requests.get(ipv6_url, headers={ "Host": "" })
ip6addr = ipv6_req.text
ipfile_exists = os.path.isfile("ips.json")
if ipfile_exists:
ipfile = open("ips.json", "r+")
old_ips = json.load(ipfile)
old_ips = { "ipaddr": None, "ip6addr": None }
ipfile = open("ips.json", "w+")
json.dump(old_ips, ipfile)
ipfile = open("ips.json", "w+")
old_ips = { "ipaddr": None, "ip6addr": None }
json.dump(old_ips, ipfile)
# check if we need to update the ips
if (old_ips["ipaddr"] != ipaddr and ipaddr is not None) or (old_ips["ip6addr"] != ip6addr and ip6addr is not None):
print("Updating addresses on the server")
# assemble update url
update_url = args.url
if ipaddr:
update_url = update_url.replace("<ipaddr>", ipaddr)
if ip6addr:
update_url = update_url.replace("<ip6addr>", ip6addr)
resp = requests.get(update_url, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(args.username, args.password))
print("Server reply:", resp.text)
# store updated addresses in the ips file
old_ips["ipaddr"] = ipaddr
old_ips["ip6addr"] = ip6addr
ipfile = open("ips.json", "w+")
json.dump(old_ips, ipfile)
print("Nothing to update.")
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