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Last active February 21, 2024 21:28
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Convert-DirectoryToJson #PowerShell #JSON
function Get-RandomHexString {
$hex = '012345679ABCDEF'.ToCharArray()
$array = foreach($number in 1..$count ){ $hex | Get-Random}
return (($array) -join "").ToString().ToLower()
function Get-WikiType{
return $(if($file.psiscontainer){"folder"}else{if(@(".gif",".png",".jpg") -contains $file.Extension){"image"}else{"article"}})
function Add-Tabstops{
$tabs = ""
for($i=0; $i -lt $Count; $i++){$tabs += " "}
return $tabs
function Output-JsonChildren{
param($Path, $Level = 1)
return $(Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Where-Object{$_} | ForEach-Object{
(Add-Tabstops $Level) +
"{`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"_id`"`: `"$(Get-RandomHexString -Count 24)`"," +
"`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"type`"`: `"$(Get-WikiType -file $_)`"," +
"`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"name`"`: `"$($_.Name)`"," +
"`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"children`": ["+
$(if($_.psiscontainer){"`n" + (Output-JsonChildren -Path $_.FullName -Level ($Level+2)) + "`n" + (Add-Tabstops ($Level+1))}) +
"]`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level)) +
}) -join ",`n"
function Output-ObjectTree{
param($Path, $Level = 1)
$nodes = $(Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Where-Object{$_ -and ($_.Name -ne "WinAuftrag")} | ForEach-Object{
$id = $(Get-RandomHexString -Count 24)
$nodes = @()
$nodes = (Output-ObjectTree -Path $_.FullName -Level $Level)
$children = ($nodes | %{"`"$($`""}) -join ","
$content = ((Add-Tabstops $Level) +
"{`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"_id`"`: `"$id`"," +
"`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"type`"`: `"$(Get-WikiType -file $_)`"," +
"`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"name`"`: `"$($_.Name)`"," +
"`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level+1)) +
"`"children`": ["+
$(if($_.psiscontainer){$children}) +
"]`n" +
(Add-Tabstops ($Level)) +
$node = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
id = $id
content = $content
children = $nodes
return $node
return $nodes
function Get-FlatObjectTree{
return ($objectree | ForEach-Object{
$items = @()
$items += $_ | select content
if($_.children -ne $null){
$items += Get-FlatObjectTree $_.children
return $items
$filepath = "H:\900 ILZ\000 Betrieb, Portfolio\37.20 Servicedesk\KB\data.json"
$filepath2 = "H:\900 ILZ\000 Betrieb, Portfolio\37.20 Servicedesk\KB\flatdata.json"
$items = Output-ObjectTree -Path "H:\900 ILZ\000 Betrieb, Portfolio\37.20 Servicedesk\KB\content\"
("[" + ((Get-FlatObjectTree $items | ForEach-Object{$_.content}) -join ",") + "]") | Set-Content -Path $filepath2 -Encoding UTF8
("[" + (Output-JsonChildren -Path "H:\900 ILZ\000 Betrieb, Portfolio\37.20 Servicedesk\KB\content\") + "]") | Set-Content -Path $filepath -Encoding UTF8
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