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Jan Katins jankatins

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samuelcolvin /
Last active January 26, 2025 17:16
An incomplete list of people in the Python community to follow on Twitter and Mastodon.

Python People

(Updated 2022-11-16 with suggestions from comments below, Twitter and Mastodon)

An incomplete list of people in the Python community to follow on Twitter and Mastodon.

With the risk that Twitter dies, I'd be sad to lose links to interesting people in the community, hence this list.

I would love you to comment below with links to people I've missed.

kepano / obsidian-web-clipper.js
Last active March 1, 2025 05:47
Obsidian Web Clipper Bookmarklet to save articles and pages from the web (for Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and mobile browsers)
javascript: Promise.all([import('[email protected]?module'), import('[email protected]'), ]).then(async ([{
default: Turndown
}, {
default: Readability
}]) => {
/* Optional vault name */
const vault = "";
/* Optional folder name such as "Clippings/" */
eggbean /
Last active February 23, 2025 23:08
Now moving from exa to eza fork. Wrapper script to give it nearly identical switches and appearance to ls. Also automatically adds --git switch when in a git repository.
## Change following to '0' for output to be like ls and '1' for eza features
# Don't list implied . and .. by default with -a
# Show human readable file sizes by default
# Show file sizes in decimal (1KB=1000 bytes) as opposed to binary units (1KiB=1024 bytes)
# Don't show group column
jq -r 'def banner: "\(.) " + (28-(.|length))*"-";
("Non-cell info" | banner), del(.cells), "",
(.cells[] | ("\(.cell_type) cell" | banner),
if ($show_output == "1") then
( select(.cell_type=="code" and (.outputs|length)>0) |
("output" | banner),
(.outputs[] |
takluyver /
Created September 6, 2014 21:44
Flatten notebooks for git diff

Copy to somewhere on $PATH. Then, in the root of a git repository, run these commands:

echo "*.ipynb diff=ipynb" >> .gitattributes 
git config diff.ipynb.textconv

When you change a notebook and run git diff, you'll see the diff of flattened, simplified notebooks, rather than the full JSON. This does lose some information (metadata, non-text output), but it makes it easier to see simple changes in the notebook.

This doesn't help with merging conflicting changes in notebooks. For that, see

mwhite /
Last active February 27, 2025 15:48
The Ultimate Git Alias Setup

The Ultimate Git Alias Setup

If you use git on the command-line, you'll eventually find yourself wanting aliases for your most commonly-used commands. It's incredibly useful to be able to explore your repos with only a few keystrokes that eventually get hardcoded into muscle memory.

Some people don't add aliases because they don't want to have to adjust to not having them on a remote server. Personally, I find that having aliases doesn't mean I that forget the underlying commands, and aliases provide such a massive improvement to my workflow that it would be crazy not to have them.

The simplest way to add an alias for a specific git command is to use a standard bash alias.

# .bashrc
`r opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE)`
This is a quick set of analyses of the California Test Score dataset. The post was produced using R Markdown in RStudio 0.96. The main purpose of this post is to provide a case study of using R Markdown to prepare a quick reproducible report. It provides examples of using plots, output, in-line R code, and markdown. The post is designed to be read along side the R Markdown source code, which is available as a gist on github.
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### Preliminaries
* This post builds on my earlier post which provided a guide for [Getting Started with R Markdown, knitr, and RStudio 0.96](
* The dataset analysed comes from the `AER` package which is an accompaniment to the book [Applied Econometrics with R]( written by [Christian Kleiber]( and [Achim Zeileis](