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Last active June 12, 2024 09:42
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Summary of the Testing framework presented in WWDC 2024
- Meet Swift Testing
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There are three assertions that replace all XCTAssert functions:
// test passes if expression returns true
#expect( == "000000")
// test passes if expression throws
#expect(throws: ThemeError.self) {
try convertToHex(
// test ends early if value is nil. Similar to XCTUnwrap.
_ = try #require(Int("1"))
// another way
do {
_ = try convertToHex(
} catch ThemeError.wrongColor {
} catch {
Issue.record(error, "Unexpected error")
// test passes if #require fails
withKnownIssue {
_ = try #require(Int("A"))
// All assertions must be inside a function annotated with @Test
func colorToHex() throws {
#expect( == "000000")
// A test function may be global or be grouped inside a struct, actor, or class.
struct Colors {
func colorToHex() throws {
#expect( == "000000")
// Optionally you can label them adding @Suite.
@Suite("A test demonstration")
struct TestSuite {
// ...
// Test run in parallel and random order unless you pass '.serialized'.
@Suite("A test demonstration", .serialized)
struct TestSuite {
// nested suites will inherit the .serialized argument
@Suite struct TestSuite { ... }
// Extend Tag to create custom tags
extension Tag {
@Tag static var caffeinated: Self
@Tag static var chocolatey: Self
// then you can tag suites and tests
struct OneMoreSuite {
@Test(.tags(.caffeinated, .chocolatey))
func whatever() {/*...*/}
// Recap: test can be organized using Suites, nested Suites, and tags.
// Use filter in the test navigator and Test plans to select which tests to run.
// @Test("Custom name") Custom name
// @Test(.bug("", "Title") Related bug report
// @Test(.tags(.critical)) Custom tag
// @Test(.enabled(if: Server.isOnline)) Enabled by runtime condition
// @Test(.disabled("Currently broken")) Disabled
// @Test(.timeLimit(.minutes(3))) Maximum time
// @Test @available(macOS 15, *) Limit the test to certain OS versions
// This calls the function three times.
// (first enum case passed as argument needed the explicit type, the rest were inferred)
@Test(arguments: [Flavor.vanilla, .chocolate, .strawberry])
func doesNotContainNuts1(flavor: Flavor) throws {
try #require(!flavor.containsNuts)
// Noteworthy:
// - Enums can also be passed as allCases if they support CaseIterable.
// - You may also pass Array, Set, OptionSet, Dictionary, and Range.
// - Tests can be parameterized with a maximum of two collections.
// This calls with all permutations of the possible values for each argument.
@Test(arguments: Flavor.allCases, Dish.allCases)
func doesNotContainNuts2(flavor: Flavor, dish: Dish) throws {
try #require(!flavor.containsNuts)
// This makes pairs, then calls with each pair.
@Test(arguments: zip(Flavor.allCases, Dish.allCases))
func doesNotContainNuts2(flavor: Flavor, dish: Dish) throws {
try #require(!flavor.containsNuts)
// testing async calls
@Test func bakeCookies() async throws {
let cookies = await Cookie.bake(count: 10)
#expect(cookies.count == 10)
// testing completion handlers
@Test func bakeCookies() async throws {
let cookies = await Cookie.bake(count: 10)
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
eat(cookies, with: .milk) { result, error in
if let result {
continuation.resume(returning: result)
} else if let error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
// testing number of calls
@Test func bakeCookies() async throws {
let cookies = await Cookie.bake(count: 10)
try await confirmation("Ate cookies", expectedCount: 0) { ateCookie in
try await eat(cookies, with: .milk) { cookie, crumbs in
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