- https://grafikart.github.io/headless-elements/?path=/docs/scroll-top--default-story
- Github Time Elements by GitHub.
- Router Manager by Erik Ringsmuth.
- Responsive Embed by Joselito Júnior. Add YouTube, Vimeo and other multimedia content to your pages, letting the browser calculate the height based on the width of their containing block. You just have to define the aspect ratio of the media.
- Lottie Player
Save janwirth/9ac1cf6ec4cf0fa81b75a0eb4dea0018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ToDo: extract custom elements from go-outreach.com codebase and drop here
- dropdown (generic)
- preventClose (prevents window from being closed while element is in DOM)
- clickOnEscape (clicks wrapped element when escape is pressed, useful for modals and the likes)
- safeHtmlDisplay - useful for rendering user-generated HTML or emails in a safe manner
- numberInput - allows inputting numbers and an emptying it - this is useful for elm where an Int / Float typed can't be parsed from an empty string, making deletion of the last character impossible.
custom elements from here:
Redefining custom elements
Using proxies to abduct an element of elm's VDOM for things like portals
Note: one can use defineGetter to create reactive properties.
Very popular framework: https://stenciljs.com/
Draft of a spec:
{-| Render the datepicker custom element -}
viewElement : String -> Html.Styled.Html String
viewElement value =
root =
Html.Styled.node "elm-element-provider" [ Html.Styled.Attributes.attribute "info" info ] [ inputEl ]
info =
"{\"name\":\"DatePicker_\", \"date_value\": [\"down\", \"up\"]}"
inputEl =
Html.Styled.node "date-picker_"
[ Html.Styled.Attributes.attribute "date_value" value
, Ev.on "date_value" (Decode.field "detail" Decode.string)
Why react does not embrace custom elements
- react has a "one-way data flow, non-imperative"
- custom elements have no SSR support
Wheel picker:
(updated version in go-outreach / gearbag codebase)
Date format
Portal web component for elm
Fetching data / hooks with custom elements
Quoting @billstclair from the elm slack.
In using TweetDeck recently, I noticed that it responds properly to my Mac settings, entering Dark mode at night and going back to Light mode during the day. I didn’t know before now that there was an HTML DOM API for that, so I found it, and created a custom-element to send those notifications to Elm.
An example is at mammudeck.com/watch-color-scheme.html (change your system color scheme and watch the example window change).
To get it to work in your own application, you need two files:
The CustomElement.WatchColorScheme module.
watch-color-scheme.js, which must be loaded in the head section of your index.html.
Then you add a watchColorScheme element to your view method, with an onChange attribute, and a Msg to handle the changes.
This commit shows those two, plus the other files necessary for the example (and a lower-level example, which tests the JS in JS, without Elm).
I have not yet integrated this into the Mammudeck application. Soon.
I also haven’t tested the code on Windows or Linux, or in any non-Chromium browsers (I did Brave and Chrome on my M2 MacBook Air). If you do so, and it doesn’t work, please let me know.