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Last active April 6, 2021 21:53
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Discarding predictions with missing inputs

Mark predictions made using missing values

This script takes a supervised model and an input dataset and performs a batch prediction with them. Then it generates a new dataset, returned as the ouput corrected-predictions that contains an additional prediction column (named "corrected-prediction") which coincides with the original prediction when it was made without any missing inputs, but uses the fallback category given by the script parameter denied-class ("denied" by default) otherwise. A second dataset, filtered-predictions, contains only those rows with non-denied predictions.

One can also specify the list of fields that are checked, using fields. Other properties such as output column names are easily parameterizable. Also, when the model is a regression, the additional column will output string values: one could also introduce an accepted-class for those cases easily.

"name": "mark-missing-in-predictions",
"kind": "script",
"description": "Perform a batch prediction and produce an additional dataset with missings marked",
"source_code": "script.whizzml",
"name": "model",
"type": "supervised-model-id",
"description": "The supervised model to use for predictions"
"name": "dataset",
"type": "dataset-id",
"description": "The input dataset"
"name": "denied-class",
"type": "string",
"description": "Class used to denote denied predictions",
"default": "denied"
"name": "fields",
"description": "List of fields to check for missings, or empty for all",
"type": "list",
"default": []
"name": "batch-prediction",
"type": "batchprediction-id",
"description": "The full batch prediction"
"name": "corrected-predictions",
"description": "The dataset with all predictions, some marked as denied",
"type": "dataset-id"
"name": "filtered-predictions",
"description": "The dataset only with predictions not marked as denied",
"type": "dataset-id"
(define batch-prediction
(wait (create-batchprediction model dataset {"output_dataset" true
"all_fields" true})))
(define corrected-predictions
(let (ds (wait ((fetch batch-prediction) "output_dataset_resource"))
fds (if (empty? fields) (keys (resource-fields ds)) fields)
obj (resource-property model "objective_field_name")
flt (flatline "(if (> (count (filter (missing? _) (list @{{fds}}))) 0)"
" {{denied-class}} (str (f {{obj}})))"))
(wait (create-dataset ds {"new_fields" [{"field" flt
"name" "corrected-prediction"}]}))))
(define filtered-predictions
(let (flt (flatline "(!= {{denied-class}} (f \"corrected-prediction\"))"))
(wait (create-dataset corrected-predictions
{"lisp_filter" flt
"excluded_fields" ["corrected-prediction"]}))))
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