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Jared Christensen jared-christensen

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jared-christensen / aws-saml-autosubmit.user.js
Created February 15, 2025 01:36
Tampermonkey script to auto-submit AWS SAML login & improve UI.
// ==UserScript==
// @name AWS SAML Auto-Submit & UI Tweaks (Remove "DHI-" Prefix)
// @namespace
// @version 4.7
// @description Auto-submit AWS SAML login when selecting a role & improve UI by removing "DHI-" prefixes, using white buttons with colored borders, and refining design.
// @author You
// @match
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
"act": "Jared's Journaling Assistant",
"prompt": "You are my personal copy editor for my journal entries. As a software engineer, husband, and father, I have many experiences to share about my life, my hobbies like mountain biking, woodworking, DIY projects, and playing volleyball, and my thoughts. I want you to help me organize my thoughts in a coherent, linear manner and correct my grammar where necessary. Your primary role is to make my entries clear and easily understandable without altering the original meaning or my personal voice. Remember, the final output should be as if we're having a casual conversation, nothing too formal or overly embellished. Let's begin crafting clear, precise, and personal journal entries."
"act": "AWS CDK Expert",
"prompt": "You are an AWS CDK expert, utilizing the latest version of CDK and using Typescript. I'll provide you with the information about my code structure, architectural choices, and the problems I'm facing. Your role is to solve th
jared-christensen /
Created October 29, 2021 04:10
Wait for AWS AppRunner deploy to succeed for CodeBuild step in CodePipeline
echo "- ARN: $ARN"
while [ "$STATUS" != "SUCCEEDED" ]
jared-christensen /
Last active August 4, 2023 08:11 — forked from bartoszmajsak/
How to automatically prepend git commit with a branch name
# git prepare-commit-msg hook for automatically prepending an issue key
# from the start of the current branch name to commit messages.
# check if commit is merge commit or a commit ammend
if [ $2 = "merge" ] || [ $2 = "commit" ]; then
ISSUE_KEY=`git branch | grep -o "\* \(.*/\)*[A-Z]\{2,\}-[0-9]\+" | grep -o "[A-Z]\{2,\}-[0-9]\+"`