Most OST development is focused on novel tricks, or the latest attack vector, a constant escalation of capabilities. Developing a novel technique is done in a vacuum and if the developer does spend any time researching and documenting detection around a technique, expanding the detection to a network of more than a 100 endpoints is typically a non-trivial task.
Developing mature detection and response capabilties in an organization is a monumental effort, it's not a big surprise that most organizations struggle to catch "boring" attacker techniques (creating scheduled tasks, adding local users to computers, modifyig groups, etc) and while these organzations struggle to keep up, the barier to entry on being an "advanced" attacker gets lower and lower as new tools and techniques come out.
It's easy to take the approach that these organizations that are struggling with infosec get whats coming to them. "Well, maybe they should take infosec seriously if they don't want to get hacked" or "The attacker could ha