Elixir is a beautiful language. Among its strength is its powerful pattern matching system which allows one to write very declarative, elegant code. FizzBuzz is a trivial problem often presented to new programmers or interviewees to determine baseline programming ability. Here is a solution Elixir:
defmodule FizzBuzz do
def fizz do
|> Enum.map(&buzz/1)
|> Enum.each(&IO.puts/1)
defp buzz(i) when rem(i, 15) == 0, do: "FizzBuzz"
defp buzz(i) when rem(i, 5) == 0, do: "Buzz"
defp buzz(i) when rem(i, 3) == 0, do: "Fizz"
defp buzz(i), do: Integer.to_string(i)
This kind of declarative syntax frequently makes handling changes in business requirements as easy as adding an additional definition for a function.
No reason to use map if you're just going to call
in there.