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Created June 16, 2024 11:58
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Simple example for obtaining a ByterChannel to Unix domain socket and converting i/o to java Input and Output streams
(ns byte-channels-example
(:import ( InputStream
( UnixDomainSocketAddress
(java.nio.channels ByteChannel
(java.nio.charset StandardCharsets)))
(defn ch->in ^InputStream [^ByteChannel ch]
(-> (Channels/newInputStream ch)
(defn ch->out ^OutputStream [^ByteChannel ch]
(-> (Channels/newOutputStream ch)
(defn open-docker-channel []
(doto (SocketChannel/open StandardProtocolFamily/UNIX)
(.connect (UnixDomainSocketAddress/of "/var/run/docker.sock"))
(defn get-docker-version []
(with-open [ch (open-docker-channel)]
(doto (ch->out ch)
(.write (-> (str "GET /version HTTP/1.0\r\n"
(.getBytes StandardCharsets/UTF_8)))
(let [in (ch->in ch)]
(loop [c (.read in)]
(when-not (= c -1)
(when-not (= c (int \return))
(print (char c)))
(recur (.read in)))))))
; HTTP/1.0 200 OK
; Api-Version: 1.45
; Content-Type: application/json
; Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 11:53:10 GMT
; Docker-Experimental: false
; Ostype: linux
; Server: Docker/26.1.1 (linux)
; {"Platform":{"Name":"Docker Desktop 4.30.0 (149282)"},"Components":[{"Name"...
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