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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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...because C++ had that one good thing
(defmacro << [& body]
(let [[fmt args] (loop [fmt ""
args []
[p & more] body]
(if p
(and (symbol? p) (starts-with (name p) "%")) (recur (str fmt (name p)) (conj args (first more)) (rest more))
(symbol? p) (recur (str fmt "%s") (conj args p) more)
(string? p) (recur (str fmt (str p)) args more)
:else (recur (str fmt "%s") (conj args p) more))
[fmt args]))]
`(format ~fmt ~@args)))
(= (<< "hello " %s "world" ", PI is " %.2f 3.14159) (format "hello %s, PI is %.2f" "world" 3.14159))) ;=> true
(let [s "foo"
i 42
f 3.14159]
(= (<< %s s ", " %d i ", " %.2f f) (format "%s, %d, %.2f" s i f)) ;=> true
(= (<< s ", " s) "foo, foo") ;=> true
(= (<< "1 + 2 = " (+ 1 2)) "1 + 2 = 3")) ;=> true
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