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Created October 18, 2021 08:03
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Babashka script to shutdown idle host
(require '[ :as sh]
'[clojure.string :as str])
(import '(java.util.concurrent TimeUnit)
'(java.time ZoneId ZonedDateTime)
'(java.time.format DateTimeFormatter))
(def check-interval (.toMillis TimeUnit/MINUTES 5))
(def max-idle-time (.toMillis TimeUnit/HOURS 3))
(def log
(let [zone (ZoneId/of "Europe/Helsinki")
formatter (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]
(fn [& args]
(apply println (-> (ZonedDateTime/now zone)
(.format formatter)
(str " -")
(cons args))))))
(defn active-session-count []
(let [{:keys [exit out err]} (sh/sh "w" "-hs")]
(when (not= exit 0)
(log "FAIL: can't exec w\n" err)
(System/exit 1))
(->> out
(remove str/blank?)
(defn shutdown! []
(log "Max idle time reached, system shutdown initiated")
(sh/sh "/usr/sbin/shutdown" "-h" "now"))
(loop [idle-since nil]
(let [now (System/currentTimeMillis)
session-count (active-session-count)
idle-time (if idle-since
(- now idle-since))
time-left (if idle-time
(- max-idle-time idle-time))]
(if (and time-left (neg? time-left))
(do (log (str session-count " active sessions"
(if time-left
(str ", " (.toSeconds TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS time-left) " seconds until shutdown")
(Thread/sleep check-interval)
(recur (if (zero? session-count)
(or idle-since now)))))))
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