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Last active December 27, 2019 20:50
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  • Save jarretmoses/c1a1978869e92288bc0096c631aed64c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jarretmoses/c1a1978869e92288bc0096c631aed64c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some output of running cypress open on v 3.8.x
cypress: cli: cli cli starts with arguments["/usr/local/bin/node",
"/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/node_modules/.bin/cypress", "open"] + 0 ms
cypress: cli NODE_OPTIONS is not set + 0 ms
cypress: cli: cli program parsing arguments + 2 ms
cypress: cli: cli opening Cypress + 1 ms
cypress: cli parsed cli options {} + 47 ms
cypress: cli opening from options {
"project": "/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web"
} + 0 ms
cypress: cli command line arguments["--project", "/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web"] + 0 ms
cypress: cli verifying Cypress app + 0 ms
cypress: cli checking environment variables + 1 ms
cypress: cli checking
if executable exists / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / / Contents / MacOS /
Cypress + 6 ms
cypress: cli Binary is executable ? : true + 2 ms
cypress: cli binaryDir is / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / + 1 ms
cypress: cli Reading binary package.json from: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / /
Contents / Resources / app / package.json + 0 ms
cypress: cli Found binary version 3.8 .1 installed in: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / + 8 ms
cypress: cli {
verified: true
} + 10 ms
cypress: cli is Verified ? true + 3 ms
cypress: cli needs to start own Xvfb ? false + 0 ms
cypress: cli spawning, should retry on display problem ? false + 0 ms
cypress: cli spawning Cypress with executable: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / /
Contents / MacOS / Cypress + 6 ms
cypress: cli spawn args['--no-sandbox', '--', '--project', '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web', '--cwd',
'/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web'] {
detached: false,
stdio: 'inherit'
} + 1 ms
cypress: ts Running without ts - node hook in environment "production" + 0 ms
cypress: server: cypress starting cypress with argv[
'/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/', '--no-sandbox', '--',
'--project', '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web', '--cwd', '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web'] + 0 ms
cypress: server: args argv array: ['/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/',
'--no-sandbox', '--project', '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web', '--cwd', '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web'
] + 0 ms
cypress: server: args argv parsed: {
_: ['/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/'],
sandbox: false,
project: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
cwd: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
invokedFromCli: true
} + 3 ms
cypress: server: util: proxy found proxy environment variables {
npm_config_proxy: '',
npm_config_https_proxy: ''
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: args options {
_: ['/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/'],
sandbox: false,
project: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
cwd: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
invokedFromCli: true,
config: {}
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: args argv options: {
_: ['/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/'],
sandbox: false,
project: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
cwd: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
invokedFromCli: true,
config: {},
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web'
} + 1 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production + 0 ms
cypress: server: cypress starting in mode interactive + 120 ms
cypress: server: cypress running Electron currently + 0 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production + 652 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache +
4 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production /
browsers + 2 s
cypress: server: saved_state making saved state from / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / / Contents / Resources / app / packages / server + 0 ms
cypress: server: saved_state
for project path / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: saved_state state path
for project / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 1 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production /
projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 1 s
cypress: server: saved_state full state path / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: saved_state making new state file around / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support /
Cypress / cy / production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file get values from / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to get lock on / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file gettin lock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / projects / web -
b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 3 ms
cypress: server: file read / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production /
projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file read succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / projects / web -
b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 1 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to unlock / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file unlock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / projects / web -
b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 1 ms
cypress: server: windows creating electron window with options {
backgroundColor: '#dfe2e4',
width: 800,
height: 550,
minWidth: 458,
minHeight: 400,
x: null,
y: null,
type: 'INDEX',
devTools: false,
trackState: {
width: 'appWidth',
height: 'appHeight',
x: 'appX',
y: 'appY',
devTools: 'isAppDevToolsOpen'
onBlur: [Function: onBlur],
onFocus: [Function: onFocus],
onClose: [Function: onClose],
show: true,
frame: true,
transparent: false,
webPreferences: {
preload: '/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/',
partition: null,
webSecurity: false,
nodeIntegration: false,
backgroundThrottling: false,
backgroundColor: '#dfe2e4',
transparent: false
url: 'file:///Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/',
contextMenu: false,
recordFrameRate: null,
onPaint: null,
onCrashed: [Function: onCrashed],
onNewWindow: [Function: onNewWindow]
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: on: menu: clicked, undefined + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: get: options, undefined + 1 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: get: current: user, undefined + 0 ms
cypress: server: file get values from / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / cache + 630 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to get lock on / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / cache + 1 ms
cypress: server: events sending ipc data {
type: 'get:options',
data: {
id: 0.2957735944692319,
data: {
_: [Array],
sandbox: false,
project: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
cwd: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
invokedFromCli: true,
config: {},
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests],
os: 'darwin',
version: '3.8.1'
} + 3 ms
cypress: server: file gettin lock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache + 3 ms
cypress: server: file read / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache +
0 ms
cypress: server: file read succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache + 0 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to unlock / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / cache + 0 ms
cypress: server: file unlock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache + 0 ms
cypress: server: events sending ipc data {
type: 'get:current:user',
data: {
id: 0.600179965653693,
data: {}
} + 3 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: on: focus: tests, undefined + 57 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: on: spec: changed, undefined + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: on: config: changed, undefined + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: on: project: error, undefined + 1 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: on: project: warning, undefined + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: open: project, '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web' + 0 ms
cypress: server: events open: project + 0 ms
cypress: server: browsers getAllBrowsersWith {
nameOrPath: undefined
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: browsers: utils getBrowsers + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: updater: check, undefined + 2 ms
cypress: server: updater checking
for new version of Cypress.current version is 3.8 .1 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher checking one browser chrome + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking up chrome on darwin platform + 1 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for app Contents / MacOS / Google Chrome id + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for bundle id using command: mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier==""' | head - 1 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher checking one browser chrome + 11 ms
cypress: launcher looking up chrome on darwin platform + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for app Contents / MacOS / Google Chrome id + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for bundle id using command: mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier==""' | head - 1 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher checking one browser chrome + 9 ms
cypress: launcher looking up chrome on darwin platform + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for app Contents / MacOS / Google Chrome id + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for bundle id using command: mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier==""' | head - 1 + 0 ms
cypress: network: agent addRequest called {
isHttps: true,
href: ''
} + 0 ms
cypress: network: connect beginning getAddress {
hostname: '',
port: 443
} + 0 ms
cypress: network: connect got addresses {
hostname: '',
port: 443,
addresses: [{
address: '',
family: 4
}, {
address: '',
family: 4
} + 6 ms
cypress: network: agent got family {
family: 4,
href: ''
} + 21 ms
cypress: launcher found at / Applications / Google + 60 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "/Applications/Google" + 1 ms
cypress: launcher setting major version
for {
"name": "chrome",
"family": "chrome",
"displayName": "Chrome",
"version": "79.0.3945.88",
"path": "/Applications/Google Chrome"
} + 10 ms
cypress: launcher browser chrome version 79.0 .3945 .88 major version 79 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher found at / Applications / Google + 3 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "/Applications/Google" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher setting major version
for {
"name": "chrome",
"family": "chrome",
"displayName": "Chrome",
"version": "79.0.3945.88",
"path": "/Applications/Google Chrome"
} + 7 ms
cypress: launcher browser chrome version 79.0 .3945 .88 major version 79 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher found at / Applications / Google + 0 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "/Applications/Google" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher setting major version
for {
"name": "chrome",
"family": "chrome",
"displayName": "Chrome",
"version": "79.0.3945.88",
"path": "/Applications/Google Chrome"
} + 12 ms
cypress: launcher browser chrome version 79.0 .3945 .88 major version 79 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher checking one browser chromium + 1 ms
cypress: launcher looking up chromium on darwin platform + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for app Contents / MacOS / Chromium id org.chromium.Chromium + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for bundle id org.chromium.Chromium using command: mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier=="org.chromium.Chromium"' | head -
1 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher checking one browser chromium + 9 ms
cypress: launcher looking up chromium on darwin platform + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for app Contents / MacOS / Chromium id org.chromium.Chromium + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for bundle id org.chromium.Chromium using command: mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier=="org.chromium.Chromium"' | head -
1 + 0 ms
cypress: launcher found org.chromium.Chromium at + 62 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "Contents/Info.plist" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher could not read Info.plist
for Contents / Info.plist + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for application / Applications / + 0 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "/Applications/" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher could not read Info.plist
for / Applications / / Contents / Info.plist + 1 ms
cypress: launcher could not detect chromium using traditional Mac methods + 0 ms
cypress: launcher trying linux search + 0 ms
cypress: launcher finding version string using command "chromium-browser --version" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher Received error detecting browser binary: "chromium-browser"
with error: spawn chromium - browser ENOENT + 14 ms
cypress: launcher browser chromium not installed + 0 ms
cypress: launcher found org.chromium.Chromium at + 1 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "Contents/Info.plist" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher could not read Info.plist
for Contents / Info.plist + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for application / Applications / + 1 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "/Applications/" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher could not read Info.plist
for / Applications / / Contents / Info.plist + 0 ms
cypress: launcher could not detect chromium using traditional Mac methods + 0 ms
cypress: launcher trying linux search + 0 ms
cypress: launcher finding version string using command "chromium --version" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher Received error detecting browser binary: "chromium"
with error: spawn chromium ENOENT + 20 ms
cypress: launcher browser chromium not installed + 0 ms
cypress: launcher checking one browser canary + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking up canary on darwin platform + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for app Contents / MacOS / Google Chrome Canary id + 0 ms
cypress: launcher looking
for bundle id using command: mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier==""' |
head - 1 + 40 ms
cypress: server: updater latest version of Cypress is: 3.8 .1 + 302 ms
cypress: server: updater new version of Cypress does not exist + 0 ms
cypress: server: events sending ipc data {
type: 'updater:check',
data: {
id: 0.9867493227337045,
data: false
} + 303 ms
cypress: launcher found at / Applications / Google Chrome + 79 ms
cypress: launcher reading property file "/Applications/Google Chrome" + 0 ms
cypress: launcher setting major version
for {
"name": "canary",
"family": "chrome",
"displayName": "Canary",
"version": "81.0.4009.0",
"path": "/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary"
} + 6 ms
cypress: launcher browser canary version 81.0 .4009 .0 major version 81 + 0 ms
cypress: server: browsers: utils found browsers {
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
} + 364 ms
cypress: server: browsers: utils adding Electron browser with version 78.0 .3904 .130 + 1 ms
cypress: server: events setting found 3 browsers on the config + 63 ms
cypress: server: openproject open_project create / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: openproject and options {
onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests],
onSpecChanged: [Function: onSpecChanged],
onSettingsChanged: [Function: onSettingsChanged],
onError: [Function: onError],
onWarning: [Function: onWarning]
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: project Project created / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: openproject opening project / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 1 ms
cypress: server: openproject and options {
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests],
onSpecChanged: [Function: onSpecChanged],
onSettingsChanged: [Function: onSettingsChanged],
onError: [Function: onError],
onWarning: [Function: onWarning],
onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser]
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: project opening project instance / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 17 ms
cypress: server: project project open options {
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests],
onSpecChanged: [Function: onSpecChanged],
onSettingsChanged: [Function: onSettingsChanged],
onError: [Function: onError],
onWarning: [Function: onWarning],
onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser]
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: project project options {
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests],
onSpecChanged: [Function: onSpecChanged],
onSettingsChanged: [Function: onSettingsChanged],
onError: [Function: onError],
onWarning: [Function: onWarning],
onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser],
report: false
} + 1 ms
cypress: server: config setting config object + 0 ms
cypress: server: config config is {
projectId: 'uhu4ud'
} + 1 ms
cypress: server: config merged config with options, got {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
envFile: {},
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: config using CYPRESS_ENV production + 4 ms
cypress: server: config resolved config is {
value: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
from: 'default'
} + 1 ms
cypress: server: validation browsers[{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
}] + 0 ms
cypress: server: config setting support file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / support + 2 ms
cypress: server: config
for project root / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: config set support folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / support + 1 ms
cypress: server: config setting plugins file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins + 0 ms
cypress: server: config
for project root / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: config set pluginsFile to / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins / index.js + 1 ms
cypress: server: config set scaffold paths + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold scaffolded files["cypress/integration/examples/actions.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/aliasing.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/assertions.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/connectors.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/cookies.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/cypress_api.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/files.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/local_storage.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/location.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/misc.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/navigation.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/network_requests.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/querying.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/spies_stubs_clocks.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/traversal.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/utilities.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/viewport.spec.js",
"cypress/integration/examples/waiting.spec.js", "cypress/integration/examples/window.spec.js",
"cypress/fixtures/example.json", "cypress/support/commands.js", "cypress/support/index.js",
"cypress/plugins/index.js"] + 0 ms
cypress: server: config got file tree + 3 ms
cypress: server: project get saved state + 17 ms
cypress: server: saved_state making saved state from / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / / Contents / Resources / app / packages / server + 1 s
cypress: server: saved_state
for project path / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: saved_state state path
for project / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 0 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production /
projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 1 s
cypress: server: saved_state full state path / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 1 s
cypress: server: file get values from / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 464 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to get lock on / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file gettin lock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / projects / web -
b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 2 ms
cypress: server: file read / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production /
projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 20 ms
cypress: server: file read succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / projects / web -
b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 1 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to unlock / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / projects / web - b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: file unlock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / projects / web -
b86ba6be701b62eddebf7f0baf8415dc / state.json + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold determine
if new project by globbing files in {
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration'
} + 25 ms
cypress: server: scaffold found 8 files in folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration + 11 ms
cypress: server: scaffold determine
if we should scaffold: +0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold - empty ? false + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold - different number of files ? true + 1 ms
cypress: server: scaffold - same sizes ? false + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold untouched scaffold false modal closed false + 0 ms
cypress: server: project scaffolding with plugins file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins / index
.js + 37 ms
cypress: server: scaffold plugins folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins + 1 ms
cypress: server: scaffold verify scaffolding in /Users/jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins already exists + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins plugins.init / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins / index.js + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins forking to run / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Caches / Cypress / 3.8 .1 / /
Contents / Resources / app / packages / server / lib / plugins / child / index.js + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child pluginsFile: /Users/jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins / index.js + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child require pluginsFile + 1 ms
cypress: webpack user options: {
webpackOptions: {
resolve: {
extensions: [Array]
module: {
rules: [Array]
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child plugins load file "/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js" + 280 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child passing config {
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
baseUrl: null,
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
blacklistHosts: null,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
env: {},
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
hosts: null,
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
port: null,
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
execTimeout: 60000,
userAgent: null,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
viewportWidth: 1000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
viewportHeight: 660,
responseTimeout: 30000,
video: true,
taskTimeout: 60000,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
watchForFileChanges: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
nodeVersion: 'default',
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child run plugins
function +1 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child register event _get: task: body with id 0 + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child register event _get: task: keys with id 1 + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins: child register event file: preprocessor with id 2 + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins register plugins process event _get: task: body with id 0 + 463 ms
cypress: server: plugins register event '_get:task:body' + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins register plugins process event _get: task: keys with id 1 + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins register event '_get:task:keys' + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins register plugins process event file: preprocessor with id 2 + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins register event 'file:preprocessor' + 0 ms
cypress: server: plugins resolving with new config null + 0 ms
cypress: server: project plugin config yielded: null + 464 ms
cypress: server: config starting config {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
port: null,
hosts: null,
morgan: true,
baseUrl: null,
socketId: null,
userAgent: null,
isTextTerminal: false,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
blacklistHosts: null,
clientRoute: '/__/',
xhrRoute: '/xhrs/',
socketIoRoute: '/',
socketIoCookie: '',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
responseTimeout: 30000,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
execTimeout: 60000,
taskTimeout: 60000,
video: true,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
watchForFileChanges: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
autoOpen: false,
viewportWidth: 1000,
viewportHeight: 660,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
namespace: '__cypress',
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
nodeVersion: 'default',
configFile: 'cypress.json',
javascripts: [],
env: {},
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: {
value: 5,
from: 'default'
fileServerFolder: {
value: '',
from: 'default'
baseUrl: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
fixturesFolder: {
value: 'cypress/fixtures',
from: 'default'
blacklistHosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
chromeWebSecurity: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
modifyObstructiveCode: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
integrationFolder: {
value: 'cypress/integration',
from: 'default'
env: {},
pluginsFile: {
value: 'cypress/plugins',
from: 'default'
hosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
screenshotsFolder: {
value: 'cypress/screenshots',
from: 'default'
numTestsKeptInMemory: {
value: 50,
from: 'default'
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support',
from: 'default'
port: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
projectId: {
value: 'uhu4ud',
from: 'config'
videosFolder: {
value: 'cypress/videos',
from: 'default'
reporter: {
value: 'spec',
from: 'default'
reporterOptions: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
ignoreTestFiles: {
value: '*.hot-update.js',
from: 'default'
testFiles: {
value: '**/*.*',
from: 'default'
defaultCommandTimeout: {
value: 4000,
from: 'default'
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
execTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
userAgent: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
pageLoadTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
viewportWidth: {
value: 1000,
from: 'default'
requestTimeout: {
value: 5000,
from: 'default'
viewportHeight: {
value: 660,
from: 'default'
responseTimeout: {
value: 30000,
from: 'default'
video: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
taskTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
videoCompression: {
value: 32,
from: 'default'
videoUploadOnPasses: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
watchForFileChanges: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
waitForAnimations: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
nodeVersion: {
value: 'default',
from: 'default'
browsers: {
value: [Array],
from: 'default'
parentTestsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress',
parentTestsFolderDisplay: 'web/cypress',
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
integrationExampleName: 'examples',
integrationExamplePath: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/examples',
scaffoldedFiles: [{
name: 'cypress',
children: [Array]
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
state: {},
isNewProject: false
} + 502 ms
cypress: server: config overrides {} + 2 ms
cypress: server: config config diffs null + 1 ms
cypress: server: config merged config object {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
port: null,
hosts: null,
morgan: true,
baseUrl: null,
socketId: null,
userAgent: null,
isTextTerminal: false,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
blacklistHosts: null,
clientRoute: '/__/',
xhrRoute: '/xhrs/',
socketIoRoute: '/',
socketIoCookie: '',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
responseTimeout: 30000,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
execTimeout: 60000,
taskTimeout: 60000,
video: true,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
watchForFileChanges: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
autoOpen: false,
viewportWidth: 1000,
viewportHeight: 660,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
namespace: '__cypress',
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
nodeVersion: 'default',
configFile: 'cypress.json',
javascripts: [],
env: {},
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: {
value: 5,
from: 'default'
fileServerFolder: {
value: '',
from: 'default'
baseUrl: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
fixturesFolder: {
value: 'cypress/fixtures',
from: 'default'
blacklistHosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
chromeWebSecurity: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
modifyObstructiveCode: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
integrationFolder: {
value: 'cypress/integration',
from: 'default'
env: {},
pluginsFile: {
value: 'cypress/plugins',
from: 'default'
hosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
screenshotsFolder: {
value: 'cypress/screenshots',
from: 'default'
numTestsKeptInMemory: {
value: 50,
from: 'default'
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support',
from: 'default'
port: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
projectId: {
value: 'uhu4ud',
from: 'config'
videosFolder: {
value: 'cypress/videos',
from: 'default'
reporter: {
value: 'spec',
from: 'default'
reporterOptions: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
ignoreTestFiles: {
value: '*.hot-update.js',
from: 'default'
testFiles: {
value: '**/*.*',
from: 'default'
defaultCommandTimeout: {
value: 4000,
from: 'default'
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
execTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
userAgent: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
pageLoadTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
viewportWidth: {
value: 1000,
from: 'default'
requestTimeout: {
value: 5000,
from: 'default'
viewportHeight: {
value: 660,
from: 'default'
responseTimeout: {
value: 30000,
from: 'default'
video: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
taskTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
videoCompression: {
value: 32,
from: 'default'
videoUploadOnPasses: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
watchForFileChanges: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
waitForAnimations: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
nodeVersion: {
value: 'default',
from: 'default'
browsers: {
value: [Array],
from: 'default'
parentTestsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress',
parentTestsFolderDisplay: 'web/cypress',
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
integrationExampleName: 'examples',
integrationExamplePath: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/examples',
scaffoldedFiles: [{
name: 'cypress',
children: [Array]
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
state: {},
isNewProject: false
} + 1 ms
cypress: server: config merged plugins config {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
port: null,
hosts: null,
morgan: true,
baseUrl: null,
socketId: null,
userAgent: null,
isTextTerminal: false,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
blacklistHosts: null,
clientRoute: '/__/',
xhrRoute: '/xhrs/',
socketIoRoute: '/',
socketIoCookie: '',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
responseTimeout: 30000,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
execTimeout: 60000,
taskTimeout: 60000,
video: true,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
watchForFileChanges: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
autoOpen: false,
viewportWidth: 1000,
viewportHeight: 660,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
namespace: '__cypress',
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
nodeVersion: 'default',
configFile: 'cypress.json',
javascripts: [],
env: {},
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: {
value: 5,
from: 'default'
fileServerFolder: {
value: '',
from: 'default'
baseUrl: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
fixturesFolder: {
value: 'cypress/fixtures',
from: 'default'
blacklistHosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
chromeWebSecurity: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
modifyObstructiveCode: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
integrationFolder: {
value: 'cypress/integration',
from: 'default'
env: {},
pluginsFile: {
value: 'cypress/plugins',
from: 'default'
hosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
screenshotsFolder: {
value: 'cypress/screenshots',
from: 'default'
numTestsKeptInMemory: {
value: 50,
from: 'default'
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support',
from: 'default'
port: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
projectId: {
value: 'uhu4ud',
from: 'config'
videosFolder: {
value: 'cypress/videos',
from: 'default'
reporter: {
value: 'spec',
from: 'default'
reporterOptions: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
ignoreTestFiles: {
value: '*.hot-update.js',
from: 'default'
testFiles: {
value: '**/*.*',
from: 'default'
defaultCommandTimeout: {
value: 4000,
from: 'default'
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
execTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
userAgent: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
pageLoadTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
viewportWidth: {
value: 1000,
from: 'default'
requestTimeout: {
value: 5000,
from: 'default'
viewportHeight: {
value: 660,
from: 'default'
responseTimeout: {
value: 30000,
from: 'default'
video: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
taskTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
videoCompression: {
value: 32,
from: 'default'
videoUploadOnPasses: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
watchForFileChanges: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
waitForAnimations: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
nodeVersion: {
value: 'default',
from: 'default'
browsers: {
value: [Array],
from: 'default'
parentTestsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress',
parentTestsFolderDisplay: 'web/cypress',
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
integrationExampleName: 'examples',
integrationExamplePath: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/examples',
scaffoldedFiles: [{
name: 'cypress',
children: [Array]
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
state: {},
isNewProject: false
} + 1 ms
cypress: server: project updated config: {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
port: null,
hosts: null,
morgan: true,
baseUrl: null,
socketId: null,
userAgent: null,
isTextTerminal: false,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
blacklistHosts: null,
clientRoute: '/__/',
xhrRoute: '/xhrs/',
socketIoRoute: '/',
socketIoCookie: '',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
responseTimeout: 30000,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
execTimeout: 60000,
taskTimeout: 60000,
video: true,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
watchForFileChanges: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
autoOpen: false,
viewportWidth: 1000,
viewportHeight: 660,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
namespace: '__cypress',
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
nodeVersion: 'default',
configFile: 'cypress.json',
javascripts: [],
env: {},
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: {
value: 5,
from: 'default'
fileServerFolder: {
value: '',
from: 'default'
baseUrl: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
fixturesFolder: {
value: 'cypress/fixtures',
from: 'default'
blacklistHosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
chromeWebSecurity: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
modifyObstructiveCode: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
integrationFolder: {
value: 'cypress/integration',
from: 'default'
env: {},
pluginsFile: {
value: 'cypress/plugins',
from: 'default'
hosts: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
screenshotsFolder: {
value: 'cypress/screenshots',
from: 'default'
numTestsKeptInMemory: {
value: 50,
from: 'default'
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support',
from: 'default'
port: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
projectId: {
value: 'uhu4ud',
from: 'config'
videosFolder: {
value: 'cypress/videos',
from: 'default'
reporter: {
value: 'spec',
from: 'default'
reporterOptions: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
ignoreTestFiles: {
value: '*.hot-update.js',
from: 'default'
testFiles: {
value: '**/*.*',
from: 'default'
defaultCommandTimeout: {
value: 4000,
from: 'default'
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
execTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
userAgent: {
value: null,
from: 'default'
pageLoadTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
viewportWidth: {
value: 1000,
from: 'default'
requestTimeout: {
value: 5000,
from: 'default'
viewportHeight: {
value: 660,
from: 'default'
responseTimeout: {
value: 30000,
from: 'default'
video: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
taskTimeout: {
value: 60000,
from: 'default'
videoCompression: {
value: 32,
from: 'default'
videoUploadOnPasses: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
watchForFileChanges: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
waitForAnimations: {
value: true,
from: 'default'
nodeVersion: {
value: 'default',
from: 'default'
browsers: {
value: [Array],
from: 'default'
parentTestsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress',
parentTestsFolderDisplay: 'web/cypress',
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
integrationExampleName: 'examples',
integrationExamplePath: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/examples',
scaffoldedFiles: [{
name: 'cypress',
children: [Array]
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
state: {},
isNewProject: false
} + 7 ms
cypress: server: server server open + 0 ms
cypress: server: server Server listening on {
address: '',
family: 'IPv4',
port: 53867
} + 44 ms
cypress: server: appdata path: /Users/jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / proxy +
553 ms
cypress: https - proxy Created SNI HTTPS Proxy Server {
port: 53869
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: server Setting remoteAuth undefined + 48 ms
cypress: server: server Setting remoteOrigin http: //localhost:53867 +0ms
cypress: server: server Setting remoteStrategy file + 0 ms
cypress: server: server Setting remoteHostAndPort null + 1 ms
cypress: server: server Setting remoteDocDomain localhost + 0 ms
cypress: server: server Setting remoteFileServer http: //localhost:53868 +0ms
cypress: server: server Getting remote state: {
auth: undefined,
props: null,
origin: 'http://localhost:53867',
strategy: 'file',
visiting: undefined,
domainName: 'localhost',
fileServer: 'http://localhost:53868'
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: project project config: {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [{
name: 'chrome',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Chrome',
version: '79.0.3945.88',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
majorVersion: 79
}, {
name: 'canary',
family: 'chrome',
displayName: 'Canary',
version: '81.0.4009.0',
path: '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary',
majorVersion: 81
}, {
name: 'electron',
family: 'electron',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '78.0.3904.130',
path: '',
majorVersion: 78,
info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.'
port: 53867,
hosts: null,
morgan: true,
baseUrl: null,
socketId: null,
userAgent: null,
isTextTerminal: false,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
blacklistHosts: null,
clientRoute: '/__/',
xhrRoute: '/xhrs/',
socketIoRoute: '/',
socketIoCookie: '',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
responseTimeout: 30000,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
execTimeout: 60000,
taskTimeout: 60000,
video: true,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
watchForFileChanges: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
autoOpen: false,
viewportWidth: 1000,
viewportHeight: 660,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
namespace: '__cypress',
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
nodeVersion: 'default',
configFile: 'cypress.json',
javascripts: [],
env: {},
cypressEnv: 'production',
parentTestsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress',
parentTestsFolderDisplay: 'web/cypress',
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
integrationExampleName: 'examples',
integrationExamplePath: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/examples',
scaffoldedFiles: [{
name: 'cypress',
children: [Array]
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
state: {},
isNewProject: false,
proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:53867',
browserUrl: 'http://localhost:53867/__/',
reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:53867/__cypress/reporter',
xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/'
} + 94 ms
cypress: server: project watch settings files + 1 ms
cypress: server: project scaffolding project / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 4 ms
cypress: server: scaffold support folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / support, support file / Users /
jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / support / index.js + 570 ms
cypress: server: scaffold verify scaffolding in /Users/jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / support + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold integration folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold verify scaffolding in /Users/jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold fixture folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / fixtures + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold verify scaffolding in /Users/jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / fixtures + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / support already exists + 2 ms
cypress: server: scaffold folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration already exists + 0 ms
cypress: server: scaffold folder / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / fixtures already exists + 0 ms
cypress: server: project attempt watch plugins file: /Users/jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / plugins / index.js +
2 ms
cypress: server: project plugins file found ? true + 1 ms
cypress: server: project watch plugins file + 0 ms
cypress: server: events sending ipc data {
type: 'open:project',
data: {
id: 0.8368570877432064,
data: {
projectId: 'uhu4ud',
projectRoot: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
projectName: 'web',
report: false,
browsers: [Array],
port: 53867,
hosts: null,
morgan: true,
baseUrl: null,
socketId: null,
userAgent: null,
isTextTerminal: false,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
blacklistHosts: null,
clientRoute: '/__/',
xhrRoute: '/xhrs/',
socketIoRoute: '/',
socketIoCookie: '',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
ignoreTestFiles: '*.hot-update.js',
testFiles: '**/*.*',
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
requestTimeout: 5000,
responseTimeout: 30000,
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
execTimeout: 60000,
taskTimeout: 60000,
video: true,
videoCompression: 32,
videoUploadOnPasses: true,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
chromeWebSecurity: true,
waitForAnimations: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 50,
watchForFileChanges: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
autoOpen: false,
viewportWidth: 1000,
viewportHeight: 660,
fileServerFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web',
videosFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/videos',
supportFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js',
fixturesFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures',
integrationFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/screenshots',
namespace: '__cypress',
pluginsFile: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/plugins/index.js',
nodeVersion: 'default',
configFile: 'cypress.json',
javascripts: [],
env: {},
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: [Object],
parentTestsFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress',
parentTestsFolderDisplay: 'web/cypress',
supportFolder: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support',
integrationExampleName: 'examples',
integrationExamplePath: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/examples',
scaffoldedFiles: [Array],
resolvedNodeVersion: '12.8.1',
state: {},
isNewProject: false,
proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:53867',
browserUrl: 'http://localhost:53867/__/',
reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:53867/__cypress/reporter',
xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/'
} + 679 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: get: specs, undefined + 12 ms
cypress: server: openproject check
for spec updates + 690 ms
cypress: server: openproject watch test files: **
/*.* in /Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration +0ms
cypress:server:specs looking for test specs in the folder: /Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration +0ms
cypress:server:specs there is no spec pattern +0ms
cypress:server:specs globbing test files "**/
* .*" +0ms
cypress: server: specs glob options {
sort: true,
absolute: true,
nodir: true,
cwd: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration',
ignore: ['/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/support/index.js', '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/fixtures/**/*']
} + 0 ms
cypress: server: events got request
for event: get: project: status, {
id: 'uhu4ud',
path: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web'
} + 6 ms
cypress: server: project get project status
for client id uhu4ud at path / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web + 51 ms
cypress: server: file get values from / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / cache + 637 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to get lock on / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / cache + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs[
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/approve-listing.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/create-listing.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/edit-listing.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/login-magic-link.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/login.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/messaging.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/signup-magic-link.test.ts',
cypress: server: specs '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/signup.test.ts'
cypress: server: specs] + 12 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / approve - listing
.test.ts + 1 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / create - listing.test
.ts + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / edit - listing.test
.ts + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / login - magic - link
.test.ts + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / login.test.ts + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / messaging.test.ts +
0 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / signup - magic - link
.test.ts + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs found spec file / Users / jarretmoses / Dev / web / cypress / integration / signup.test.ts + 0 ms
cypress: server: specs found 8 spec files: [{
name: 'approve-listing.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/approve-listing.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/approve-listing.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'create-listing.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/create-listing.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/create-listing.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'edit-listing.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/edit-listing.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/edit-listing.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'login-magic-link.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/login-magic-link.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/login-magic-link.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'login.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/login.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/login.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'messaging.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/messaging.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/messaging.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'signup-magic-link.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/signup-magic-link.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/signup-magic-link.test.ts'
}, {
name: 'signup.test.ts',
relative: 'cypress/integration/signup.test.ts',
absolute: '/Users/jarretmoses/Dev/web/cypress/integration/signup.test.ts'
}] + 0 ms
cypress: server: events sending ipc data {
type: 'get:specs',
data: {
id: 0.11019649662578668,
data: {
integration: [Array]
} + 12 ms
cypress: server: file gettin lock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache + 15 ms
cypress: server: file read / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache +
0 ms
cypress: server: file read succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache + 0 ms
cypress: server: file attempt to unlock / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy /
production / cache + 0 ms
cypress: server: file unlock succeeded or failed
for / Users / jarretmoses / Library / Application Support / Cypress / cy / production / cache + 1 ms
cypress: server: events send error: Error:
You 're not logged in. Run `cypress open` to open the Desktop App and log in. at Object.get (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at /Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at tryCatcher (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at Promise._settlePromise (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at Promise._settlePromise0 (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at Promise._settlePromises (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at _drainQueueStep (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at _drainQueue (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at Async._drainQueues (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at Immediate.Async.drainQueues [as _onImmediate] (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/ at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21) { isCypressErr: true, type: '
NOT_LOGGED_IN ', details: undefined, isApiError: true } +5ms
cypress: server: events sending ipc data {
type: 'get:project:status',
data: {
id: 0.22404597418277938,
__error: {
type: 'NOT_LOGGED_IN',
name: 'Error',
stack: "Error: You're not logged in.\n" + '\n' + 'Run `cypress open` to open the Desktop App and log in.\n' +
' at Object.get (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at /Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at tryCatcher (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at Promise._settlePromise (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at Promise._settlePromise0 (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at Promise._settlePromises (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at _drainQueueStep (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at _drainQueue (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at Async._drainQueues (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at Immediate.Async.drainQueues [as _onImmediate] (/Users/jarretmoses/Library/Caches/Cypress/3.8.1/\n' +
' at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)\n',
message: "You're not logged in.\n" + '\n' + 'Run `cypress open` to open the Desktop App and log in.',
isCypressErr: true,
details: undefined,
isApiError: true
} + 2 ms
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