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Created August 24, 2012 20:12
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Lorem Gotham w/ Rhyming
Gothic Poetry Generator
import marshal
db = marshal.load(open('/home/jart/code/poem/db.marshal'))
import re
import sys
import random
import itertools
them = ['angels', 'mourners', 'shadows', 'storm clouds', 'memories',
'condemned', 'hand of Heaven', 'stroke of death', 'damned',
'witches', 'corpses', 'vermin', 'vampires', 'drunkards', 'convicts',
'holy men', 'lord', 'unworthy']
them_verb = ['follow', 'hover', 'approach', 'loom', 'taunt', 'hear',
'laugh', 'surround', 'compel', 'scour', 'deliver', 'worship',
adj = ['cold', 'dead', 'dark', 'frozen', 'angry', 'ghastly', 'unholy',
'cunning', 'deep', 'morose', 'maligned', 'rotting', 'sickly', 'petty',
'sharper', 'craven', 'bound', 'plaintive', 'mournful', 'rabid',
'quivering', 'enchanted', 'tremulous', 'stubborn', 'swift', 'cursed',
'haunted', 'wretched', 'bitter', 'rustling', 'tender',
'forlorn', 'monstrous', 'honorable', 'trustworthy'] # perfidious
part = ['neck', 'heart', 'head', 'eyes', 'soul', 'blood', 'essence',
'wisdom', 'sword', 'bosom', 'hands', 'cup']
feeling = ['pain', 'horror', 'frenzy', 'agony', 'numbness', 'fear', 'love',
'terror', 'madness', 'torment', 'bitterness', 'misery',
'melancholy', 'plight', 'lust', 'humanity', 'dreary',
'tenderness', 'joyous', 'grateful', 'treachery', 'convinced',
'heresy', 'consent']
angst = ['care', 'understand', 'question', 'consider', 'forget']
me_verb = ['flee', 'dance', 'flail madly', 'hang my head',
'try to run', 'cry out', 'call thy name', 'beg forgiveness',
'bleed', 'tremble', 'hear', 'give', 'offer'] # 'fall limply'
thing = ['kisses', 'poison', 'tokens', 'servitude', 'incense', 'ring',
action = ['sever', 'crush', 'mutilate', 'slay', 'wound', 'drip',
'melt', 'cast', 'mourn', 'avenge', 'posses', 'thrust', 'make',
'free', 'absolve', 'forsake', 'touch', 'kiss', 'caress', 'embrace',
'endeavor', 'depose', 'investigate', 'excommunicate', 'curse',
'expel', 'spare'] # smite
place = ['witching hour', 'gates of hell', 'door', 'path', 'death',
'doom', 'oblivion', 'life ending', 'Hell', 'nothingness',
'purgatory', 'void', 'earth', 'tomb', 'broken ground',
'barren land', 'swirling dust', 'night', 'time ending',
'domain', 'bed', 'demise'] # sepulcher
def fix(s):
l = s.split()
for n in range(len(l)):
if l[n] == 'a':
if l[n + 1][0] in ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'):
l[n] = 'an'
for n in range(len(l)):
if l[n] == 'a':
if l[n + 1].endswith('s'):
l[n] = 'the'
res = " ".join(l)
res = res.replace('a lord', 'the lord')
return res
def lorem_gotham():
"""Gothic Poetry Generator
Uses Python generators to yield eternal angst.
When you need to generate random verbiage to test your code or
typographic design, let's face it... Lorem Ipsum and "the quick
brown fox" are old and boring!
What you need is something with *flavor*, the kind of thing a
depressed teenager with a lot of black makeup would write.
w = lambda l: l[random.randrange(len(l))]
er = lambda w: w[:-1]+'ier' if w.endswith('y') else (w+'r' if w.endswith('e') else w+'er')
s = lambda w: w+'s'
ing = lambda w: w+'ing'
cap = lambda w: w.capitalize()
punc = lambda c, *l: " ".join(l)+c
apos = lambda w: w if w.endswith('s') else w + "'s"
sentence = lambda *l: lambda: fix(" ".join(l))
isare = lambda w: w + ' are' if w.endswith('s') else w + ' is'
pick = lambda *l: (l[random.randrange(len(l))])()
while True:
yield pick(
sentence('The',w(adj),w(them),'and the',w(them),w(them_verb)),
sentence(cap(ing(w(them_verb))),'me to',w(place)),
sentence('They',w(action),'my',w(part),'and',w(me_verb),'with all my',w(feeling)),
sentence(cap(w(action)),'my',w(adj),w(part),'to this',w(place)),
sentence('In a',w(place),'my',w(feeling),'shall',w(me_verb)),
sentence(cap(w(me_verb)),'upon a',apos(w(them)),w(part)),
sentence('To',w(them),'whose',w(thing),'be thy',w(feeling)),
sentence('For',w(feeling),'of thee, my',isare(w(part)),w(adj)),
sentence(cap(er(w(adj))),'than',w(them),'in a',w(place)),
sentence('I',w(action),w(adj),w(thing),'to thee'),
sentence('By decree of the',w(them),'we',w(action)),
sentence(cap(w(feeling)),'by day and',w(feeling),'by night'),
sentence(cap(w(feeling)),'when lying down and',w(feeling),'when rising up'),
sentence('O this',w(adj),w(adj),w(place)),
sentence('The',w(them),'will not',w(action),pick(lambda:'me',lambda:'anyone')),
sentence('Blessed be',pick(lambda:'he',lambda:'she'),'who',s(w(action)),'with a',w(place)),
sentence('Not even a',w(them),'can',w(them_verb),'me'),
sentence('No one',s(w(angst)),'why the',w(them),w(them_verb + me_verb)),
def lorem_gotham_title():
"""Names your poem
w = lambda l: l[random.randrange(len(l))]
sentence = lambda *l: lambda: " ".join(l)
pick = lambda *l: (l[random.randrange(len(l))])()
return pick(
sentence('why i',w(me_verb)),
def verse(poem, lines=4):
vowels = set('AA AE AH AO AW AY EH ER EY IH IY OW OY UH UW'.split())
consonants = set('B CH D DH F G HH JH K L M N NG P R S SH T TH V W '
'Y Z ZH'.split())
def syllables(sounds):
"""Return starting consonant and the syllables following it
When rhyming, we need a syllable sound which consists of a vowel and its
following consonants. The bare consonant at the beginning of a word
doesn't matter when rhyming and is only useful for alliteration.
For example:
>>> rhymeparts('P AE SH AH N')
('P', ['AE SH', 'AH N'])
>>> rhymeparts('DH IY')
('DH', ['IY'])
>>> rhymeparts('AE D AH P OW S')
('', ['AE D', 'AH P', 'OW S'])
res = []
part = []
for snd in sounds.split():
if snd in vowels:
res.append(' '.join(part))
part = []
if part:
res.append(' '.join(part))
return res[0], res[1:]
sounds = lambda word: db['sounds'][word.lower()]
rhymeback = lambda sybls: db['rhymeback'][sybls[1][-1]]
def is_rhyme(word1, word2):
return word2 in rhymeback(syllables(sounds(word1)))
def main(args):
"""I provide a command-line interface for this module
print "-~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~-"
print lorem_gotham_title().center(50)
print "-~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~--~*~-"
poem = lorem_gotham()
avoid = []
for n in range(8):
if n in (2, 4, 6):
for o in range(1000):
first =
firstlast = re.sub(r'\W', '', first.split()[-1])
second =
secondlast = re.sub(r'\W', '', second.split()[-1])
if (firstlast != secondlast and
firstlast not in avoid[-4:] and
secondlast not in avoid[-4:] and
is_rhyme(firstlast, secondlast)):
print first
print second
if __name__ == '__main__':
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