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简单的使用 PDO 操作 MySQL 数据库类
* 简单的使用 PDO 操作 MySQL 数据库类
* 类为静态类,全部静态调用
class Mysql
private static $conn;
public static function getInstance () {
if (!self::$conn) {
$mysql = Conf::getMysql();
$_host = $mysql['host'];
$_port = $mysql['port'];
$_user = $mysql['user'];
$_pass = $mysql['pass'];
$_char = $mysql['char'];
$_db = $mysql['db'];
$dsn = "mysql:host=$_host;dbname=$_db;charset=$_char";
try {
self::$conn = new PDO($dsn, $_user, $_pass);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new Exception(Constants::E_CONNECT_TO_DB . ': '. $e->getMessage());
return self::$conn;
* 插入数据到数据库
* @param string $tableName 数据库名
* @param array $data 要插入的数据
public static function insert ($tableName, $data) {
if (gettype($tableName) !== 'string' || gettype($data) !== 'array') {
throw new Exception(Constants::E_CALL_FUNCTION_PARAM);
$prepareData = self::prepare($data);
$prepareFieldsStr = implode(', ', array_keys($prepareData));
$fieldsStr = implode(', ', array_keys($data));
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$tableName` ($fieldsStr) VALUES ($prepareFieldsStr)";
// 执行 SQL 语句
$query = self::raw($sql, $prepareData);
return $query->rowCount();
* 查询多行数据
* @param string $tableName 数据库名
* @param array $columns 查询的列名数组
* @param array|string $condition 查询条件,若为字符串则会被直接拼接进 SQL 语句中,支持键值数组
* @param string $operator condition 连接的操作符:and|or
* @param string $suffix SQL 查询后缀,例如 order, limit 等其他操作
* @return array
public static function select ($tableName, $columns = ['*'], $conditions = '', $operator = 'and', $suffix = '') {
if ( gettype($tableName) !== 'string'
|| (gettype($conditions)!== 'array' && gettype($conditions) !== 'string')
|| gettype($columns) !== 'array'
|| gettype($operator) !== 'string'
|| gettype($suffix) !== 'string') {
throw new Exception(Constants::E_CALL_FUNCTION_PARAM);
list($condition, $execValues) = array_values(self::conditionProcess($conditions, $operator));
$column = implode(', ', $columns);
// 拼接 SQL 语句
$sql = "SELECT $column FROM `$tableName`";
// 如果有条件则拼接 WHERE 关键则
if ($condition) {
$sql .= " WHERE $condition";
// 拼接后缀
$sql .= " $suffix";
// 执行 SQL 语句
$query = self::raw($sql, $execValues);
$allResult = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
return $allResult === NULL ? [] : $allResult;
* 查询单行数据
* @param string $tableName 数据库名
* @param array $columns 查询的列名数组
* @param array|string $condition 查询条件,若为字符串则会被直接拼接进 SQL 语句中,支持键值数组
* @param string $operator condition 连接的操作符:and|or
* @param string $suffix SQL 查询后缀,例如 order, limit 等其他操作
* @return object
public static function row ($tableName, $columns = ['*'], $conditions = '', $operator = 'and', $suffix = '') {
$rows = self::select($tableName, $columns, $conditions, $operator, $suffix);
return count($rows) === 0 ? NULL : $rows[0];
* 更新数据库
* @param string $tableName 数据库名
* @param array $updates 更新的数据对象
* @param array|string $condition 查询条件,若为字符串则会被直接拼接进 SQL 语句中,支持键值数组
* @param string $operator condition 连接的操作符:and|or
* @param string $suffix SQL 查询后缀,例如 order, limit 等其他操作
* @return number 受影响的行数
public static function update ($tableName, $updates, $conditions = '', $operator = 'and', $suffix = '') {
if ( gettype($tableName) !== 'string'
|| gettype($updates) !== 'array'
|| (gettype($conditions)!== 'array' && gettype($conditions) !== 'string')
|| gettype($operator) !== 'string'
|| gettype($suffix) !== 'string') {
throw new Exception(Constants::E_CALL_FUNCTION_PARAM);
// 处理要更新的数据
list($processedUpdates, $execUpdateValues) = array_values(self::conditionProcess($updates, ','));
// 处理条件
list($condition, $execValues) = array_values(self::conditionProcess($conditions, $operator));
// 拼接 SQL 语句
$sql = "UPDATE `$tableName` SET $processedUpdates";
// 如果有条件则拼接 WHERE 关键则
if ($condition) {
$sql .= " WHERE $condition";
// 拼接后缀
$sql .= " $suffix";
// 执行 SQL 语句
$query = self::raw($sql, array_merge($execUpdateValues, $execValues));
return $query->rowCount();
* 删除数据
* @param string $tableName 数据库名
* @param array|string $condition 查询条件,若为字符串则会被直接拼接进 SQL 语句中,支持键值数组
* @param string $operator condition 连接的操作符:and|or
* @param string $suffix SQL 查询后缀,例如 order, limit 等其他操作
* @return number 受影响的行数
public static function delete ($tableName, $conditions, $operator = 'and', $suffix = '') {
if ( gettype($tableName) !== 'string'
|| ($conditions && gettype($conditions)!== 'array' && gettype($conditions) !== 'string')
|| gettype($operator) !== 'string'
|| gettype($suffix) !== 'string') {
throw new Exception(Constants::E_CALL_FUNCTION_PARAM);
// 处理条件
list($condition, $execValues) = array_values(self::conditionProcess($conditions, $operator));
// 拼接 SQL 语句
$sql = "DELETE FROM `$tableName` WHERE $condition $suffix";
// 执行 SQL 语句
$query = self::raw($sql, $execValues);
return $query->rowCount();
* 执行原生 SQL 语句
* @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句
* @param array $data SQL 语句的参数值
public static function raw ($sql, $execValues = []) {
$query = self::getInstance()->prepare($sql);
$result = $query->execute($execValues);
if ($result) {
return $query;
} else {
$error = $query->errorInfo();
throw new Exception(Constants::E_EXEC_SQL_QUERY . ': ' . $error[2]);
* 按照指定的规则处理条件数组
* @example ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2] 会被转换为 ['a = :a and b = :b', [':a' => 1, ':b' => 2]]
* @param array|string $conditions 条件数组或字符串
* @param string $operator condition 连接的操作符:and|or
private static function conditionProcess ($conditions, $operator = 'and') {
$condition = '';
$execValues = [];
if (gettype($conditions) === 'array') {
$cdt = [];
foreach ($conditions as $key => $value) {
if (gettype($value) === 'number') {
array_push($cdt, $value);
} else {
array_push($cdt, $key . ' = :' . $key);
$execValues[$key] = $value;
$condition = implode(' ' . $operator . ' ', $cdt);
} else {
$condition = $conditions;
return [
* 转换数据为 PDO 支持的 prepare 过的数据
* @example ['a' => 1] 会被转换为 [':a' => 1]
* @param array $dataArray 要转换的数据
private static function prepare ($dataArray) {
$prepareData = [];
foreach ($dataArray as $field => $value) {
$prepareData[':' . $field] = $value;
return $prepareData;
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