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Last active July 4, 2024 12:01
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# Modified from :
feedrate= 85 # Carriage Speed | Increment by +- 5
z_offset = 0
material_mult = 0.01 # Extrusion Speed: A-Axis | Increments of +- 0.001
extruder_axis = 0 # Rotation A-Axis
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math
pt_prev = [0,0,0]
path = rs.GetObjects("Select Curves/polylines/arcs/circles", rs.filter.curve, True, True)
filename = rs.SaveFileName ("Save", "Toolpath Files (*.nc)|*.nc||", "/users/timcastelijn/documents")
file = open(filename, 'w')
# write header
file.write("G21\n") # Measurement units to mm
file.write("G90\n") # absolute positioning
for curve in path:
# fast move to path start
pt = rs.CurveStartPoint(curve)
file.write("G00 X%0.4f"%pt.X+" Y%0.4f"%pt.Y+" F%0.4f"%feedrate+"\n")
# detect type of curve for different G-codes
if (rs.IsPolyline(curve)) or rs.IsLine(curve):
points = rs.CurvePoints(curve)
for pt in points:
dist = rs.Distance(pt_prev,pt)
# file.write("dist%0.4f "%dist+"\n")
pt_prev[0] = pt.X
pt_prev[1] = pt.Y
pt_prev[2] = pt.Z
extruder_axis += dist*material_mult
file.write("G1 X%0.4f"%pt.X+" Y%0.4f"%pt.Y+" Z%0.4f"%(pt.Z+z_offset)+" A%0.4f"%(extruder_axis)+"\n")
elif rs.IsArc(curve):
normal = rs.CurveTangent(curve, 0)
# get curvepoints
startpt = rs.CurveStartPoint(curve)
endpt = rs.CurveEndPoint(curve)
midpt = rs.ArcCenterPoint(curve)
# calc G2/G3 parameters
x = endpt.X
y = endpt.Y
i = -startpt.X + midpt.X
j = -startpt.Y + midpt.Y
# make a distinction between positive and negative direction
if ((normal[1] > 0) and (startpt.X > midpt.X)) or ((normal[1] < 0) and (startpt.X < midpt.X) or (normal[1]==0 and (normal[0]==1 or normal[0] ==-1) and startpt.X == midpt.X)):
# file.write(";positive ARC ccw \n")
file.write("G3 X%0.4f"%x+" Y%0.4f"%y+" I%0.4f"%i+" J%0.4f"%j +"\n")
# file.write(";negative ARC cw \n")
file.write("G2 X%0.4f"%x+" Y%0.4f"%y+" I%0.4f"%i+" J%0.4f"%j +"\n")
print "curve detected, subdiv needed"
polyLine = rs.ConvertCurveToPolyline(curve, curve_angle_tolerance, curve_tolerance)
points = rs.CurvePoints(polyLine)
# insert division points as line
for pt in points:
file.write("G01 X%0.4f"%pt.X+" Y%0.4f"%pt.Y+" Z%0.4f"%(pt.Z+z_offset)+"\n")
pt_prev[0] = pt.X
pt_prev[1] = pt.Y
pt_prev[2] = pt.Z
dist = rs.Distance(pt_prev,pt)
file.write("dist "%dist+"\n")
# remove objects after use
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