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Last active October 2, 2024 11:46
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Typst VSCode quickstart
#set page(width: 20cm, height:auto)
#set heading(numbering: "1.")
= Fun with typst
The typst program is pretty neat!
- Extremely fast incremental recompile
- Easier syntax
- Markup includes a well-designed scripting language
(vs. LaTeX's macro system; akin to the difference between
using macros in the C preprocessor vs. functions)
Circles #box[#circle(radius: 4pt)] are easy to embed,
along with equations like $E = m c^2$ and $a^2+b^2=c^2$
and $sum_(k=0)^infinity 1/(k^2)=pi^2 / 6$. Or on its own line:
#let bf(x) = $upright(bold(#x))$
#set math.mat(delim: "[")
$ bf(T)(theta) = mat(cos theta, -sin theta; sin theta, cos theta) $
- `typst` program:
- vscode language files for syntax highlighting at
- Download the vscode support files
mkdir typst-vscode
cd typst-vscode
git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse .
git sparse-checkout add tools/support
- In VSCode:
- Shift-Ctrl-P
- select "Developer: Install Extension from Location"
- select the tools/support directory you got from git
- Run `typst --watch MYFILE.typ` in a terminal in VS Code
- Install #link("")[vscode-pdf extension]
for viewing pdf
* Here is a sample comment
* typst theses:
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