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Created February 18, 2013 17:00
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Save jasonbaldridge/4978840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Spell correction code for part of of spelling correction exercise for Applied NLP course:
package appliednlp.spell
* Note: This is exercise code meant to align with the steps of the exercises
* on spelling correction for the Applied NLP class. The design would of course
* be very different for an actualy spelling corrector.
* Part 1:
* Part 2:
* @author jasonbaldridge
object SpellingCorrector {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// The input sentence
val input = args(0)
// Get the vocabulary from one or both input files (when available)
val firstVocab = getVocab(args(1))
val secondVocab = if (args.length>2) getVocab(args(2)) else Set[String]()
val vocab = firstVocab ++ secondVocab
// Set up the vs candidate generator
val vsCandGen = VectorSpaceCandidateGenerator(vocab)
val editCandGen1 = EditDistanceCandidateGenerator(vocab)
val editCandGen2 = EditDistanceCandidateGenerator(vocab,TwoEdits)
// Get the language model
val unigramProb =
val bigramProb: Map[String,Map[String,Double]] =
// Process the input sentence.
println("Detecting spelling errors in: " + input)
input.split(" ").foreach { token => {
if (!vocab(token)) {
println("ERROR: " + token)
val vsCandidates = vsCandGen(token)
println(" VS: " + vsCandidates.toSeq.sorted.mkString(" "))
val ed1Candidates = editCandGen1(token)
println(" ED1: " + ed1Candidates.toSeq.sorted.mkString(" "))
val ed2Candidates = editCandGen2(token)
println(" ED2: " + ed2Candidates.toSeq.sorted.mkString(" "))
val allCandidates = vsCandidates ++ ed1Candidates
val best = => (c, unigramProb(c))).sortBy(_._2).last._1
println(" Best based on unigram LM: " + best)
// Pad the front with a boundary symbol, then drop the end boundary.
val tokens = LanguageModel.pad(input.split(" ")).dropRight(1)
tokens.sliding(2).foreach { case Array(prev,token) => {
if (!vocab(token)) {
println("ERROR: " + token)
val vsCandidates = vsCandGen(token)
println(" VS: " + vsCandidates.toSeq.sorted.mkString(" "))
val ed1Candidates = editCandGen1(token)
println(" ED1: " + ed1Candidates.toSeq.sorted.mkString(" "))
val ed2Candidates = editCandGen2(token)
println(" ED2: " + ed2Candidates.toSeq.sorted.mkString(" "))
val allCandidates = vsCandidates ++ ed1Candidates
val best = allCandidates
.map(c => (c, bigramProb(prev.toLowerCase)(c)))
println(" Best based on bigram LM: " + best)
// Get a word list from a file with one word per line
def getVocab(filename: String) =
object LanguageModel {
import collection.mutable.HashMap
def createUnigramModel(text: String) = {
val unigramCounts = HashMap[String,Double]().withDefaultValue(0.0)
var numTokens = 1.0
getTokens(text).foreach { word => {
unigramCounts(word) += 1
numTokens += 1
val smoothedTotal = numTokens + unigramCounts.size
.mapValues(c => (c+1.0)/smoothedTotal)
val BOUNDARY = "[###]"
def createBigramModel(text: String) = {
val unigramModel: Map[String,Double] = createUnigramModel(text)
val bigramCounts = HashMap[(String,String),Double]().withDefaultValue(0.0)
val pairs = pad(getTokens(text))
.map{ case Array(prev, curr) => { (prev,curr) }}
val numTokens = pairs.length
// The default used below is not a valid backoff, but cheap and dirty
// and works well enough for present purposes.
.mapValues { listOfPrevCurrPairs => {
val counts = listOfPrevCurrPairs
val total = counts.values.sum
val numWords = counts.size
val denominator = total+numWords
.mapValues(c => (c+1.0)/(total+numWords))
.withDefaultValue(Map[String,Double]().withDefault(x => unigramModel(x)))
// Inefficient, but works
def pad(tokens: Array[String]) =
(BOUNDARY :: tokens.toList ::: List(BOUNDARY)).toArray
def getTokens(text: String) = text
.replaceAll("\\s+"," ")
.split(" ")
* Candidate generators produce valid words from the vocabulary that
* are close (by some measure) to the typo.
trait CandidateGenerator {
* Produce a set of candidates for the typo.
* @param typo the typo that we need candidates for
* @return the set of candidates as determined by this candidate generator
def apply(typo: String): Set[String]
sealed trait NumEdits
object OneEdit extends NumEdits
object TwoEdits extends NumEdits
class EditDistanceCandidateGenerator(vocab: Set[String], distance: NumEdits)
extends CandidateGenerator {
val alpha = ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z')
def apply(typo: String) = {
val candidates = distance match {
case OneEdit => edits(typo)
case TwoEdits => for (e1 <- edits(typo); e2 <- edits(e1)) yield e2
def edits(typo: String) = {
val typoSeq = typo.toSeq
val typoLength = typoSeq.length
val nonTranspositions = (0 until typoLength).flatMap { i => {
val deletion = (typoSeq.take(i) ++ typoSeq.drop(i+1)).mkString
val substitutions =
for (c <- alpha)
yield (typoSeq.take(i) ++ Seq(c) ++ typoSeq.drop(i+1)).mkString
val insertions =
for (c <- alpha)
yield (typoSeq.take(i) ++ Seq(c) ++ typoSeq.drop(i)).mkString
Seq(deletion) ++ substitutions ++ insertions
val transpositions = (1 until typoLength).map { i => {
++ Seq(typoSeq(i),typoSeq(i-1))
++ typoSeq.drop(i+1)).mkString
(nonTranspositions ++ transpositions).toSet
object EditDistanceCandidateGenerator {
def apply(vocab: Set[String], distance: NumEdits = OneEdit) =
new EditDistanceCandidateGenerator(vocab, distance)
class VectorSpaceCandidateGenerator(
vocabVectors: Map[String, Map[String, Int]],
invertedIndex: Map[String, Seq[String]],
numCandidates: Int
) extends CandidateGenerator {
import VectorSpaceCandidateGenerator._
def apply(typo: String) = {
val typoVector = getVector(typo)
.map(c => (c,cosine(typoVector,vocabVectors(c))))
* A companion object to help set up VS candidate generators and
* provide helper functions.
object VectorSpaceCandidateGenerator {
import math.{sqrt,pow}
def apply(vocab: Set[String], numCandidates: Int = 20) = {
// A map from words to their counts. Can be used later to look up
// vectors for candidates without needing to recompute the counts.
// (Trading use of more space to make cosine computations faster.)
val vocabVectors: Map[String,Map[String,Int]] = => (word, getVector(word))).toMap
// Build the inverted index.
val invertedIndex = vocabVectors
.flatMap { case(word, ngrams) => { { case(ngram, count) => (ngram,word) }.toSeq
new VectorSpaceCandidateGenerator(vocabVectors, invertedIndex, numCandidates)
// Get the character ngrams in a word with their counts
def getVector(word: String, size: Int = 3): Map[String,Int] =
// Compute the cosine between two vectors
def cosine(x: Map[String,Int], y: Map[String, Int]) = {
val dotProduct = { case(k,v) => v*y(k) }.sum
// Compute the Euclidean norm of a vector
def norm(x: Map[String,Int]) = sqrt(,2)).sum)
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