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Created December 16, 2017 04:33
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Testing hero image swap
<!doctype html>
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<title>HTML5 boilerplate – all you really need…</title>
section.heroimg {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
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clip-path: inset(calc(100% - 3rem) calc(100% - 3rem) 0px 0px);
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var photos = [
"location": "Al Jowf, Saudi Arabia",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 CNES / Astrium, CNES / Spot Image, Digital Globe, Landsat, U.S. Geological Survey",
"filename": "al_jowf-saudi_arabia-2.jpg"
"location": "Antonio Quijarro, Bolivia",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 CNES / Astrium, DigitalGlobe",
"filename": "antonio_quijarro-bolivia-95.jpg"
"location": "Arizona, USA",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 CNES / Spot Image, Digital Globe, USDA Farm Service Agency",
"filename": "arizona-united_states-33.jpg"
"location": "Florida, USA",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 DigitalGlobe, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Geological Survey",
"filename": "florida-united_states-10.jpg"
"location": "Garden City, USA",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 Terrametrics",
"filename": "garden_city-united_states-53.jpg"
"location": "Ngari, Tibet",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 CNES / Spot Image, Digital Globe",
"filename": "ngari_tibet-china-14.jpg"
"location": "Valencia, Spain",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 DigitalGlobe, European Space Imaging",
"filename": "valencia-spain-82.jpg"
"location": "Qesm Al Wahat Ad Dakhlah, Egypt",
"copyright": "&copy; 2014 CNES / Spot Image, DigitalGlobe",
"filename": "qesm_al_wahat_ad_dakhlah-egypt-56.jpg"
var randPhoto = Math.floor(Math.random() * photos.length);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
var heroimg = document.getElementById('heroimg');
var geoinfolocation = document.getElementById('geoinfolocation');
var geoinfocredit = document.getElementById('geoinfocredit');
// progressive enhancement = 'url("/assets/v1513272653/images/' + photos[randPhoto]["filename"] + '")';
geoinfolocation.innerHTML = photos[randPhoto]["location"]
geoinfocredit.innerHTML = photos[randPhoto]["copyright"]
var toggle = document.getElementById('toggle');
var trigger = document.getElementById('trigger');
trigger.addEventListener('click', () => {
<body id="home">
<h1>Testing rotating image</h1>
<!-- progressively enhanced in main.js -->
<section class="heroimg" id="heroimg" style="">
<div id="toggle" class="geotag">
<svg id="trigger" class="geoicon" width="51px" height="51px" viewBox="0 0 51 51" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<path fill="#777" d="M25.6875,17.4736842 C27.476494,17.4736842 28.9232456,18.9204359 28.9232456,20.7094298 C28.9232456,22.4984238 27.476494,23.9451754 25.6875,23.9451754 C23.898506,23.9451754 22.4517544,22.4984238 22.4517544,20.7094298 C22.4517544,18.9204359 23.898506,17.4736842 25.6875,17.4736842 Z M25.6875,11.5 C31.3189419,11.5 35.8925439,16.0891584 35.8925439,21.7361568 C35.8925439,26.2475329 33.5590735,29.6699561 31.1789337,32.7968065 C29.9033032,34.4613487 26.6675576,38.614926 26.6675576,38.614926 L25.6875,39.875 L24.7074424,38.614926 C24.7074424,38.614926 21.4716968,34.4613487 20.1960663,32.7968065 C17.8159265,29.6699561 15.4824561,26.2475329 15.4824561,21.7361568 C15.4824561,16.0891584 20.0560581,11.5 25.6875,11.5 Z M29.234375,31.3344984 C31.9256442,27.8187363 33.4812911,25.1274671 33.4812911,21.7050439 C33.4812911,17.3959019 29.9810855,13.8801398 25.6875,13.8801398 C21.3939145,13.8801398 17.8937089,17.3959019 17.8937089,21.7050439 C17.8937089,25.1274671 19.4493558,27.8187363 22.140625,31.3344984 C22.9651179,32.4234512 24.6141036,34.5546875 25.6875,35.9392133 C26.7608964,34.5546875 28.4098821,32.4234512 29.234375,31.3344984 Z" id="location"></path>
<div class="geoinfo">
<h3>Photo Location</h3>
<p id="geoinfolocation"></p>
<p id="geoinfocredit" class="credit"></p>
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