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Forked from cbcafiero/
Created August 30, 2019 00:01
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Easy multiple search and replace by tag and attribute with BeautifulSoup
Sometimes you want to make several different replacements. Search by tag with
optional attributes. Replace with tag with optional attributes.
Thank you to Dan @ University of Exeter for bug fix
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
REPLACEMENTS = [('b', {}, 'strong', {}),
('u', {}, 'span', {'class': 'underline'}),
('i', {}, 'em', {}),
('font', {'size': '6'}, 'span', {'style': 'font-size:1.5em'})]
def replace_tags(html, replacements=REPLACEMENTS):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
for tag, search_attribs, new_tag, new_attribs in replacements:
for node in soup.find_all(tag, search_attribs):
replacement = soup.new_tag(new_tag, **new_attribs)
replacement.string = node.string
return str(soup)
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_html = """<html><body><p><b>I am strong</b> and
<i>I am emphasized</i> and <u>I am underlined</u> and
<font size="6">I am bigger than everyone else</font>
revised = replace_tags(my_html, REPLACEMENTS)
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