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Created February 1, 2016 02:35
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HTTP error handling
update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )
update action model =
case action of
HandleResponse result ->
case result of
Ok movies ->
( { model | movies = movies }, Effects.none )
Err error ->
_ = reportError error
( model, Effects.none )
search : String -> Effects Action
search query =
url = "/movies?query=" ++ query
Http.get moviesDecoder url
|> Task.toResult
|> HandleResponse
|> Effects.task
reportError : Http.Error -> Http.Error
reportError error =
case error of
Http.Timeout ->
Debug.log "API timeout" error
Http.NetworkError ->
Debug.log "Network error contacting API" error
Http.UnexpectedPayload payload ->
Debug.log ("Unexpected payload from API: " ++ payload) error
Http.BadResponse status payload ->
Debug.log ("Unexpected status/payload from API: " ++ (toString status) ++ "/" ++ payload) error
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