I wanted to be able to put the Consul UI behind a reverse proxy, and be able to access it as https://example.com/consul, but it doesn't seem to support that out of the box.
According to hashicorp/consul#14342 it's supportd and you can set a variable to tell the UI what prefix to add to the front of API requests, but after a couple of days of trying I could not figure out how to set that variable (and comments on the PR suggest that nobody else has figured it out either, and Hashicorp hasn't responded to any of those).
I did manage to get it working, but it needed a little kludge. Since I couldn't figure out how to get Consul to set the right variable in the UI, I made Nginx do it instead.
This is the configuration I ended up with. As a bonus this config also includes a map that makes the UI default to read-only even if the UI is running on the consul servers.