- Marcros are divided into two food sources:
- Red Meat (Ruminants) for protein and fat
- Rumainants are herbivore mamals that digest cellulose
- Sources are:
- Bison
- New York Strip
- Top Sirloin
- Lean Ground Beef
- Filet Mignon
- Venison
- Lamb
- I have concners around saturated fat content
- Benefits:
- Loaded with:
- Heme-Iron
- Bio-available form of iron
- B Vitamins
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Creatine
- Healthy Fats
- Heme-Iron
- Loaded with:
- White Rice for carbs
- Benefits:
- Easy to Digest
- Limited Gas Build Up
- Benefits:
- Red Meat (Ruminants) for protein and fat
- Micro sources:
- Citrus
- Nuts
- Eggs
- Potatoes
- Carrots
- Butter
- Salmon
- Leafy greens
- Veggies
- Yogurt
- Cranberry juice
- Chicken stock
- Salt
- He runs a meal prep service
- Pro bodybuilder and powerlifter
- Dietitian and exercise physiologist
- Improve body composition for optimal health and performance
- Nutritional framework that is:
- Simple
- Sensible
- Sustainable
- Fundamental Principles:
- Sleep optimization
- Bloodwork
- 10 min walks
- Nutrition/Hydration
- Sodium (salt meals to taste, pre/post workout sodium)
- Iodine (iodized salt or cranberry juice)
- Fruit (orange or juicy fruit)
- Daily carrot (fiber, naringen)
- Potassium 4,700mg (potato, fruit, spinach, yogurt, beef, salmon, etc)
- Bone Broth/Chicken Stock (Gollagen/gelatin, gut health)
- Egg yolks (Vit K2, Choline, Biotin)
- Vitamin D3 (4k IU supplement)
- Calcium 1k mg (dairy source)
- Magnesium 400mg supplement and/or (sp[inach, soaked almonds, yogurt)
- Red Meat, bison, beef, sheep (iron, B vit, zinc)
- Fatty Fish 2x weekly for Omega 3's (salmon, trout, sardines, anchovies)
- Be aware of fermentable carbs
- Avoid Omega-6 seed oils
- Whole foods
- Gut health
- Fix nutrient deficiencies
- Fix hormone imbalances
- Improve energy, stamina, endurance, and recovery
- Sustainable