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Java Concurrency In Practice


  • Read on the train, no notes.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

  • Read on the train, no notes. Basic introduction to concurrency concepts.

Chapter 2 - Thread Safety

  • Frameworks impose thread safety requirements as they spin up threads for you.
  • Stateless objects are thread safe because all their state is temporary and stored on the thread's stack and is (typically) not accessible from other threads.
  • If req/resp handler needs to remember stuff from one request to another that is when thread safety of the handler needs to be considered. ++operator is not atomic, it is composed of load, add and store steps aka read-modify-write.
  • Race conditions are where the correctness of an algorithm is dependent on lucky timing in the ordering of actions taken by each thread.
  • The most common race condition is check-then-act.
  • Not all data races are race conditions and not all race conditions are data races. check-then-act is when you make an observation about the system then take an action, however by the time you take the action the observation could have become invalid.
  • Lazy initialization is where you postpone initing an object until it is needed yet ensure that it is only initialized once. This commonly uses check-then-act.
  • Read-modify-write is a state transition from state A->B. This requires a thread to have exclusive access to reading and writing the state. If another thread reads the state before the first thread is done modifying it will have an invalid understanding of the state. Additionally, if a thread writes while the first thread is writing it can overwrite the first thread's write.
  • Atomic operations are indivisible. Thread B must wait for thread A to complete operations on the state before it can continue.
  • check-then-act and read-modify-write are both compound actions that need to be atomic to ensure thread safety.
  • Java has java.util.concurrent.atomic that gives you types that can be used to encapsulate values and operate on them atomically to ensure thread safety.
  • Adding more than one atomic state variable does not guarantee thread safety if the operations on those atomic variables need to be atomic themselves.
  • Synchronized blocks and methods guard critical sections of code. You can pass it an instance or class and it will add a lock to that instance/class. These locks are called intrinsic locks or monitor locks.
  • Intrinsic locks are mutexes.
  • Overly broad locks can cause performance issues.
  • Intrinsic locks are reentrant, meaning that if thread A already holds a lock if it tries to acquire it again, it will succeed and not deadlock.
  • For a given shared mutable variable, all access (reads and writes) must be guarded by the same lock to ensure thread safety.
  • It is recommended to only use a single lock to guard any given variable.
  • Invariants that involve multiple variables must be guarded by the same lock so that operations on them are atomic.
  • There is a balance between granularity and coarseness. If you are too course in your locking you have less concurrency, if you are too granular you pay the cost of lock overhead.


  • How useful is it to make a type partially thread safe? For instance, if a diode is only used with one writer, one reader, it could be thread safe under those conditions but not when there are multiple writers or multiple readers. Another example is Eno's channel buffer used in his gRPC streaming demo.
  • Reentrant locks seem costly. They seem to be useful for intrinsic locks with inheritance. Is there a use in Go? Can you even implement such a thing considering Go's lack of support for thread locals?
  • Is there a situation where you would want to use more than one lock to guard a particular variable?

Chapter 3 - Sharing Objects

  • synchronized keyword is not only about guarding critical sections but also involves memory visibility.
  • writes from one thread are not guaranteed to be visible to another thread, either in a timely manner or at all.
  • Reordering of writes can occur as well if the critical section is not synchronized.
  • When sharing variables without synchronization you may see some variables be stale and others not. Stale reads are when writes from one thread are not visible to the reader thread.
  • out-of-thin-air safety is where a thread reads a value that was previously written by another thread. It is guaranteed to not be a random value.
  • 64-bit value load/store operations are not atomic and as a result, you may read the high 32 bits from one write but the low 32 bits from another write. This means 64-bit values need to be marked as volatile or use synchronization when reading and writing.
  • the volatile keyword may be used to ensure visibility of a variable. This prevents the compiler and runtime from reordering memory operations pertaining to this variable. All writes to memory before the write to the volatile memory are visible to the thread after reading from that variable.
  • If you can confine an object to a single thread at any given time, it can be used without synchronization. For example, a connection pool that is used to acquire a connection can be used by multiple threads since the pool is safe. Once a connection is acquired it is confined to a given thread. As a result, the connection does not need to be thread-safe.
  • Ad-hoc thread confinement is where it is left up to the implementation to not share references.
  • Stack and thread local confinement are also alternatives.
  • Immutable objects are always thread-safe.
  • If you do not properly publish shared state, using volatile or synchronization, you will have a bad time.
  • If the object is immutable then no synchronization is needed in order to publish.


  • In Go, are operations in the atomic package guaranteed to be visible by other goroutines?
  • Using immutable holder objects for variables that are related by an invariant along with volatile for visibility is interesting since it requires no synchronization.

Chapter 4 - Composing Objects

  • Encapsulation makes analyzing concurrent programs easier. With public state, you have to worry about how the entire program might access the state vs the type's methods.
  • Instance confinement is where data is encapsulated and manipulated concurrently through a set of methods that serialize access to that state.
  • Monitor pattern is just marking all methods synchronized and calling it a day.
  • Delegating thread safety is where you hand of thread safety to fields that are thread safe. This does not work if you have invariants that relate to multiple, thread safe fields.
  • Client side locking is just using the same lock of the type you are extending.
  • Composition is similar to composition in Go where you embed other types and delegate methods to those types.
  • Document thread safety guarantees for users and synchronization policy for maintainers.
  • Java documentation, at least at the time of writing, is not great when it comes to documenting thread safety guarantees.
  • Latches, barriers, semaphores, and blocking queues are types of synchronizers.
  • Latches block all threads until the terminal state is reached in which case all threads unblock.
  • CountDownLatch is like a WaitGroup.
  • Semaphores control how many things can run at once. It is backed by an int counter that is typically inited to be a certain value. This value can grow and shrink. If it goes < 0 threads will block until it grows >= 0. This is useful for implementing pools.
  • Barriers are useful for releasing workers to work in parallel and then joining them back up.


  • Intrinsic locks are public and exposed to the outside world. That seems really messed up.

Chapter 5 - Building Blocks

  • Delegation can be powerful. Use built-in thread safe classes to delegate thread safety where possible.
  • Collections.synchronizedXxx synchronize every public method.
  • Compound actions still need to use client-side synchronization.
  • Iteration can have timing issues as you call .size first and then n .get calls after. If another thread modifies the map after .size was called you get an exception or don't get all the data.
  • Java5 has an iteration syntax that will throw an exception of modifications are made to the collection during iteration.
  • You can clone collections for safe iteration since the copy will be thread confined.
  • Gotta watch out for hidden state access via toString, hashCode, and equal methods.
  • ConcurrentHashMap uses lock striping vs a single lock for the entire map.
  • Iteration on ConcurrentHashMap does not require holding a client lock as it is weakly consistent. This allows for writes while iterating that may or may not show up in the results of the iteration.
  • Work stealing is where each worker thread has its own deque. When it is done with all the items in its queue it can read from the tail of another thread's deque. This minimizes contention compared to a single work queue for all workers.

Chapter 6 - Task Execution

  • Choosing appropriate task size and isolation boundaries is critical.
  • Creating a thread per task will allocate stacks for each thread and can cause paging and/or out of memory errors. Go doesn't suffer this problem quite as bad since it mux's goroutines onto a pool of OS threads and has lightweight stacks for each goroutine.
  • Alternatively, you can have a pool of threads that read off a queue that you can put work on from a single thread that accepts connections.
  • An execution policy should be defined at deploy time and establish:
    • How many tasks can execute concurrently?
    • How many tasks may be queued waiting to execute?
    • What actions to take before and after executing a task?
    • How to reject tasks?
    • What order should tasks execute in (FIFO, LIFO, priority)?
    • What threads execute what tasks?
  • homogeneous workloads that can independently execute allow for high parallelism.


  • It seems Java has put much more thought into lifecycle management of concurrent actors.

Chapter 7 - Cancellation and Shutdown

  • Similar to Go, Java provides no mechanism to safely force a thread to stop.
  • Each thread has an interrupted status that can be set from the outside. Blocking processes typically read from this value and throw an exception.
  • There are forms of blocking that do not throw interrupted exception such as synchronous IO and intrinsic locks.
  • A poison pill is a sentinel value that is put in a queue to signal teardown once it is reached.
  • If you are a thread pool and are calling untrusted code, it is best to catch all exceptions.
  • JVM will fire shutdown hooks and possibly finalizers on graceful shutdown.
  • Daemon threads are stuff like the GC that the JVM will preemptively abort on shutdown.


  • Seems like context with cancel func and deadline/timeout handle most of the shutdown situations explained in this chapter.

Chapter 8 - Applying Thread Pools

  • If you are using the executor framework your tasks should be:
    • Independent of one another, not depend on results, timing, or side effects of other tasks.
    • Should not use thread local state or otherwise exploit thread confinement. You should be able to swap out a single threaded executor with a thread pool without issues.
    • Take a long time.
  • If you have tasks that block waiting for results of other tasks this can cause starvation deadlock.
  • Pools can be sized by N = CPUs * Utilization * (1 + Wait/Compute)
  • Using a pool avoids unbounded thread creation but you can still run out of memory if tasks are produced at a higher rate than they are processed. You can either throw messages on the ground or rate limit input in some way.
  • Before running into memory consumption issues, however, the more tasks waiting in the queue the high the latency per task.
  • Bounding the pool or queue size with tasks that block on other tasks can cause starvation deadlocks.
  • Saturation policies describe behavior when the pool's queue is full:
    • Abort: Throws an exception notifying the caller.
    • Caller Runs: Do not discard or throw an exception but run the task given in the caller's thread.
    • Discard: Silently discard the new task given.
    • Discard Oldest: Silently discard the next task to run to provide room in the queue for the new task.
    • Block: Block the thread writing into the queue until there is room.
  • Recursive algorithms can be made parallel if there are tasks that have no dependencies on intermediate results. For example computing a result for each node in the tree. You can walk the tree sequentially, then do each computation in a task with a shared output queue, then collect the results.


  • Caller Runs policy is interesting. Not relevant to our domain but interesting none the less.

Chapter 9 - GUI Applications

  • GUI frameworks are single threaded for a reason, accessing state from multiple threads with events triggered by hardware and events triggered by the application can lead to ordering issues in lock acquisition and thus deadlocks.
  • Long running processes can be handled in worker threads that then write events back into the event thread. All GUI state is thread confined to the event thread.

Chapter 10 - Avoiding Liveness Hazards

  • Lock-ordering deadlocks can be fixed by having all threads that need the same locks acquire them in the same order.
  • Calling alien methods while holding a lock risks getting into a deadlock as the alien method can then try to acquire a lock.
  • Only making open calls to alien methods lowers deadlock risk and makes analysis easier.
  • Modifying thread priorities is platform dependent and can cause starvation of lower priority threads.
  • Livelock is where a thread is active but can not make progress. This can occur when multiple threads change their state in response to each other. For instance, two people walking down a hall both attempt to move out of each other's way but then are in each other's way again.

Chapter 11 - Performance and Scalability

  • "How fast" measurements are performance, service time, latency.
  • "How much" measurements are scalability, capacity, throughput.
  • When making performance decisions:
    • What does it mean to be "faster"?
    • Under what conditions will this approach actually be faster? Light/heavy load? Large/small datasets? Do you have measurements?
    • How often are these conditions likely to arise? Do you have measurements?
    • How often are conditions different.
    • What hidden costs, such as maintenance risk, are there?
  • Schedulers will run a given task for a minimum amount of time to mitigate context switches and increase throughput.
  • Increased lock contention increases context switches and serialization costs.
  • Lock contention probability is determined by how frequent the lock is requested and how long the lock is held for once acquired.
  • Lock splitting and striping are methods of providing higher granularity in situations where contention is high.
  • Avoid hot fields where possible. Striping, volatile, or atomics can help with mitigating the cost of hot fields.
  • Object pooling to minimize allocations is mostly a bad idea with Java.

Chapter 12 - Testing Concurrent Programs

  • There are two categories of tests for concurrent types. Tests for safety and tests for liveness.
  • Testing concurrent software is hard.
  • Performance tests:
    • Collect data, draw graphs.
    • Measure for latency and throughput.
    • Disable optimizations such as dead code elimination as they will sometimes eliminate your benchmark code.


  • Perhaps we should run our unit tests on a timer as well to help expose bugs due to interleavings of goroutines/threads that are not common.
  • Running more goroutines than procs and more procs than CPU cores along with calling runtime.Gosched in tests loops can generate more interleavings.
  • Pausing between benchmark runs to allow for GC to fully clean up.

Chapter 13 - Explicit Locks

  • Java provides a ReentrantLock that can be used to explicitly lock.
  • Use finally to ensure unlock occurs even when an exception happens.
  • Polling and timed locks are useful for deadlock avoidance when lock acquisition ordering can not be guaranteed.
  • Explicit locks are interruptable.
  • Hand over hand locking is where you must acquire another lock to release your current lock.
  • ReentrantLock is faster than intrinsic locks pre-Java 6.
  • ReentrantLocks can be fair on unfair. Fair being FIFO for acquisition. Fairness costs a lot.
  • ReadWriteLock allows for multiple readers at the same time, similar to Go's RWLock. They should only be used in read-heavy situations.

Chapter 14 - Building Custom Synchronizers

  • State dependence is where threads are blocked until a certain state exists.
  • All objects in Java have an intrinsic condition queue.
  • Conditional locking cooperates with the runtime to put threads to sleep and wake them up when the state changes.
  • Wait can unblock even if notify or notifyAll are not called by another thread.
  • You may use notify instead of notifyAll in situations where you have a single condition predicate.
  • Intrinsic condition queues should be encapsulated and not exposed, just like intrinsic locks.
  • Use multiple Conditions where you have multiple condition predicates.


  • Intrinsic with synchronized keyword makes using conditional mutexes easier than in Go.

Chapter 15 - Atomic Variables and Nonblocking Synchronization

  • Lock/wait free data structures are immune to liveness issues.
  • Putting threads to sleep is costly.
  • Priority inversion is where a high priority thread is blocked on a lock held by a lower priority thread. Its effective priority is limited by the other thread.
  • CAS, compare and swap (or compare and set) allows you to atomically read from a piece of memory and at a later time atomically write to that memory. If the value has changed in the meantime it will fail and allow you to try again. This is lock-free but not wait-free.
  • JVM will use a spin lock if CAS type instructions are not supported by the target hardware.
  • Locks can perform better under ultra-high contention scenarios.
  • It is a great idea to not share data across cores at all if you can.
  • The ABA problem is an issue with CAS where some other thread has changed the value from A to B and back to A. This is invalid for some algorithms. To mitigate this you can read/write a tuple of (value, version). Every write will increment the version and thus invalidate other CAS operations.


  • The JVM adaptively determines if a thread should spin or be suspended based on how long the lock has previously been held for. That's cool!
  • It's weird that they implemented Counters with CAS and not atomic increment.

Chapter 16 - The Java Memory Model

  • A memory model is the conditions under which a write in one core is visible to another core.
  • ISAs will have their own memory model along with instructions called barriers or fences to get additional memory coordination guarantees.
  • Sequential consistency is where every read of a variable will see the last write to that value from any processor as if there is a sequential ordering to all instructions. This is not reality.
  • Actions by one thread might appear to execute in different orders from the perspective of different threads.
  • Happens-before relationship prevents reordering.
  • It is possible to piggyback on other synchronization that is forcing a happens-before ordering.
  • Unsafe-publication can occur if you don't have a happens-before relationship between thread B accessing a reference to an object thread A published.
  • static initialization happens before a class can be used by threads and is guarded by a lock. As a result, the statically initialized variable is visible to all threads.


  • Piggybacking seems very cool and also very dangerous.
  • I wonder what visibility guarantees are given to func init() {} or var foo = InitFoo().