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Last active December 22, 2022 17:20
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  • Save jasonrhodes/8854771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jasonrhodes/8854771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setting up my new MacBook Pro
  • Set up user account
  • Name computer
  • Check trackpad settings
  • Install Google Chrome
  • Install Homebrew
  • Brew should auto-install Xcode Developer Tools for you
  • $ brew doctor
  • $ brew install git
  • Download node.js (I prefer the installer over brew)
  • npm is now installed, too
  • Sublime Text
    • Open ST and install Package Control
    • Cmd+Shift+P, type "inp" to fuzzy search "Install Package"
    • Install packages: DocBlockr, others?
    • Link up the subl command: $ ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ /usr/local/bin
  • For now, not going to install rbenv because this Mac shipped with ruby -v 2.0.0p247
  • Set up ssh key for GitHub, see:
    • after you set up your SSH key locally, be sure to run ssh-add
  • Install bash-completion: $ brew install bash-completion
  • Clone dotfiles repo (or your own fork) into ~/dotfiles
  • Make any changes to the dotfiles
  • Symlink from each file in dotfiles/files to ~/ ex. $ ln -s ~/dotfiles/files/.bash_profile ~
  • $ source ~/.bash_profile
  • You might want to completely close Terminal and reopen after that
  • Let's install global node modules at ~/.node, done by making a ~/.npmrc file as described here:
  • npm install -g gulp hubot grunt-cli browserify bower mocha nodemon yeoman + any other global node modules you want
  • Install HipChat
  • Install VirtualBox
  • Install Vagrant
  • Make sure bash_profile sets the GEM_HOME env variable to $HOME/.ruby/default or similar, then make sure it also adds that directory + /bin to the PATH
    • This should be done for you if you grabbed the files from the dotfiles repo, but make sure
  • $ gem env | grep INSTALLATION should output the location we set for GEM_HOME above
  • $ gem install capistrano sass
  • Install Composer: $ curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin
    • Rename the .phar file so it can be used like a regular command: $ mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
  • Install the jq tool (it takes json and makes it pretty in Terminal, and will parse the json tree using jquery): $ brew install jq
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