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Created August 26, 2020 17:50
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Air Quality AppleScript
-- PurpleAir station ID
set theStationID to "6732"
tell application "JSON Helper"
set theWeather to (fetch JSON from ("" & theStationID) with cleaning feed)
set theStatsA to (read JSON from (Stats of item 1 of results of theWeather))
set theStatsB to (read JSON from (Stats of item 2 of results of theWeather))
set theLocation to Label of item 1 of results of theWeather
set theLat to (Lat of item 1 of results of theWeather)
set theLon to (Lon of item 1 of results of theWeather)
end tell
set sensorA to v1 of theStatsA
set sensorB to v1 of theStatsB
set sensorAtrend to v of theStatsA
set sensorBtrend to v of theStatsB
set sensorRound to round ((sensorA + sensorB) / 2)
set sensorTrend to round ((sensorAtrend + sensorBtrend) / 2)
set theAverageAQI to aqifromPM(sensorRound)
set theCurrentAQI to aqifromPM(sensorTrend)
if (theAverageAQI - theCurrentAQI) > 9 then
set theTrend to "↓"
else if (theAverageAQI - theCurrentAQI) < -9 then
set theTrend to "↑"
set theTrend to ""
end if
if theAverageAQI > 300 then
set theColor to "#7e0023"
set theStatus to "Hazardous"
else if theAverageAQI > 200 then
set theColor to "#8f3f97"
set theStatus to "Very Unhealthy"
else if theAverageAQI > 150 then
set theColor to "#ff0000"
set theStatus to "Unhealthy"
else if theAverageAQI > 100 then
set theColor to "Orange"
set theStatus to "Unhealthy Sensitive"
else if theAverageAQI > 50 then
set theColor to "#bbbb00"
set theStatus to "Moderate"
set theColor to "#00e400"
set theStatus to "Good"
end if
return (theStatus & " (" & theAverageAQI & theTrend & ")|color=" & theColor & "
" & "---" & "
" & theLocation & " (Map)|href=" & theStationID & "#14/" & theLat & "/" & theLon)
on aqifromPM(thePM)
if thePM > 350.5 then
return calcAQI(thePM, 500, 401, 500, 350.5)
else if thePM > 250.5 then
return calcAQI(thePM, 400.0, 301.0, 350.4, 250.5)
else if thePM > 150.5 then
return calcAQI(thePM, 300.0, 201.0, 250.4, 150.5)
else if (thePM > 55.5) then
return calcAQI(thePM, 200.0, 151.0, 150.4, 55.5)
else if (thePM > 35.5) then
return calcAQI(thePM, 150.0, 101.0, 55.4, 35.5)
else if (thePM > 12.1) then
return calcAQI(thePM, 100.0, 51.0, 35.4, 12.1)
else if (thePM ≥ 0.0) then
return calcAQI(thePM, 50.0, 0.0, 12.0, 0.0)
end if
end aqifromPM
on calcAQI(the CP, the IH, the IL, the BPH, the BPL)
set the A to (the IH - the IL)
set the B to (the BPH - the BPL)
set the C to (the CP - the BPL)
return round ((the A / the B) * the C + the IL)
end calcAQI
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