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Last active January 20, 2025 08:11
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Enphase Envoy Local Data - SwiftBar/xBar Menu Bar Script
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# This script is explained here: <>
# Adapted from [email protected] <>
# <xbar.title>Enphase Solar (Averages)</bitbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.2</xbar.version>
# <>Jason Snell</>
# <>jasonsnell</>
# <xbar.desc>Display local Enphase solar stats.</xbar.desc>
# <swiftbar.hideAbout>true</swiftbar.hideAbout>
# <swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>true</swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>
# <swiftbar.hideLastUpdated>false</swiftbar.hideLastUpdated>
# <swiftbar.hideDisablePlugin>true</swiftbar.hideDisablePlugin>
# <swiftbar.hideSwiftBar>false</swiftbar.hideSwiftBar>
import json
import requests
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Define the file to store the run history for averaging purposes - I put mine in iCloud Documents
history_file = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/enphase_history.json')
# Define the URL of your local enphase envoy device. envoy.local works in many cases.
envoy_ip = "https://envoy.local"
# Your max panel output in kilowatts on its sunniest day; this lets it estimate a % efficiency
max_KW = 6.7
# Your enphase API token - get one at
# NOTE: You need to start typing your system name into the first box before it'll autocomplete.
# You'll need to get a new one every 12 months
bearer_token = "[your bearer token goes here]"
def auto_format_power(val):
val = val / 1000 # convert from milliwats
if -50 < val < 50:
return f"{val:.1f} W"
elif 50 <= val < 1000000 or -1000000 <= val <= -50:
return f"{val / 1000:.1f} kW"
elif val <= -1000000 or val >= 1000000:
return f"{val / 1000000:.1f} MW"
def auto_format_energy(val):
if -1000 < val < 1000:
return f"{val:.1f} Wh"
elif 1000 <= val < 1000000 or -1000000 <= val <= -1000:
return f"{val / 1000:.3f} kWh"
elif val <= -1000000 or val >= 1000000:
return f"{val / 1000000:.3f} MWh"
# Set up the headers with the Bearer token
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {bearer_token}"
# Disable warnings related to self-signed certificates (not recommended for production)
# Check status
def fetch_solar_data():
# Enable stream
uri = f"{envoy_ip}/ivp/livedata/status"
response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, verify=False)
envoyStatus = response.json()
streamEnabled = envoyStatus['connection']['sc_stream']
if streamEnabled == "disabled":
# Live streaming is not enabled right now, so enable it and re-load envoyStatus
uri = f"{envoy_ip}/ivp/livedata/stream"
enableData = { "enable": 1 }
response =, headers=headers, json=enableData, verify=False)
uri = f"{envoy_ip}/ivp/livedata/status"
response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, verify=False)
envoyStatus = response.json()
# print(envoyStatus)
# streamEnabled = envoyStatus['connection']['sc_stream']
# lastUpdate = envoyStatus['meters']['last_update']
batteryCharge = envoyStatus["meters"]["soc"]
pvMilliwatts = envoyStatus["meters"]["pv"]["agg_p_mw"]
storageMilliwatts = envoyStatus["meters"]["storage"]["agg_p_mw"]
gridMilliwatts = envoyStatus["meters"]["grid"]["agg_p_mw"]
loadMilliwatts = envoyStatus["meters"]["load"]["agg_p_mw"]
# Add a timestamp
timestamp =
return {
"batteryCharge": batteryCharge,
"pvMilliwatts": pvMilliwatts,
"storageMilliwatts": storageMilliwatts,
"gridMilliwatts": gridMilliwatts,
"loadMilliwatts": loadMilliwatts,
"timestamp": timestamp
except Exception as e:
# print(f"Error fetching data: {e}")
print("Error fetching data.")
return None
# Function to load history from file
def load_history():
if os.path.exists(history_file):
with open(history_file, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
return []
# Function to save updated history to file
def save_history(history):
with open(history_file, 'w') as file:
json.dump(history, file)
# Function to update the history with new data
def update_history(new_data):
history = load_history()
# Append new data
# Keep only the last 5 entries
if len(history) > 5:
history = history[-5:]
# Save updated history
return history
# Function to filter data from the last hour
def filter_on_time(history):
time_ago = - timedelta(minutes=20)
# Filter the history to include only the data from the last hour
recent_history = [entry for entry in history if datetime.fromisoformat(entry["timestamp"]) > time_ago]
return recent_history
# Function to calculate the average of the last hour's data
def calculate_averages(history):
avg_data = {}
if not history:
return avg_data
keys = ["batteryCharge", "pvMilliwatts", "storageMilliwatts", "gridMilliwatts", "loadMilliwatts"]
for key in keys:
avg_data[key] = sum(entry[key] for entry in history) / len(history)
return avg_data
# Fetch new data
new_data = fetch_solar_data()
if new_data:
# Update history with the new data
history = update_history(new_data)
# Filter history to include only data from the last hour
recent_history = filter_on_time(history)
# Calculate averages for data within the last hour
if recent_history:
avg_data = calculate_averages(recent_history)
# Display the averaged data
pvAverage = avg_data.get('pvMilliwatts', 0)
batteryAverage = round(avg_data.get('batteryCharge', 0))
storageAverage = avg_data.get('storageMilliwatts', 0)
gridAverage = avg_data.get('gridMilliwatts', 0)
loadAverage = avg_data.get('loadMilliwatts', 0)
# figure out sun icon
if pvAverage > 0:
genPercent = round(pvAverage/(max_KW*1000)) # what percent of max generation is being generated
if genPercent > 60:
sunIcon = ""
elif genPercent > 30:
sunIcon = ""
sunIcon = ""
# figure out battery icon
if batteryAverage > 90:
batteryIcon = ":battery.100percent:"
elif batteryAverage > 70:
batteryIcon = ":battery.75percent:"
elif batteryAverage > 40:
batteryIcon = ":battery.50percent:"
elif batteryAverage > 20:
batteryIcon = ":battery.25percent:"
batteryIcon = ":battery.0percent:"
if -100000 < gridAverage < 100000:
gridStatus = (":arrow.left.arrow.right:") # no grid activity worth mentioning
elif gridAverage < 0:
gridStatus = (" " + auto_format_power(abs(gridAverage))) # grid export
gridStatus = (" " + auto_format_power(gridAverage)) # grid import
# this is where the menu bar presentation happens
# if sun, show sun icon and grid status
if pvAverage > 0:
print (":sun.max.fill: " + auto_format_power(pvAverage) + ' ', end='')
# if grid activity, show it
if abs(gridAverage) > 100000:
print (gridStatus + ' ', end='')
# show home power usage
print(":bolt.fill: " + auto_format_power(loadAverage) + ' ', end='')
# if the battery is actively charging or discharging, show battery status icon
if abs(storageAverage) > 100000:
print (" " + batteryIcon, end='')
# end of menu bar presentation
# battery status line output
print (batteryIcon + " " + str(batteryAverage), end='')
if storageAverage < -100000:
print("% Charging at " + auto_format_power(abs(storageAverage)))
elif storageAverage > 100000:
print ("% Discharging at " + auto_format_power(storageAverage))
print ("%")
if pvAverage > 0:
genPercent = round(pvAverage/67000) # what percent of 6.7kW max
print (":sun.max.fill: Generating " + auto_format_power(pvAverage) + " (" + str(genPercent) + "%)")
if gridAverage < -100000:
print(" Exporting " + auto_format_power(abs(gridAverage))) # grid export
elif gridAverage > 100000:
print(" Importing " + auto_format_power(gridAverage)) # grid import
print (":bolt.fill: Using " + auto_format_power(loadAverage)) # how much being used
print("No data from the last hour available.")
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