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adding color to laravel excel, in LaravelExcelWorksheet.php on line 1026 function setBorder and CellWriter.php on line 134 function setBorder
<?php namespace Maatwebsite\Excel\Writers;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Classes\LaravelExcelWorksheet;
* LaravelExcel Excel writer
* @category Laravel Excel
* @version 1.0.0
* @package maatwebsite/excel
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Maatwebsite (
* @author Maatwebsite <[email protected]>
* @license LGPL
class CellWriter {
* Current $sheet
* @var LaravelExcelWorksheet
public $sheet;
* Selected cells
* @var array
public $cells;
* Constructor
* @param array $cells
* @param LaravelExcelWorksheet $sheet
public function __construct($cells, LaravelExcelWorksheet $sheet)
$this->cells = $cells;
$this->sheet = $sheet;
* Set cell value
* @param [type] $value
* @return CellWriter
public function setValue($value)
// Only set cell value for single cells
if (!str_contains($this->cells, ':'))
$this->sheet->setCellValue($this->cells, $value);
return $this;
* Set the background
* @param string $color
* @param string $type
* @param string $colorType
* @return CellWriter
public function setBackground($color, $type = 'solid', $colorType = 'rgb')
return $this->setColorStyle('fill', $color, $type, $colorType);
* Set the font color
* @param string $color
* @param string $colorType
* @return CellWriter
public function setFontColor($color, $colorType = 'rgb')
return $this->setColorStyle('font', $color, false, $colorType);
* Set the font
* @param $styles
* @return CellWriter
public function setFont($styles)
return $this->setStyle('font', $styles);
* Set font family
* @param string $family
* @return CellWriter
public function setFontFamily($family)
return $this->setStyle('font', array(
'name' => $family
* Set font size
* @param string $size
* @return CellWriter
public function setFontSize($size)
return $this->setStyle('font', array(
'size' => $size
* Set font weight
* @param boolean|string $bold
* @return CellWriter
public function setFontWeight($bold = true)
return $this->setStyle('font', array(
'bold' => ($bold == 'bold' || $bold) ? true : false
* Set border
* @param string $top
* @param bool|string $right
* @param bool|string $bottom
* @param bool|string $left
* @return CellWriter
public function setBorder($top = 'none', $right = 'none', $bottom = 'none', $left = 'none', $color = "AAAAAA")
// Set the border styles
$styles = is_array($top) ? $top : array(
'top' => array(
'style' => $top,
'color' => [
'rgb' => $color
'left' => array(
'style' => $left,
'color' => [
'rgb' => $color
'right' => array(
'style' => $right,
'color' => [
'rgb' => $color
'bottom' => array(
'style' => $bottom,
'color' => [
'rgb' => $color
return $this->setStyle('borders', $styles);
* Set the text rotation
* @param integer $alignment
* @return CellWriter
public function setTextRotation($degrees)
$style = $this->getCellStyle()->getAlignment()->setTextRotation($degrees);
return $this;
* Set the alignment
* @param string $alignment
* @return CellWriter
public function setAlignment($alignment)
return $this->setStyle('alignment', array(
'horizontal' => $alignment
* Set vertical alignment
* @param string $alignment
* @return CellWriter
public function setValignment($alignment)
return $this->setStyle('alignment', array(
'vertical' => $alignment
* Set the color style
* @param $styleType
* @param string $color
* @param boolean $type
* @param string $colorType
* @return CellWriter
protected function setColorStyle($styleType, $color, $type = false, $colorType = 'rgb')
// Set the styles
$styles = is_array($color) ? $color : array(
'type' => $type,
'color' => array($colorType => str_replace('#', '', $color))
return $this->setStyle($styleType, $styles);
* Set style
* @param $styleType
* @param string $styles
* @return CellWriter
protected function setStyle($styleType, $styles)
// Get the cell style
$style = $this->getCellStyle();
// Apply style from array
$styleType => $styles
return $this;
* Get the cell style
* @return \PHPExcel_Style
protected function getCellStyle()
return $this->sheet->getStyle($this->cells);
<?php namespace Maatwebsite\Excel\Classes;
use Closure;
use PHPExcel_Cell;
use PHPExcel_Exception;
use PHPExcel_Worksheet;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Writers\CellWriter;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Exceptions\LaravelExcelException;
use PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup;
* Laravel wrapper for PHPExcel_Worksheet
* @category Laravel Excel
* @version 1.0.0
* @package maatwebsite/excel
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Maatwebsite (
* @copyright Original Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (
* @author Maatwebsite <[email protected]>
* @license LGPL
class LaravelExcelWorksheet extends PHPExcel_Worksheet {
* Parent
* @var PHPExcel
public $_parent;
* Parser
* @var ViewParser
protected $parser;
* View
* @var string
public $view;
* Data
* @var array
public $data = array();
* Merge data
* @var array
public $mergeData = array();
* Allowed page setup
* @var array
public $allowedPageSetup = array(
* Allowed page setup
* @var array
public $allowedStyles = array(
* Check if the file was autosized
* @var boolean
public $hasFixedSizeColumns = false;
* Auto generate table heading
* @var [type]
protected $autoGenerateHeading = true;
* @var bool
protected $hasRowsAdded = false;
* Create a new worksheet
* @param PHPExcel $pParent
* @param string $pTitle
public function __construct(PHPExcel $pParent = null, $pTitle = 'Worksheet')
parent::__construct($pParent, $pTitle);
* Set default page setup
* @return void
public function setDefaultPageSetup()
// Get the page setup
$pageSetup = $this->getPageSetup();
foreach ($this->allowedPageSetup as $setup)
// set the setter
list($setter, $set) = $this->_setSetter($setup);
// get the value
$value = Config::get('excel.sheets.pageSetup.' . $setup, null);
// Set the page setup value
if (!is_null($value))
call_user_func_array(array($pageSetup, $setter), array($value));
// Set default page margins
$this->setPageMargin(Config::get('excel.export.sheets.page_margin', false));
* Set the page margin
* @param array|boolean|integer|float $margin
public function setPageMargin($margin = false)
if (!is_array($margin))
$marginArray = array($margin, $margin, $margin, $margin);
$marginArray = $margin;
// Get margin
$pageMargin = $this->getPageMargins();
if (isset($marginArray[0]))
if (isset($marginArray[1]))
if (isset($marginArray[2]))
if (isset($marginArray[3]))
* Manipulate a single row
* @param integer|callback|array $rowNumber
* @param array|callback $callback
* @param boolean $explicit
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function row($rowNumber, $callback = null, $explicit = false)
// If a callback is given, handle it with the cell writer
if ($callback instanceof Closure)
$range = $this->rowToRange($rowNumber);
return $this->cells($range, $callback);
// Else if the 2nd param was set, we will use it as a cell value
if (is_array($callback))
// Interpret the callback as cell values
$values = $callback;
// Set start column
$column = 'A';
foreach ($values as $rowValue)
// Set cell coordinate
$cell = $column . $rowNumber;
// Set the cell value
if ($explicit) {
$this->setCellValueExplicit($cell, $rowValue);
} else {
$this->setCellValue($cell, $rowValue);
// Remember that we have added rows
$this->hasRowsAdded = true;
return $this;
* Add multiple rows
* @param array $rows
* @param boolean $explicit
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function rows($rows = array(), $explicit = false)
// Get the start row
$startRow = $this->getStartRow();
// Add rows
foreach ($rows as $row)
$this->row($startRow, $row, $explicit);
return $this;
* Prepend a row
* @param integer $rowNumber
* @param array|callback $callback
* @param boolean $explicit
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function prependRow($rowNumber = 1, $callback = null, $explicit = false)
// If only one param was given, prepend it before the first row
if (is_null($callback))
$callback = $rowNumber;
$rowNumber = 1;
// Create new row
// Add data to row
return $this->row($rowNumber, $callback, $explicit);
* Prepend a row explicitly
* @param integer $rowNumber
* @param array|callback $callback
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function prependRowExplicit($rowNumber = 1, $callback = null)
return $this->prependRow($rowNumber, $callback, true);
* Append a row
* @param integer|callback $rowNumber
* @param array|callback $callback
* @param boolean $explicit
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function appendRow($rowNumber = 1, $callback = null, $explicit = false)
// If only one param was given, add it as very last
if (is_null($callback))
$callback = $rowNumber;
$rowNumber = $this->getStartRow();
// Add the row
return $this->row($rowNumber, $callback, $explicit);
* Append a row explicitly
* @param integer|callback $rowNumber
* @param array|callback $callback
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function appendRowExplicit($rowNumber = 1, $callback = null)
return $this->appendRow($rowNumber, $callback, true);
* Manipulate a single cell
* @param array|string $cell
* @param bool|callable $callback $callback
* @param boolean $explicit
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function cell($cell, $callback = false, $explicit = false)
// If a callback is given, handle it with the cell writer
if ($callback instanceof Closure)
return $this->cells($cell, $callback);
// Else if the 2nd param was set, we will use it as a cell value
if ($callback) {
if ($explicit) {
$this->setCellValueExplicit($cell, $callback);
} else {
$this->setCellValue($cell, $callback);
return $this;
* Manipulate a cell or a range of cells
* @param array $cells
* @param bool|callable $callback $callback
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function cells($cells, $callback = false)
// Init the cell writer
$cells = new CellWriter($cells, $this);
// Do the callback
if ($callback instanceof Closure)
call_user_func($callback, $cells);
return $this;
* Load a View and convert to HTML
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setView()
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'loadView'), func_get_args());
* Load a View and convert to HTML
* @param string $view
* @param array $data
* @param array $mergeData
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function loadView($view, $data = array(), $mergeData = array())
// Init the parser
if (!$this->parser)
return $this;
* Unset the view
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function unsetView()
$this->parser = null;
return $this;
* Set the parser
* @param boolean $parser
* @return ViewParser
public function setParser($parser = false)
return $this->parser = $parser ? $parser : app('excel.parsers.view');
* Get the view
* @return ViewParser
public function getView()
return $this->parser;
* Return parsed sheet
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function parsed()
// If parser is set, use it
if ($this->parser)
return $this->parser->parse($this);
// Else return the entire sheet
return $this;
* Set data for the current sheet
* @param $key
* @param bool|string $value
* @param boolean $headingGeneration
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function with($key, $value = false, $headingGeneration = true)
// Set the heading generation setting
// Add the vars
$this->_addVars($key, $value);
return $this;
* From array
* @param Collection|array $source
* @param null $nullValue
* @param bool|string $startCell
* @param bool $strictNullComparison
* @param boolean $headingGeneration
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function fromModel($source = null, $nullValue = null, $startCell = 'A1', $strictNullComparison = false, $headingGeneration = true)
return $this->fromArray($source, $nullValue, $startCell, $strictNullComparison, $headingGeneration);
* Fill worksheet from values in array
* @param array $source Source array
* @param mixed $nullValue Value in source array that stands for blank cell
* @param bool|string $startCell Insert array starting from this cell address as the top left coordinate
* @param boolean $strictNullComparison Apply strict comparison when testing for null values in the array
* @param bool $headingGeneration
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function fromArray($source = null, $nullValue = null, $startCell = 'A1', $strictNullComparison = false, $headingGeneration = true)
// Set defaults
$nullValue = !is_null($nullValue) ? $nullValue : $this->getDefaultNullValue();
$startCell = $startCell ? $startCell : $this->getDefaultStartCell();
$strictNullComparison = $strictNullComparison ? $strictNullComparison : $this->getDefaultStrictNullComparison();
// Set the heading generation setting
// Add the vars
$this->_addVars($source, false, $nullValue, $startCell, $strictNullComparison);
return $this;
* Create sheet from array
* @param null $source
* @param null $nullValue
* @param bool|string $startCell
* @param bool $strictNullComparison
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return $this
public function createSheetFromArray($source = null, $nullValue = null, $startCell = 'A1', $strictNullComparison = false)
if (is_array($source))
// Convert a 1-D array to 2-D (for ease of looping)
if (!is_array(end($source)))
$source = array($source);
// start coordinate
list ($startColumn, $startRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($startCell);
// Loop through $source
foreach ($source as $rowData)
$currentColumn = $startColumn;
foreach ($rowData as $cellValue)
if ($strictNullComparison)
if ($cellValue !== $nullValue)
// Set cell value
$this->setValueOfCell($cellValue, $currentColumn, $startRow);
if ($cellValue != $nullValue)
// Set cell value
$this->setValueOfCell($cellValue, $currentColumn, $startRow);
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Parameter \$source should be an array.");
return $this;
* Add vars to the data array
* @param string $key
* @param bool|string $value
* @param null $nullValue
* @param bool|string $startCell
* @param bool $strictNullComparison
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return void|$this
protected function _addVars($key, $value = false, $nullValue = null, $startCell = 'A1', $strictNullComparison = false)
// Add array of data
if (is_array($key) || $key instanceof Collection)
// Set the data
$this->data = $this->addData($key);
// Create excel from array without a view
if (!$this->parser)
return $this->createSheetFromArray($this->data, $nullValue, $startCell, $strictNullComparison);
// Add seperate values
$this->data[$key] = $value;
// Set data to parser
if ($this->parser)
* Add data
* @param array $array
* @return array
protected function addData($array)
// If a parser was set
if ($this->parser)
// Don't change anything
$data = $array;
// Transform model/collection to array
if ($array instanceof Collection)
$array = $array->toArray();
// Get the firstRow
$firstRow = reset($array);
// Check if the array has array values
if (count($firstRow) != count($firstRow, 1))
// Loop through the data to remove arrays
$data = array();
$r = 0;
foreach ($array as $row)
$data[$r] = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $cell)
if (!is_array($cell))
$data[$r][$key] = $cell;
$data = $array;
// Check if we should auto add the first row based on the indices
if ($this->generateHeadingByIndices())
// Get the first row
$firstRow = reset($data);
if (is_array($firstRow))
// Get the array keys
$tableHeading = array_keys($firstRow);
// Add table headings as first row
array_unshift($data, $tableHeading);
// Add results
if (!empty($data))
$this->data = !empty($this->data) ? array_merge($this->data, $data) : $data;
// return data
return $this->data;
* Set the auto heading generation setting
* @param boolean $boolean
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setAutoHeadingGeneration($boolean)
$this->autoGenerateHeading = $boolean;
return $this;
* Disable the heading generation
* @param boolean $boolean
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function disableHeadingGeneration($boolean = false)
return $this;
* Check if we should auto generate the table heading
* @return boolean
protected function generateHeadingByIndices()
if (!$this->autoGenerateHeading)
return false;
return Config::get('excel.export.generate_heading_by_indices', false);
* Set attributes
* @param $setter
* @param array|string $params
* @throws LaravelExcelException
* @return void|PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup
public function _setAttributes($setter, $params)
// Set the setter and the key
list($setter, $key) = $this->_setSetter($setter);
// If is page setup
if (in_array($key, $this->allowedPageSetup))
// Set params
$params = is_array($params) ? $params : array($params);
// Call the setter
return call_user_func_array(array($this->getPageSetup(), $setter), $params);
// If is a style
elseif (in_array($key, $this->allowedStyles))
return $this->setDefaultStyles($setter, $key, $params);
throw new LaravelExcelException('[ERROR] Laravel Worksheet method [' . $setter . '] does not exist.');
* Set default styles
* @param string $setter
* @param string $key
* @param array|string $params
* @return PHPExcel_Style
protected function setDefaultStyles($setter, $key, $params)
$caller = $this->getDefaultStyle();
$params = is_array($params) ? $params : array($params);
if (str_contains($key, 'font'))
return $this->setFontStyle($caller, $setter, $key, $params);
return call_user_func_array(array($caller, $setter), $params);
* Set default styles by array
* @param array $styles
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setStyle($styles)
return $this;
* Set the font
* @param array $fonts
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setFont($fonts)
foreach ($fonts as $key => $value)
$this->setFontStyle($this->getDefaultStyle(), $key, $key, $value);
return $this;
* Set default font styles
* @param string $caller
* @param string $key
* @param array|string $params
* @return PHPExcel_Style
protected function setFontStyle($caller, $setter, $key, $params)
// Set caller to font
$caller = $caller->getFont();
$params = is_array($params) ? $params : array($params);
// Clean the setter name
$setter = lcfirst(str_replace('Font', '', $setter));
// Replace special cases
$setter = str_replace('Family', 'Name', $setter);
return call_user_func_array(array($caller, $setter), $params);
* Set the setter
* @param string $setter
* @return array
protected function _setSetter($setter)
if (starts_with($setter, 'set'))
$key = lcfirst(str_replace('set', '', $setter));
$key = $setter;
$setter = 'set' . ucfirst($key);
// Return the setter method and the key
return array($setter, $key);
* Set the parent (excel object)
* @param PHPExcel $parent
public function setParent($parent)
$this->_parent = $parent;
* Get the parent excel obj
* @return PHPExcel
public function getParent()
return $this->_parent;
* Set the column width
* @param string|array $column
* @param boolean $value
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setWidth($column, $value = false)
// if is array of columns
if (is_array($column))
// Set width for each column
foreach ($column as $subColumn => $subValue)
$this->setWidth($subColumn, $subValue);
// Disable the autosize and set column width
// Set autosized to true
$this->hasFixedSizeColumns = true;
return $this;
* Set the row height
* @param integer|array $row
* @param boolean $value
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setHeight($row, $value = false)
// if is array of columns
if (is_array($row))
// Set width for each column
foreach ($row as $subRow => $subValue)
$this->setHeight($subRow, $subValue);
// Set column width
return $this;
* Set cell size
* @param array|string $cell
* @param bool $width
* @param bool|int $height
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setSize($cell, $width = false, $height = false)
// if is array of columns
if (is_array($cell))
// Set width for each column
foreach ($cell as $subCell => $sizes)
$this->setSize($subCell, reset($sizes), end($sizes));
// Split the cell to column and row
list($column, $row) = preg_split('/(?<=[a-z])(?=[0-9]+)/i', $cell);
if ($column)
$this->setWidth($column, $width);
if ($row)
$this->setHeight($row, $height);
return $this;
* Autosize column for document
* @param array|boolean $columns
* @return void
public function setAutoSize($columns = false)
// Remember that the sheet was autosized
$this->hasFixedSizeColumns = $columns || !empty($columns) ? false : true;
// Set autosize to true
$this->autoSize = $columns ? $columns : false;
// If is not an array
if (!is_array($columns) && $columns)
// Get the highest column
$toCol = $this->getHighestColumn();
// Lop through the columns and set the auto size
for ($i = 'A'; $i !== $toCol; $i++)
// Set autosize for the given columns
elseif (is_array($columns))
foreach ($columns as $column)
// Calculate the column widths
return $this;
* Get Auto size
* @return bool
public function getAutosize()
if (isset($this->autoSize))
return $this->autoSize;
return Config::get('excel.export.autosize', true);
* Check if the sheet was auto sized dynamically
* @return boolean
public function hasFixedSizeColumns()
return $this->hasFixedSizeColumns ? true : false;
* Set the auto filter
* @param boolean $value
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setAutoFilter($value = false)
$value = $value ? $value : $this->calculateWorksheetDimension();
return $this;
* Freeze or lock rows and columns
* @param string $pane rows and columns
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setFreeze($pane = 'A2')
return $this;
* Freeze the first row
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function freezeFirstRow()
return $this;
* Freeze the first column
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function freezeFirstColumn()
return $this;
* Freeze the first row and column
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function freezeFirstRowAndColumn()
return $this;
* Set a range of cell borders
* @param string $pane Start and end of the cell (A1:F10)
* @param string $weight Border style
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setBorder($pane = 'A1', $weight = 'thin', $color = "AAAAAA")
// Set all borders
// $this->getStyle($pane)
// ->getBorders()
// ->getAllBorders()
// ->setBorderStyle($weight);
->applyFromArray(['borders' => ['allborders' => ["style" => $weight, "color" => ["rgb" => $color]]]]);
return $this;
* Set all cell borders
* @param string $weight Border style (Reference setBorder style list)
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setAllBorders($weight = 'thin')
$styleArray = array(
'borders' => array(
'allborders' => array(
'style' => $weight
// Apply the style
return $this;
* Set the cell format of the column
* @param array $formats An array of cells you want to format columns
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function setColumnFormat(Array $formats)
// Loop through the columns
foreach ($formats as $column => $format)
// Change the format for a specific cell or range
return $this;
* Merge cells
* @param string $pRange
* @param bool $alignment
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function mergeCells($pRange = 'A1:A1', $alignment = false)
// Merge the cells
// Set center alignment on merge cells
$this->cells($pRange, function ($cell) use ($alignment)
$aligment = is_string($alignment) ? $alignment : Config::get('excel.export.merged_cell_alignment', 'left');
return $this;
* Set the columns you want to merge
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
* @param array $mergeColumn An array of columns you want to merge
* @param bool $alignment
public function setMergeColumn(Array $mergeColumn, $alignment = false)
foreach ($mergeColumn['columns'] as $column)
foreach ($mergeColumn['rows'] as $row)
$this->mergeCells($column . $row[0] . ":" . $column . $row[1], $alignment);
return $this;
* Password protect a sheet
* @param $password
* @param callable $callback
public function protect($password, Closure $callback = null)
$protection = $this->getProtection();
if(is_callable($callback)) {
call_user_func($callback, $protection);
* Return the start row
* @return integer
protected function getStartRow()
if ($this->getHighestRow() == 1 && !$this->hasRowsAdded)
return 1;
return $this->getHighestRow() + 1;
* Return range from row
* @param integer $rowNumber
* @return string $range
protected function rowToRange($rowNumber)
return 'A' . $rowNumber . ':' . $this->getHighestColumn() . $rowNumber;
* Return default null value
* @return string|integer|null
protected function getDefaultNullValue()
return Config::get('excel.export.sheets.nullValue', null);
* Return default null value
* @return string|integer|null
protected function getDefaultStartCell()
return Config::get('excel.export.sheets.startCell', 'A1');
* Return default strict null comparison
* @return boolean
protected function getDefaultStrictNullComparison()
return Config::get('excel.export.sheets.strictNullComparison', false);
* load info from parent obj
* @param \PHPExcel_Worksheet $sheet
* @return $this
function cloneParent(PHPExcel_Worksheet $sheet)
// Init new reflection object
$class = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($sheet));
// Loop through all properties
foreach($class->getProperties() as $property)
// Make the property public
// Get value from original sheet
$value = $property->getValue($sheet);
// Set the found value to this sheet
// Rebind the PhpExcel object to the style objects
return $this;
* Dynamically call methods
* @param string $method
* @param array $params
* @throws LaravelExcelException
* @return LaravelExcelWorksheet
public function __call($method, $params)
// If the dynamic call starts with "with", add the var to the data array
if (starts_with($method, 'with'))
$key = lcfirst(str_replace('with', '', $method));
$this->_addVars($key, reset($params));
return $this;
// If it's a setter
elseif (starts_with($method, 'set'))
// set the attribute
$this->_setAttributes($method, $params);
return $this;
throw new LaravelExcelException('[ERROR] Laravel Worksheet method [' . $method . '] does not exist.');
* @param string $cellValue
* @param mixed|null $currentColumn
* @param bool $startRow
* @return \PHPExcel_Cell|\PHPExcel_Worksheet|void
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
public function setValueOfCell($cellValue, $currentColumn, $startRow)
is_string($cellValue) && is_numeric($cellValue) && !is_integer($cellValue)
? $this->getCell($currentColumn . $startRow)->setValueExplicit($cellValue)
: $this->getCell($currentColumn . $startRow)->setValue($cellValue);
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