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Created July 8, 2014 10:37
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Click to stamp!
import Mouse
import Keyboard
import Window
Click to stamp!
3-9 stamp shape (corners)
r red stamp!
t green stamp!
y blue stamp!
w/s resize stamp
a/d rotate stamp
main = lift3 scene Window.dimensions stampState stamps
type Stamp = { pos: (Int,Int), corners: Int, size: Float, rotation: Float, color: Color }
protoStamp = { pos=(0,0), corners=3, size=30, rotation=0, color=myGreen }
makeStamp: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Stamp
makeStamp pos corners = { protoStamp | pos<-pos, corners<-corners }
-- put together stamp state from last number key press and mouse position when clicking
keyState = foldp updateState protoStamp Keyboard.lastPressed
stampState = (\s p -> {s|pos<-p}) <~ keyState ~ Mouse.position
stamps = foldp (::) [] (sampleOn Mouse.clicks stampState)
scene (w,h) currentStamp stamps =
let toPos (x,y) = (toFloat x - toFloat w / 2, toFloat h / 2 - toFloat y)
printStamp {pos, corners, size, rotation, color} =
ngon corners size |> filled color |> rotate rotation |> move (toPos pos)
in collage w h <| printStamp currentStamp :: map printStamp stamps
myRed = hsla (turns 0.0) 0.5 0.3 0.8
myGreen = hsla (turns 0.4) 0.5 0.3 0.8
myBlue = hsla (turns 0.6) 0.5 0.3 0.8
sizeIncrement = 5
rotationIncrement = 1.0/32
updateState key state =
if | key >= 51 && key <= 57 -> { state | corners <- key-48 } -- 3-9
| key == 82 -> { state | color <- myRed } -- r
| key == 84 -> { state | color <- myGreen } -- t
| key == 89 -> { state | color <- myBlue } -- y
| key == 87 -> { state | size <- state.size + sizeIncrement } -- w
| key == 83 && state.size >= 10 -> { state | size <- state.size - sizeIncrement } -- s
| key == 68 -> { state | rotation = state.rotation - (turns rotationIncrement)} -- d
| key == 65 -> { state | rotation = state.rotation + (turns rotationIncrement)} -- a
| otherwise -> state
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