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Created October 15, 2012 08:04
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Calculating Stratos distances
//Furthest distance travelled from start point. //
WITH points AS
(SELECT (the_geom) FROM stratos ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1) as p1,
(SELECT (the_geom) FROM stratos
WHERE ST_x(the_geom)<180 AND ST_x(the_geom)>-180 AND ST_x(the_geom)<>0
AND ST_x(the_geom)<>0 ORDER BY ST_Distance(the_geom,(SELECT the_geom
FROM stratos ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1)) DESC LIMIT 1) as p2
SELECT ST_distance(p1::geography,p2::geography) as furthest_distance FROM points
//Distance from start to end //
WITH points AS
(SELECT (the_geom) FROM stratos ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1) as p1,
(SELECT (the_geom) FROM stratos ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) as p2
SELECT ST_distance(p1::geography,p2::geography) as distance_from_start_to_end FROM points
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