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Last active January 5, 2016 15:06
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* Node.js proxy to redirect domain to correct server
* Also check is server is alive or send a maintenance page
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),
proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({}),
request = require('request'),
domains = {
"" : "localhost:8080",
"" : "localhost:8081",
"" : "localhost:8082",
"default" : "localhost:8080"
var maintenance = "<!DOCTYPE html>"+ "<title>Site Maintenance</title>" + "<style>" + " body { text-align: center; padding: 150px; }" + " h1 { font-size: 50px; }" + " body { font: 20px Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #333; }" + " article { display: block; text-align: left; width: 650px; margin: 0 auto; }" + " a { color: #1bbc9b; text-decoration: none; }" + " a:hover { color: #109a7e; text-decoration: none; }" + "</style>" + "<article>" + " <h1>We&rsquo;ll be back soon!</h1>" + " <div>" + " <p>Sorry for the inconvenience but we&rsquo;re performing some maintenance at the moment. If you need to you can always <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">contact us</a>, otherwise we&rsquo;ll be back online shortly!</p>" + " <p>&mdash; My Team</p>" + " </div>" + "</article>";
//Check is server is alive, if not respond a maintenance page
var checkServerAvailability = function (req, res, url)
request(url + '/isAlive', function (error, response, body)
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200)
proxy.web(req, res, {target : url});
res.writeHeader(503, {"Content-Type" : "text/html"});
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res)
var hostname = "";
//If server call with domaine and not call with IP directly
if (
hostname =":")[0];
//If it's a know domain, redirect to correct server
if (domains[hostname])
checkServerAvailability(req, res, 'http://' + domains[hostname]);
checkServerAvailability(req, res, 'http://' + domains["default"]);
// Listen to the `upgrade` event and proxy the
// WebSocket requests as well.
server.on('upgrade', function (req, socket, head)
var hostname = "";
//If server call with domaine
if (
hostname =":")[0];
//If it's a know domain, redirect to correct server
if (domains[hostname])
proxy.web(req, socket, {target : 'ws://' + domains[hostname]});
proxy.web(req, socket, {target : 'ws://' + domains["default"]});
//Catch error to prevent proxy crash
proxy.on('error', function (err)
server.listen(80, function ()
{'proxy listening on port 80');
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