The Google Drive API supports these MIME types, but if you try to filter using them, you may find you're not getting the document types back that you expect. Especially when using setMimeTypes()
with Google's JavaScript Picker.
Here are the poorly documented or completely undocumented MIME types I discovered:
If you want application/
, also use application/
. Source.
If you want application/
, also use application/
. Via a private email from a Google employee.
If you want application/
, also use application/
. Source.
If you want application/
, also use application/
. Discovered by inspecting a "form" file: mimeType: "application/", name: "Reform", serviceId: "docs"
This helped a ton! I was going nuts trying to get a list of just folders and docs in Node.js and this solved the problem! Why in the world are these undocumented?