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Javier López A. javierlopeza

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  • Santiago, Chile
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mfd /
Last active February 25, 2025 05:02
Gotham font

<link rel="">

nebil /
Last active August 10, 2023 19:42
🎨 The opinionated Git styleguide — with emoji! 🎨

Git – styleguide


_A styleguide is about consistency. Consistency with this styleguide is important. [...]
However, know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes the styleguide just doesn’t apply.
When in doubt, use your best judgment.

ayamflow / gist:b602ab436ac9f05660d9c15190f4fd7b
Created May 9, 2016 19:10
Safari border-radius + overflow: hidden + CSS transform fix
// Add on element with overflow
-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(white, black);
dropmeaword /
Last active February 23, 2025 13:28
Playing around with Chrome's history

Browser histories

Unless you are using Safari on OSX, most browsers will have some kind of free plugin that you can use to export the browser's history. So that's probably the easiest way. The harder way, which seems to be what Safari wants is a bit more hacky but it will also work for other browsers. Turns out that most of them, including Safari, have their history saved in some kind of sqlite database file somewhere in your home directory.

The OSX Finder cheats a little bit and doesn't show us all the files that actually exist on our drive. It tries to protect us from ourselves by hiding some system and application-specific files. You can work around this by either using the terminal (my preferred method) or by using the Cmd+Shft+G in Finder.


Once you locate the file containing the browser's history, copy it to make a backup just in case we screw up.