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import scala.language.implicitConversions | |
import scala.language.postfixOps | |
sealed trait Permutation[+A] | |
case object Id extends Permutation[Nothing] | |
case class Mapping[A](mappings: Map[A, A]) extends Permutation[A] | |
object Permutation { | |
def id = Id | |
// for creating permutations consisting of a single cycle, i.e. (1 2 3) instead of the mapping 1->2, 2->3, 3->1 | |
def cycle[A](vs: A*): Permutation[A] = { | |
require(vs.size == vs.distinct.size) | |
vs.toList match { | |
case Nil => Id | |
case a +: Seq() => Id | |
case as => Mapping(as.sliding(2).map(l => (l.head, l.last)).toMap + (as.last -> as.head)) | |
} | |
} | |
// for creating permutations by explicitly defining the mapping | |
def mapping[A](mappings: Map[A, A]): Permutation[A] = { | |
require(mappings.keySet == mappings.values.toSet) | |
if (mappings.size < 2) Id else Mapping[A](mappings) | |
} | |
implicit def pOps[A](p: Permutation[A]): PermutationOps[A] = new PermutationOps[A](p) | |
} | |
class PermutationOps[A](p: Permutation[A]) { | |
import Permutation._ | |
// note that the operation is right-associative, so c *: b *: a is equivalent to (a.*:(b)).*:(c) | |
def *:(p2: Permutation[A]): Permutation[A] = (p, p2) match { | |
case (Id, f) => f | |
case (f, Id) => f | |
case (Mapping(m1), Mapping(m2)) => { | |
val newMappings = (m2 ++ m1.map{ case (k,v) => (k, m2.getOrElse(v, v)) }).filter(v => v._1 != v._2) | |
mapping(newMappings) | |
} | |
} | |
def order: Int = { | |
def loop(acc: Permutation[A], n: Int): Int = if (acc == Id) n else loop(p *: acc, n+1) | |
loop(p, 1) | |
} | |
def inverse: Permutation[A] = ^(order - 1) | |
def ^(power: Int): Permutation[A] = power match { | |
case 0 => Id | |
case n if n > 0 => p *: p.^(n-1) | |
case n if n < 0 => p.inverse.^(-1 * n) | |
} | |
private def takeFirstDisjointCycle(m: Map[A, A], ord: Ordering[A]): (Seq[A], Map[A, A]) = { | |
def loop(acc: Seq[A], m: Map[A, A]): (Seq[A], Map[A, A]) = { | |
if (m(acc.last) == acc.head) (acc, m - acc.last) else loop(acc :+ m(acc.last), m - acc.last) | |
} | |
loop(Seq(m.keys.min(ord)), m) | |
} | |
def disjointCycles(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Seq[Permutation[A]] = p match { | |
case Id => Seq() | |
case Mapping(m) => { | |
val (c, rm) = takeFirstDisjointCycle(m, ord) | |
cycle(c:_*) +: mapping(rm).disjointCycles | |
} | |
} | |
def show(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): String = p match { | |
case Id => "" | |
case Mapping(m) => { | |
val (c, rm) = takeFirstDisjointCycle(m, ord) | |
c.mkString("(", " ", ")") + mapping(rm).show | |
} | |
} | |
} |
import Permutation._
val a: Permutation[String] = cycle("A1", "A2", "A3") *: cycle("H1", "F2", "G3") *: cycle("F1", "G2", "H3") *: cycle("G1", "H2", "F3")
val b: Permutation[String] = cycle("B1", "B2", "B3") *: cycle("H1", "G2", "E3") *: cycle("G1", "E2", "H3") *: cycle("E1", "H2", "G3")
val c: Permutation[String] = cycle("C1", "C2", "C3") *: cycle("H1", "E2", "F3") *: cycle("E1", "F2", "H3") *: cycle("F1", "H2", "E3")
val d: Permutation[String] = cycle("D1", "D2", "D3") *: cycle("E1", "G2", "F3") *: cycle("F1", "E2", "G3") *: cycle("G1", "F2", "E3")
val e: Permutation[String] = cycle("E1", "E2", "E3") *: cycle("B1", "C2", "D3") *: cycle("C1", "D2", "B3") *: cycle("D1", "B2", "C3")
val f: Permutation[String] = cycle("F1", "F2", "F3") *: cycle("A1", "D2", "C3") *: cycle("D1", "C2", "A3") *: cycle("C1", "A2", "D3")
val g: Permutation[String] = cycle("G1", "G2", "G3") *: cycle("A1", "B2", "D3") *: cycle("D1", "A2", "B3") *: cycle("B1", "D2", "A3")
val h: Permutation[String] = cycle("H1", "H2", "H3") *: cycle("A1", "C2", "B3") *: cycle("B1", "A2", "C3") *: cycle("C1", "B2", "A3")
import Permutation._
val a = cycle(1, 2, 5, 12, 11, 10, 3) *: cycle(6, 13, 17, 18, 15, 8, 7)
val b = cycle(1, 4, 11, 12, 13, 6, 2) *: cycle(7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 17, 14)
val somePermutation = a *: (b ^ -1) *: (a ^ -1) *: b
println("in disjoint cycle notation, the result is " + somePermutation.show)
and whatnot...