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Last active September 4, 2020 17:56
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  • Save jayphelps/8432362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jayphelps/8432362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of using multiple Ember.Namespaces with a custom Ember.Resolver to reuse code between projects. Ember App Kit's resolver as another example: DefaultResolver docs:
* Super namespace that all our libs and apps will live on. We also extend all
* of the native Ember classes as well and exclusely use them that way so we can
* alter the behavior in one place without needing to reopen the original class.
* We call the super namespace PS for Pivotshare, call it what you'd like.
window.PS = Ember.Namespace.create();
// Create our custom resolver so we can have Ember look up classes on multiple
// namespaces
PS.Resolver = Ember.DefaultResolver.extend({
resolveOther: function (parsedName) {
var value = this._super(parsedName),
childNamespaces = Ember.get(parsedName, 'root.childNamespaces');
// If it didn't resolve to anything, let's see if it's on one of
// the child namespaces
if (!value && childNamespaces) {
for (var i = 0, l = childNamespaces.get('length'); i < l; i++) {
// Change the namespace (root) that Ember will
// use to look it up on
parsedName.root = childNamespaces.objectAt(i);
// Call original method again, with this different namespace
value = this._super(parsedName);
// First match found, wins.
if (value) return value;
// If reached, no match was found.
// Ember will take it from here
// Extending the default Ember.Application behavior
PS.Application = Ember.Application.extend({
// Here is where we tell Ember to use our custom Resolver, defined above
Resolver: PS.Resolver,
childNamespaces: null,
init: function () {
// Needs to be an array if one wasn't provided
if (!this.get('childNamespaces')) {
this.set('childNamespaces', []);
// Extending the default ObjectController behavior
PS.ObjectController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
// Add common helpers/properties/features you always use
* PS.Core lives common components, views, models, etc
PS.Core = Ember.Namespace.create();
// Just an example from today, put on PS.Core
PS.Core.IndexController = PS.ObjectController.extend({
firstName: null,
lastName: null,
fullName: '$firstName $lastName'.interpolate().readOnly()
// Notice we're creating an instance of our PS.Application and providing PS.Core
// as a child namespace so that IndexController will resolve.
PS.SomeApp = PS.Application.create({
childNamespaces: [PS.Core]
// If we don't provide a PS.SomeApp.IndexController, PS.Core.IndexController will be
// used instead! wooohoo
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