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Last active April 26, 2017 13:24
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Component Navigation with Litho
public class FullScreenComponentSpec {
static void createInitialState(ComponentContext c, StateValue<Boolean> isLiked, @Prop boolean initLiked) {
static ComponentLayout onCreateLayout(ComponentContext context, @Prop RequestManager glide, @Prop GifItem gif, @State boolean isLiked) {
return Column.create(context)
.drawableRes(isLiked ? R.drawable.ic_favorite_accent_48dp : R.drawable.ic_favorite_border_accent_48dp)
.paddingDip(YogaEdge.ALL, 8)
static void updateLikeButton(StateValue<Boolean> isLiked) {
static void onLikeButtonClicked(ComponentContext c, @State boolean isLiked, @Prop GifItem gif, @Prop (optional = true) Callback callback) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.onGifLiked(gif.getId(), !isLiked);
public interface Callback {
void onGifLiked(String id, boolean liked);
public class GifImageViewSpec {
static void onPrepare(ComponentContext context, @Prop GifItem gif, Output<Float> ratio) {
ratio.set((float) gif.getWidth() / gif.getHeight());
static void onMeasure(ComponentContext c, ComponentLayout layout, int widthSpec, int heightSpec, Size size,
@Prop (optional = true) boolean isFullScreen, @FromPrepare float ratio) {
MeasureUtils.measureWithAspectRatio(widthSpec, heightSpec, isFullScreen ? ratio : 1, size);
static ImageView onCreateMountContent(ComponentContext c) {
ImageView view = new ImageView(c.getApplicationContext());
return view;
static void onMount(ComponentContext c, ImageView view, @Prop RequestManager glide, @Prop GifItem gif,
@Prop (optional = true) boolean isFullScreen) {
glide.load(isFullScreen ? gif.getImage() : gif.getSmall()).asGif().into(view);
static void onUnMount(ComponentContext c, ImageView view) {
public class GifItem {
private final String id;
private final String image;
private final String small;
private final int width;
private final int height;
private final boolean isLiked;
public GifItem(JsonObject json, boolean isLiked) { = json.get("id").getAsString();
this.small = json.get("images").getAsJsonObject().get("fixed_height_downsampled").getAsJsonObject().get("url").getAsString();
JsonObject image = json.get("images").getAsJsonObject().get("original").getAsJsonObject();
this.image = image.get("url").getAsString();
this.width = image.get("width").getAsInt();
this.height = image.get("height").getAsInt();
this.isLiked = isLiked;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getImage() {
return image;
public String getSmall() {
return small;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public boolean isLiked() {
return isLiked;
public class GifItemViewSpec {
static void createInitialState(ComponentContext c, StateValue<Boolean> isLiked, @Prop boolean initLiked) {
static ComponentLayout onCreateLayout(ComponentContext context, @Prop GifItem gif,
@Prop RequestManager glide, @State boolean isLiked) {
return Column.create(context)
.drawableRes(isLiked ? R.drawable.ic_favorite_accent_24dp :R.drawable.ic_favorite_border_accent_24dp)
.paddingDip(YogaEdge.ALL, 8)
static void updateLikeButton(StateValue<Boolean> isLiked, @Param boolean updatedValue) {
static void onLikeButtonClicked(ComponentContext c, @State boolean isLiked, @Prop GifItem gif, @Prop (optional = true) GifCallback callback) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.onGifLiked(gif.getId(), !isLiked);
GifItemView.updateLikeButtonAsync(c, !isLiked);
static void onViewClicked(ComponentContext c, @Prop GifItem gif, @Prop (optional = true) GifCallback callback) {
if (callback != null) {
public interface GifCallback {
void onGifLiked(String id, boolean liked);
void onGifSelected(GifItem gif);
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private Component homeComponent;
private LithoView root;
private boolean isFullScreen;
private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
... initialize ComponentContext, LikeStore, etc
final GifItemViewSpec.GifCallback callback = new GifItemViewSpec.GifCallback() {
public void onGifLiked(String id, boolean liked) {
likeStore.setLiked(id, liked);
public void onGifSelected(GifItem gif, Component gifComponent) {
showFullScreen(c, glide, gif, likeStore);
... GifProvider code here
homeComponent = HomeComponent.create(c)
.hint("Search Gif")
root = LithoView.create(this, homeComponent);
private void showFullScreen(ComponentContext context, RequestManager glide, GifItem gif, final LikeStore likeStore) {
Component fullScreenComponent = FullScreenComponent.create(context)
.callback(new FullScreenComponentSpec.Callback() {
public void onGifLiked(String id, boolean liked) {
likeStore.setLiked(id, liked);
isFullScreen = true;
public void onBackPressed() {
if (isFullScreen) {
isFullScreen = false;
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