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Last active July 3, 2021 06:36
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Neo4J + GraphQL — Toy example using graphql-ruby and neo4jrb
require 'graphql'
require 'neo4j'
neo4j_url = ENV['NEO4J_URL'] || 'http://localhost:7474'
session =, neo4j_url)
class Author
include Neo4j::ActiveNode
id_property :id_author
property :name
property :cites
property :h_index
has_many :out, :publications, model_class: :Publication, type: 'AUTHOR_OF'
class Publication
include Neo4j::ActiveNode
id_property :id
property :title
property :year
property :citations
property :num_authors
property :has_more_authors
property :journal_id
PublicationType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
name "Publication"
description "A Publication"
field :title, !types.String
field :year, types.Int
field :citations, types.Int
field :num_authors, types.Int
field :has_more_authors, types.Boolean
field :journal_id
AuthorType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
name "Author"
description "An author"
field :id_author, !types.String, "The unique ID for this author"
field :name, !types.String, "The name of the author"
field :cites, !types.Int, "The number of citations"
field :h_index, !types.Int, "The HIndex of the author"
field :publications, types[PublicationType]
QueryRoot = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
name "Query"
description "The query root for this schema"
field :author do
type AuthorType
description "Find an author by its id"
argument :id_author, !types.String
resolve -> (object, arguments, context) {
Author.where(id_author: arguments['id_author']).first
OpusSchema = GraphQL::Schema.define {
query QueryRoot
puts OpusSchema.execute('{ author: author(id_author: "XXXXX") { name, cites, h_index, publications { title, citations } } }' ).inspect
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