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Last active October 25, 2018 20:02
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  • Save jbae11/ad3607a7ec7325dd384a81d6c0dfb748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jbae11/ad3607a7ec7325dd384a81d6c0dfb748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gwenchee ~/github/d3ploy/tests (decision) $ cyclus sm.xml -v 10
.CL:CC CC _Q _Q _Q_Q _Q _Q _Q
CC;CCCCCCCC:C; /_\) /_\)/_/\\) /_\) /_\) /_\)
CCCCCCCCCCCCCl __O|/O___O|/O_OO|/O__O|/O__O|/O____________O|/O__
CCCCCCf iCCCLCC /////////////////////////////////////////////////
iCCCt ;;;;;. CCCC
CCCC ;;;;;;;;;. CClL. c
CCCC ,;; ;;: CCCC ; : CCCCi
CCC ;; ;; CC ;;: CCC` `C;
lCCC ;; CCCC ;;;: :CC .;;. C; ; : ; :;;
CCCC ;. CCCC ;;;, CC ; ; Ci ; : ; : ;
iCC :; CC ;;;, ;C ; CC ; : ; .
CCCi ;; CCC ;;;. .C ; tf ; : ; ;.
CCC ;; CCC ;;;;;;; fC : lC ; : ; ;:
iCf ;; CC :;;: tC ; CC ; : ; ;
fCCC :; LCCf ;;;: LC :. ,: C ; ; ; ; ;
CCCC ;; CCCC ;;;: CCi `;;` CC. ;;;; :;.;. ; ,;
CCl ;; CC ;;;; CCC CCL
tCCC ;; ;; CCCL ;;; tCCCCC.
CCCC ;; :;; CCCCf ; ,L
lCCC ;;;;;; CCCL
. C. ,
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=0, ptr=0x2f0ce30 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=0
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=1, ptr=0x2f06880 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=1
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=2, ptr=0x2f15508 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=2
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=3, ptr=0x2f16118 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=3
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=4, ptr=0x2f15908 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=4
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=5, ptr=0x3a41a20 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=6, ptr=0x1c8b850 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=6
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent '' ID=5
DEBUG3(core ): loading recipe: fresh_uox
DEBUG3(core ): Nuclide: 922350000 Value: 0.711
DEBUG3(core ): Nuclide: 922380000 Value: 99.289
DEBUG3(core ): loading recipe: spent_uox
DEBUG3(core ): Nuclide: 360850000 Value: 50
DEBUG3(core ): Nuclide: 551370000 Value: 50
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=7, ptr=0x39c60e8 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=8, ptr=0x2855c08 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=9, ptr=0x3949cf0 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=10, ptr=0x3592420 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=11, ptr=0x35c34e0 created.
DEBUG1(core ): Agent 'SingleRegion' is entering the simulation.
DEBUG3(core ): It has:
DEBUG3(core ): * Spec: :agents:NullRegion
DEBUG3(core ): * ID: 11
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=12, ptr=0x38c8050 created.
DEBUG1(core ): Agent 'source_inst' is entering the simulation.
DEBUG3(core ): It has:
DEBUG3(core ): * Spec: :agents:NullInst
DEBUG3(core ): * ID: 12
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=13, ptr=0x177ab98 created.
DEBUG1(core ): Agent 'sink' is entering the simulation.
DEBUG3(core ): It has:
DEBUG3(core ): * Spec: :cycamore:Sink
DEBUG3(core ): * ID: 13
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=14, ptr=0x39054b8 created.
DEBUG1(core ): Agent 'source' is entering the simulation.
DEBUG3(core ): It has:
DEBUG3(core ): * Spec: :cycamore:Source
DEBUG3(core ): * ID: 14
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'sink' ID=8
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'SingleRegion' ID=10
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'SingleRegion' ID=11
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'source_inst' ID=9
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'source' ID=7
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=15, ptr=0x2eeac48 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=16, ptr=0x2eea718 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=17, ptr=0x3393c50 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=18, ptr=0x284a4f0 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=19, ptr=0x335d050 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=20, ptr=0x284ae20 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=21, ptr=0x2eec6a8 created.
DEBUG3(memory): Agent ID=22, ptr=0x2eed188 created.
INFO1(core ):Simulation set to run from start=0 to end=10
INFO1(core ):Beginning simulation
INFO1(core ):Current time: 0
INFO2(core ): Beginning Tick for time: 0
INFO3(SnkFac): sink is ticking {
INFO4(SnkFac): will request 1e+299 kg of fuel.
INFO3(SnkFac): }
INFO2(core ): Beginning DRE for time: 0
INFO3(Source): source is bidding up to 10 kg of fuel
INFO5(Source): stats: Facility_source ( ID=14, implementation=:cycamore:Source, name=source, parentID=12 ) with: lifetime: -1 build date: 0 supplies commodity 'fuel' with recipe 'fresh_uox' at a throughput of 10 kg per time step commod producer members: produces fuel?: yes throughput: 10 cost: 10
DEBUG1(core ): done with info gathering
DEBUG1(core ): translating graph...
DEBUG2(core ): Translating request portfolio of size 1e+299
DEBUG4(core ): adding 1 request capacities
DEBUG4(core ): adding 1 bid capacities
DEBUG1(core ): Additing unit capacity: 1
DEBUG1(core ): Additing unit capacity: 1
DEBUG1(core ): graph translated!
DEBUG1(core ): solving graph...
DEBUG1(core ): Group weight value during graph preconditioning is 1.5.
DEBUG1(core ): Greedy Solving for 1e+299 amount of a resource.
DEBUG1(core ): Capacity for node:
DEBUG1(core ): group capacity: 1e+299
DEBUG1(core ): unit capacity: 1
DEBUG1(core ): capacity: 1e+299
DEBUG1(core ): Capacity for node:
DEBUG1(core ): group capacity: 10
DEBUG1(core ): unit capacity: 1
DEBUG1(core ): capacity: 10
DEBUG1(core ): Capacity for unode of arc: 1e+299
DEBUG1(core ): Capacity for vnode of arc: 10
DEBUG1(core ): Capacity for arc : 10
DEBUG1(core ): Greedy Solver is matching 10 amount of a resource.
DEBUG1(core ): Updating capacity value from: 1e+299
DEBUG1(core ): to: 1e+299
DEBUG1(core ): Updating capacity value from: 10
DEBUG1(core ): to: 0
DEBUG1(core ): graph solved!
DEBUG1(core ): Back traslating 1 trade matches.
DEBUG1(core ): trades translated!
INFO5(Source): source sent an order for 10 of fuel
DEBUG1(core ): done with info gathering
INFO2(core ): Beginning Tock for time: 0
INFO3(SnkFac): sink is tocking {
INFO4(SnkFac): Sink 13 is holding 10 units of material at the close of month 0.
INFO3(SnkFac): }
INFO2(core ): Beginning Decision for time: 0
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'sink' ID=13
DEBUG2(core ): Agent 'source_inst' ID=12 has removed child 'sink' ID=13 from its list of children.
DEBUG3(memory): Deleting agent 'source' ID=14
DEBUG2(core ): Agent 'source_inst' ID=12 has removed child 'source' ID=14 from its list of children.
INFO1(core ):Current time: 1
INFO2(core ): Beginning Tick for time: 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
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