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Created November 30, 2023 01:29
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a first pass at a rhombus logo
#lang rhombus
lib("2htdp/image.rkt") as img
def make_color = img.#{make-color}
def empty_scene = img.#{empty-scene}
def posn = posn.#{make-posn}
def add_polygon = img.#{add-polygon}
def write_special = base.#{write-special}
def the_blue = make_color(0x3e, 0x5b, 0xa9)
def the_red = make_color(0x9f, 0x1d, 0x20)
// measurements taken from scanned sketch image, now expressed using fractions
(define tl-x 1298)
;(define tl-y 1562)
(define tr-x 1845)
(define tr-y 1567)
(define lr-x 1578)
(define lr-y 2183)
(define lr2-x 1391)
(define red-right-y 1892)
(define red-left-y 2018)
(define little-red-triangle-tip-y 1996)
(define little-red-triangle-other-tip-x 1155)
(define stripe-lower-edge 1716)
(define PRE-white-stripe-height (- 87 16))
(define PRE-white-stripe-width (- 1402 1314))
(define PRE-height (- lr-y tr-y))
(define PRE-slant-x (- tr-x lr-x))
(define PRE-red-right-drop (- red-right-y tr-y))
(define PRE-red-left-drop (- red-left-y tr-y))
(define PRE-red-triangle-drop (- little-red-triangle-tip-y tr-y))
(define PRE-stripe-height (- stripe-lower-edge tr-y))
(define PRE-stripe-width (- lr-x lr2-x))
(define PRE-red-triangle-width-plus-stripes (- lr-x little-red-triangle-other-tip-x))
(define PRE-2-stripes-width (+ PRE-stripe-width PRE-white-stripe-width))
(define PRE-red-triangle-width (- PRE-red-triangle-width-plus-stripes PRE-2-stripes-width))
(define PRE-red-triangle-tip-jog 10)
// Adjust these:
// all heights are as a fraction of the total height.
// all widths are as a fraction of the base width.
def theta = 2*math.pi*(70/360)
// height as a multiple of the base length
// originally PRE-height / top-len
def height_frac = math.sin(theta)
// rightward displacement of the top
// originally PRE-slant-x / top-len
def slant_x_frac = math.cos(theta)
// vertical thickness of the outer blue stripe
// originally (/ PRE_stripe_height height)
def stripe_height_frac = 0.20
// width of the outer blue stripe
// originally (/ PRE_stripe_width base_width)
def stripe_width_frac = 0.25
// vertical thickness of the white stripe inside the blue stripe
// originally #;(/ PRE_white_stripe_height height)
def white_stripe_height_frac = 0.09
// width of the white stripe inside the blue stripe
// originally #;(/ PRE_white_stripe_width base_width)
def white_stripe_width_frac = 0.11
// height from the top of the image to the lower right corner of the red quadrilateral
// originially (/ PRE_red_right_drop height)
def red_right_drop_frac = 0.5
// height from the top of the image to the lower left corner of the red quadrilateral
// originally (/ red_left_drop height)
def red_left_drop_frac = 0.733
// height from the top of the image to the top of the lower red triangle
// originally (/ PRE_red_triangle_drop height)
def red_triangle_drop_frac = 0.65
// width of the lower red triangle
// originally (/ red_triangle_width base_width)
def red_triangle_width_frac = 0.550
// amount by which the tip of the lower red triangle is moved to the right
// originally (/ red_triangle_tip_jog base_width)
def red_triangle_tip_jog_frac = 0.02
// originally (- tr_x tl_x)
def base_width = 350.0
def red_triangle_tip_jog = red_triangle_tip_jog_frac * base_width
def height = base_width * height_frac
def slant_x = base_width * slant_x_frac
def stripe_height = stripe_height_frac * height
def stripe_width = stripe_width_frac * base_width
def white_stripe_height = white_stripe_height_frac * height
def white_stripe_width = white_stripe_width_frac * base_width
def red_left_drop = red_left_drop_frac * height
def red_right_drop = red_right_drop_frac * height
def red_triangle_drop = red_triangle_drop_frac * height
def red_triangle_width = red_triangle_width_frac * base_width
def slope = height / slant_x
def two_stripes_height = stripe_height + white_stripe_height
def two_stripes_width = stripe_width + white_stripe_width
def full_width = base_width + slant_x
def inner_box_width = base_width - two_stripes_width
def margin = 50
def the_scene = empty_scene(2 * margin + full_width, 2 * margin + height)
// given the distance from the top of the image, compute the leftward shift
fun drop_to_slide(drop):
drop / slope
// given a distance from the left side of the un-skewed figure
// and a height from the top, return the posn of the skewed figure
fun skew_posn(x,y):
[full_width - drop_to_slide(y) - (base_width - x), y]
check skew_posn(0,0) ~is_now [slant_x,0]
check skew_posn(base_width,0) ~is_now [full_width,0]
check skew_posn(0,height) ~is_now [0.0,height]
check skew_posn(base_width,height) ~is_now [base_width,height]
// skew and shift for margin
fun reposition(x,y):
match skew_posn(x,y)
| [x,y]: posn(x+margin,y+margin)
def left_jog_1 = drop_to_slide(stripe_height)
def left_jog_2 = drop_to_slide(two_stripes_height)
// all positions are specified in an "un-slanted" frame, then slanted
// by a call to skew_posn
def outer_blue_stripe_posns:
reposition(base_width - stripe_width, height),
reposition(base_width - stripe_width, stripe_height),
def left_red_block_posns:
reposition(inner_box_width, two_stripes_height),
reposition(inner_box_width, red_right_drop),
reposition(0, red_left_drop)]
def lower_red_triangle_posns:
[reposition(red_triangle_tip_jog + (inner_box_width), red_triangle_drop),
reposition(inner_box_width, height),
reposition(inner_box_width - red_triangle_width, height)]
def s2:
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