Install RVM http://beginrescueend.com/rvm/install/
Install Ruby 1.9.2:
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290
Create a gemset for 'yourapplication':
$ rvm gemset create yourapplication
Switch to this gemset
$ rvm gemset use yourapplication
Install bundler :
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
(this should take a while…) -
Install Juicer needed files:
$ juicer install yui_compressor
$ juicer install closure_compiler
$ juicer install jslint -
$ guard
or$ bundle exec guard
Bonus: install LiveReload, for Chrome or for Safari
- assets/sass/
- assets/coffeescripts
Compiled files
- javascripts/*.js
- stylesheets/*.css
Only application.css and application.js will be minified. You can change that in Guardfile