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Forked from minute-med/
Created August 2, 2021 16:38
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How to display paginated non-tabulated data with vue.js (NUXT) and Buefy

how to make a pagination system for non tabulated data with nuxt (or Vue.js) and buefy

Here we gonna see how to make a basic pagination for data that we dont want to display in a table i decided to go for the computed property way and since i'm a lazy ass i dediced to pick up Buefy, a nice css component library that i already used before to handle the pagination logic for me.

Download & install buefy for nuxt

npm install nuxt-buefy --save

in the nuxt.config.js file, add the module dependency

modules.exports = {
	 modules: [

Download & install for vue.js

npm install buefy --save

in your App root

import Buefy from 'buefy'
import 'buefy/lib/buefy.css'


your component

	    <!-- the v-for stuff with columns is to make a 4 items per line dynamic grid, it uses bulma css columns (integrated with buefy) -->
	  	<div class="columns" v-for="i in Math.ceil(paginate.length / 4)" :key="i">
			<div class="column" v-for="mydataObj in paginate.slice((i - 1) * 4, i * 4)" :key="">
				{{ mydataObj.created_at }}
				{{ }}
				{{ mydataObj.value }}

	export default {
		data () {
			myDataCollection: [],
			pagination: {
	          total: 0,
	          current: 1,
	          perPage: 20,
	          isSimple: false
	    mounted () {
	    	.then(response => {
	    		this.myDataCollection = = this.myDataCollection.length
	    computed: {
	    	paginate () {
	    		if(this.pagination.current === 1) {
			        return this.myDataCollection.slice(0, this.pagination.perPage)
			      let start = (this.pagination.current - 1) * this.pagination.perPage
			      let end = this.pagination.current * this.pagination.perPage
			      return this.myDataCollection.slice(start, end)
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