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Last active January 13, 2018 06:52
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  • Save jberkus/3950d8348e2ddb00070c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jberkus/3950d8348e2ddb00070c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
New needed indexes query, temp version
write_adjust AS (
-- change the below to 1.0 if pg_stats goes back to
-- the creation of the database
SELECT 0.0 AS adjustment
index_usage AS (
SELECT sut.relid,
current_database() AS database,
sut.schemaname::text as schema_name,
sut.relname::text AS table_name,
sut.seq_scan as table_scans,
sut.idx_scan as index_scans,
pg_total_relation_size(relid) as table_bytes,
round((sut.n_tup_ins + sut.n_tup_del + sut.n_tup_upd + sut.n_tup_hot_upd) /
(seq_tup_read::NUMERIC + 2), 2) as writes_per_scan
FROM pg_stat_user_tables sut,
index_counts AS (
SELECT sut.relid,
count(*) as index_count
FROM pg_stat_user_tables sut LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_indexes
ON sut.schemaname = pg_indexes.schemaname AND
sut.relname = pg_indexes.tablename
GROUP BY relid
too_many_tablescans AS (
SELECT 'many table scans'::TEXT as reason,
database, schema_name, table_name,
table_scans, pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) as table_size,
writes_per_scan, index_count, table_bytes
FROM index_usage JOIN index_counts USING ( relid )
WHERE table_scans > 1000
AND table_scans > ( index_scans * 2 )
AND table_bytes > 32000000
AND writes_per_scan < ( 1.0 )
ORDER BY table_scans DESC
scans_no_index AS (
SELECT 'scans, few indexes'::TEXT as reason,
database, schema_name, table_name,
table_scans, pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) as table_size,
writes_per_scan, index_count, table_bytes
FROM index_usage JOIN index_counts USING ( relid )
WHERE table_scans > 100
AND table_scans > ( index_scans )
AND index_count < 2
AND table_bytes > 32000000
AND writes_per_scan < ( 1.0 )
ORDER BY table_scans DESC
big_tables_with_scans AS (
SELECT 'big table scans'::TEXT as reason,
database, schema_name, table_name,
table_scans, pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) as table_size,
writes_per_scan, index_count, table_bytes
FROM index_usage JOIN index_counts USING ( relid )
WHERE table_scans > 100
AND table_scans > ( index_scans / 10 )
AND table_bytes > 1000000000
AND writes_per_scan < ( 1.0 )
ORDER BY table_bytes DESC
scans_no_writes AS (
SELECT 'scans, no writes'::TEXT as reason,
database, schema_name, table_name,
table_scans, pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) as table_size,
writes_per_scan, index_count, table_bytes
FROM index_usage JOIN index_counts USING ( relid )
WHERE table_scans > 100
AND table_scans > ( index_scans / 4 )
AND table_bytes > 32000000
AND writes_per_scan < ( 0.1 )
ORDER BY writes_per_scan ASC
SELECT reason, database, schema_name, table_name, table_scans,
table_size, writes_per_scan, index_count
FROM too_many_tablescans
SELECT reason, database, schema_name, table_name, table_scans,
table_size, writes_per_scan, index_count
FROM scans_no_index
SELECT reason, database, schema_name, table_name, table_scans,
table_size, writes_per_scan, index_count
FROM big_tables_with_scans
SELECT reason, database, schema_name, table_name, table_scans,
table_size, writes_per_scan, index_count
FROM scans_no_writes;
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