#!/usr/bin/env ruby |
require 'httparty' |
require 'json' |
require 'base64' |
require 'time' |
## |
# |
# Written by JB Farez ([email protected]) |
# Rev 0.3 |
# Last update : 2014/11/17 |
# |
## |
## Constants |
## -- |
## Vars |
## -- |
apiUrl = "https://io.catchpoint.com/ui/api/" |
apiVersion = "v1" |
respWidgetId = "catchpoint-average-response" |
availWidgetId = "catchpoint-average-availability" |
graphPoints = [] |
## Job |
## -- |
SCHEDULER.every '180s', :first_in => 0 do |job| |
timeNow = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M').to_s |
timeMidnight = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT00:00').to_s |
puts "#{timeNow} : INFO : Start polling average response time of webmobile from Catchpoint" |
# Get the access token to pull the API |
getTokenUri = "token" |
getTokenPost = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=#{clientId}&client_secret=#{clientSecret}" |
tokenResponse = HTTParty.post("#{apiUrl}#{getTokenUri}", |
{ |
:body => getTokenPost.to_s, |
:headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json' } |
}) |
# Get the token himself and encode it in base64 |
accessToken = JSON.parse(tokenResponse.body)["access_token"] |
encodedToken = Base64.encode64(accessToken).gsub("\n", '') |
# Get the token type |
tokenType = JSON.parse(tokenResponse.body)["token_type"] |
# Get average response time and availability |
response = HTTParty.get("#{apiUrl}/#{apiVersion}/performance/favoriteCharts/#{testId}/data?startTime=#{timeMidnight}&endTime=#{timeNow}", |
{ |
:headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json', "Authorization" => "#{tokenType} #{encodedToken}" } |
}) |
respCode = response.code |
data = response.body.to_s |
# Check there is a content |
if respCode == 200 |
# Average response time |
avgRespTime = JSON.parse(data)["summary"]["items"][0]["synthetic_metrics"][0].to_i |
if avgRespTime.to_i.between?(2000, 3000) |
respStatus = "warning" |
elsif avgRespTime.to_i > 3001 |
respStatus = "critical" |
else |
end |
graphPoints << { x:Time.now.to_i, y:avgRespTime } |
# Availability |
avgAvail = "%.2f" % JSON.parse(data)["summary"]["items"][0]["synthetic_metrics"][2].to_f |
if avgAvail.to_i.between?(98, 99) |
availStatus = "warning" |
elsif avgAvail.to_i < 98 |
availStatus = "critical" |
else |
end |
# If executed by dashing send the event to widget |
# If not, just print to stdout |
if defined?(send_event) |
send_event(respWidgetId, { points: graphPoints, status: respStatus }) |
send_event(availWidgetId, { value: avgAvail, status: availStatus }) |
else |
puts "Average response time : #{avgRespTime} (status : #{respStatus})" |
puts "Average availability : #{avgAvail} (status : #{availStatus})" |
puts "Queries : \n\t{ value: #{avgRespTime}, status: #{respStatus} }\n\t{ value: #{avgAvail}, status: #{availStatus} }" |
end |
puts "#{timeNow} : INFO : Polling average response time and availability of webmobile from Catchpoint is finished" |
else |
puts "#{timeNow} : FATAL : Response code = #{respCode}" |
puts "#{timeNow} : FATAL : Content = #{data}" |
end |
end |