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Created March 8, 2017 21:18
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Minimal Habitat plan for Ruby
# This file is the heart of your application's habitat.
# See full docs at
# Required.
# Sets the name of the package. This will be used in along with `pkg_origin`,
# and `pkg_version` to define the fully-qualified package name, which determines
# where the package is installed to on disk, how it is referred to in package
# metadata, and so on.
# Required unless overridden by the `HAB_ORIGIN` environment variable.
# The origin is used to denote a particular upstream of a package.
# Required.
# Sets the version of the package.
# Optional.
# The name and email address of the package maintainer.
# pkg_maintainer="The Habitat Maintainers <[email protected]>"
# Optional.
# An array of valid software licenses that relate to this package.
# Please choose a license from
# pkg_license=('Apache-2.0')
# Required.
# A URL that specifies where to download the source from. Any valid wget url
# will work. Typically, the relative path for the URL is partially constructed
# from the pkg_name and pkg_version values; however, this convention is not
# required.
# Optional.
# The resulting filename for the download, typically constructed from the
# pkg_name and pkg_version values.
# pkg_filename="${pkg_name}-${pkg_version}.tar.gz"
# Required if a valid URL is provided for pkg_source or unless do_verify() is overridden.
# The value for pkg_shasum is a sha-256 sum of the downloaded pkg_source. If you
# do not have the checksum, you can easily generate it by downloading the source
# and using the sha256sum or gsha256sum tools. Also, if you do not have
# do_verify() overridden, and you do not have the correct sha-256 sum, then the
# expected value will be shown in the build output of your package.
# Optional.
# An array of package dependencies needed at runtime. You can refer to packages
# at three levels of specificity: `origin/package`, `origin/package/version`, or
# `origin/package/version/release`.
pkg_deps=(core/glibc core/ncurses core/zlib core/openssl core/libyaml core/libffi)
# Optional.
# An array of the package dependencies needed only at build time.
pkg_build_deps=(core/make core/gcc)
# Optional.
# An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where
# libraries can be found. Used to populate LD_FLAGS and LD_RUN_PATH for
# software that depends on your package.
# Optional.
# An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where
# headers can be found. Used to populate CFLAGS for software that depends on
# your package.
# Optional.
# An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where
# binaries can be found. Used to populate PATH for software that depends on
# your package.
# Optional.
# An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where
# pkg-config metadata (.pc files) can be found. Used to populate
# PKG_CONFIG_PATH for software that depends on your package.
# pkg_pconfig_dirs=(lib/pconfig)
# Optional.
# The command for the supervisor to execute when starting a service. You can
# omit this setting if your package is not intended to be run directly by a
# supervisor of if your plan contains a run hook in hooks/run.
pkg_svc_run="/bin/bash -c irb"
# Optional.
# An associative array representing configuration data which should be gossiped to peers. The keys
# in this array represent the name the value will be assigned and the values represent the toml path
# to read the value.
# pkg_exports=(
# [host]=srv.address
# [port]=srv.port
# [ssl-port]=srv.ssl.port
# )
# Optional.
# An array of `pkg_exports` keys containing default values for which ports that this package
# exposes. These values are used as sensible defaults for other tools. For example, when exporting
# a package to a container format.
# pkg_exposes=(port ssl-port)
# Optional.
# An associative array representing services which you depend on and the configuration keys that
# you expect the service to export (by their `pkg_exports`). These binds *must* be set for the
# supervisor to load the service. The loaded service will wait to run until it's bind becomes
# available. If the bind does not contain the expected keys, the service will not start
# successfully.
# pkg_binds=(
# [database]="port host"
# )
# Optional.
# Same as `pkg_binds` but these represent optional services to connect to.
# pkg_binds_optional=(
# [storage]="port host"
# )
# Optional.
# An array of interpreters used in shebang lines for scripts. Specify the
# subdirectory where the binary is relative to the package, for example,
# bin/bash or libexec/neverland, since binaries can be located in directories
# besides bin. This list of interpreters will be written to the metadata
# INTERPRETERS file, located inside a package, with their fully-qualified path.
# Then these can be used with the fix_interpreter function.
# Optional.
# The user to run the service as. The default is hab.
# pkg_svc_user="hab"
# Optional.
# The group to run the service as. The default is hab.
# pkg_svc_group="$pkg_svc_user"
# Required for core plans, optional otherwise.
# A short description of the package. It can be a simple string, or you can
# create a multi-line description using markdown to provide a rich description
# of your package.
# pkg_description="Some description."
# Required for core plans, optional otherwise.
# The project home page for the package.
# pkg_upstream_url=""
# Callback Functions
# When defining your plan, you have the flexibility to override the default
# behavior of Habitat in each part of the package building stage through a
# series of callbacks. To define a callback, simply create a shell function
# of the same name in your file and then write your script. If you do
# not want to use the default callback behavior, you must override the callback
# and return 0 in the function definition.
# Callbacks are defined here with either their "do_default_x", if they have a
# default implementation, or empty with "return 0" if they have no default
# implementation (Bash does not allow empty function bodies.) If callbacks do
# nothing or do the same as the default implementation, they can be removed from
# this template.
# The default implementations (the do_default_* functions) are defined in the
# plan build script:
# There is no default implementation of this callback. You can use it to execute
# any arbitrary commands before anything else happens.
do_begin() {
return 0
# The default implementation is that the software specified in $pkg_source is
# downloaded, checksum-verified, and placed in $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkgfilename,
# which resolves to a path like /hab/cache/src/filename.tar.gz. You should
# override this behavior if you need to change how your binary source is
# downloaded, if you are not downloading any source code at all, or if your are
# cloning from git. If you do clone a repo from git, you must override
# do_verify() to return 0.
do_download() {
# The default implementation tries to verify the checksum specified in the plan
# against the computed checksum after downloading the source tarball to disk.
# If the specified checksum doesn't match the computed checksum, then an error
# and a message specifying the mismatch will be printed to stderr. You should
# not need to override this behavior unless your package does not download
# any files.
do_verify() {
# The default implementation removes the HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname folder
# in case there was a previously-built version of your package installed on
# disk. This ensures you start with a clean build environment.
do_clean() {
# The default implementation extracts your tarball source file into
# HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH. The supported archives are: .tar, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz,
# .tar.xz, .rar, .zip, .Z, .7z. If the file archive could not be found or was
# not supported, then a message will be printed to stderr with additional
# information.
do_unpack() {
# There is no default implementation of this callback. At this point in the
# build process, the tarball source has been downloaded, unpacked, and the build
# environment variables have been set, so you can use this callback to perform
# any actions before the package starts building, such as exporting variables,
# adding symlinks, and so on.
do_prepare() {
return 0
# The default implementation is to update the prefix path for the configure
# script to use $pkg_prefix and then run make to compile the downloaded source.
# This means the script in the default implementation does
# ./configure --prefix=$pkg_prefix && make. You should override this behavior
# if you have additional configuration changes to make or other software to
# build and install as part of building your package.
do_build() {
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -O3 -g -pipe"
./configure "--prefix=$pkg_prefix" \
--enable-shared \
--disable-install-doc \
"--with-openssl-dir=$(_resolve_dependency core/openssl)" \
"--with-libyaml-dir=$(_resolve_dependency core/libyaml)"
make -j"$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)"
# The default implementation runs nothing during post-compile. An example of a
# command you might use in this callback is make test. To use this callback, two
# conditions must be true. A) do_check() function has been declared, B) DO_CHECK
# environment variable exists and set to true, env DO_CHECK=true.
do_check() {
make test
# The default implementation is to run make install on the source files and
# place the compiled binaries or libraries in HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname,
# which resolves to a path like /hab/cache/src/packagename-version/. It uses
# this location because of do_build() using the --prefix option when calling the
# configure script. You should override this behavior if you need to perform
# custom installation steps, such as copying files from HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH to
# specific directories in your package, or installing pre-built binaries into
# your package.
do_install() {
gem update --system --no-document
# The default implementation is to strip any binaries in $pkg_prefix of their
# debugging symbols. You should override this behavior if you want to change
# how the binaries are stripped, which additional binaries located in
# subdirectories might also need to be stripped, or whether you do not want the
# binaries stripped at all.
do_strip() {
# There is no default implementation of this callback. This is called after the
# package has been built and installed. You can use this callback to remove any
# temporary files or perform other post-install clean-up actions.
do_end() {
return 0
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