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Last active July 27, 2017 20:35
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  • Save jbjornson/1133602 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jbjornson/1133602 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Plugin that keeps track of which files have been recently closed, as well as files that have been recently accessed. The plugin can be used to simply open the last file you closed or can be used to display a quick panel with a list of recently accessed f
@author Josh Bjornson
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
# Plugin to provide access to the history of accessed files:
# The plugin stores a JSON file with the file history.
# Note: I tried checking for file existence in the history but this
# took more time than expected (especially with networked files) and
# made the plugin quite unresponsive. The compromise is a command
# to cleanup the current project (with the option to clean up the
# global list as well). The cleanup will remove any files in the
# project history that don't exist.
# To run the plugin:
# view.run_command("open_recently_closed_file")
# view.run_command("cleanup_file_history")
# Keymap entries:
# { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], "command": "open_recently_closed_file"},
# { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "open_recently_closed_file", "args": {"show_quick_panel": false} },
# { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "open_recently_closed_file", "args": {"current_project_only": false} },
# { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+c"], "command": "cleanup_file_history", "args": {"current_project_only": false} },
# TODO use api function (not yet available) to get the project name/id (rather than using a hash of the project folders)
# TODO Get the settings below from a sublime-settings file?
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os
import hashlib
import json
# Maximum number of history entries we should keep (older entries truncated)
# Which position to open a file at when the saved index in no longer valid
# (e.g. after a migration or if the saved index is non-existent).
# Options are: next tab and last tab
# Print out the debug text?
# Should we show a preview of the history entries?
# Helper methods for "logging" to the console.
def debug(text):
def log(text):
print('[%s] %s' % ('FileHistory', text))
# Class to read and write the file-access history.
class FileHistory(object):
_instance = None
"""Basic singleton implementation"""
def instance(cls):
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = cls()
return cls._instance
"""Class to manage the file-access history"""
def __init__(self):
self.history_file = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User', 'FileHistory.json')
self.history = {}
self.calling_view = None
def get_current_project_key(self):
m = hashlib.md5()
for path in sublime.active_window().folders():
project_key = m.hexdigest()
# Try to use project_file_name (available in ST3 build 3014)
# Note: Although it would be more appropriate, the name of the workspace is not available
if hasattr(sublime.active_window(), 'project_file_name'):
project_filename = sublime.active_window().project_file_name()
if not project_filename:
return project_key
# migrate the old history entry (if it exists)
if project_key in self.history:
self.history[project_filename] = self.history[project_key]
# use the new project key
project_key = project_filename
return project_key
def __load_history(self):
debug('Loading the history from file ' + self.history_file)
if not os.path.exists(self.history_file):
f = open(self.history_file, 'r')
updated_history = json.load(f)
self.history = updated_history
def __save_history(self):
debug('Saving the history to file ' + self.history_file)
f = open(self.history_file, mode='w+')
json.dump(self.history, f, indent=4)
def get_history(self, current_project_only=True):
"""Return the requested history (global or project-specific): opened files followed by closed files"""
# Make sure the history is loaded
if len(self.history) == 0:
# Load the requested history (global or project-specific)
if current_project_only:
project_name = self.get_current_project_key()
project_name = 'global'
# Return the list of closed and opened files
if project_name in self.history:
return self.history[project_name]['closed'] + self.history[project_name]['opened']
debug('WARN: Project %s could not be found in the file history list - returning an empty history list' % (project_name))
return []
def __ensure_project(self, project_name):
"""Make sure the project nodes exist (including 'opened' and 'closed')"""
if project_name not in self.history:
self.history[project_name] = {}
self.history[project_name]['opened'] = []
self.history[project_name]['closed'] = []
def add_view(self, view, history_type):
# Get the file details from the view
filename = os.path.normpath(view.file_name()) if view.file_name() else None
# Only keep track of files that exist (that have already been saved)
if filename != None:
project_name = self.get_current_project_key()
(group, index) = sublime.active_window().get_view_index(view)
if os.path.exists(filename):
# Add to both the project-specific and global histories
self.__add_to_history(project_name, history_type, filename, group, index)
self.__add_to_history('global', history_type, filename, group, index)
# If the file doesn't exist then remove it from the lists
debug('The file no longer exists, so it has been removed from the history: ' + filename)
self.__remove(project_name, filename)
self.__remove('global', filename)
def __add_to_history(self, project_name, history_type, filename, group, index):
debug('Adding %s file to project %s with group %s and index %s: %s' % (history_type, project_name, group, index, filename))
# Make sure the project nodes exist
# Remove the file from the project list then
# add it to the top (of the opened/closed list)
self.__remove(project_name, filename)
node = {'filename': filename, 'group':group, 'index':index}
self.history[project_name][history_type].insert(0, node)
# Make sure we limit the number of history entries
max_num_entries = GLOBAL_MAX_ENTRIES if project_name == 'global' else PROJECT_MAX_ENTRIES
self.history[project_name][history_type] = self.history[project_name][history_type][0:max_num_entries]
def __remove(self, project_name, filename):
# Only continue if this project exists
if project_name not in self.history:
# Remove any references to this file from the project
for history_type in ('opened', 'closed'):
for node in iter(self.history[project_name][history_type]):
if node['filename'] == filename:
def clean_history(self, project_name):
# Only continue if this project exists
if project_name not in self.history:
sublime.status_message("This project does not have any history")
# Remove any non-existent files from the project
for history_type in ('opened', 'closed'):
for node in reversed(self.history[project_name][history_type]):
if not os.path.exists(node['filename']):
debug('Removing non-existent file from the project: %s' % (node['filename']))
sublime.status_message("File history cleaned")
class OpenRecentlyClosedFileEvent(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
"""class to keep a history of the files that have been opened and closed"""
def on_close(self, view):
FileHistory.instance().add_view(view, 'closed')
def on_load(self, view):
window = sublime.active_window()
# If this view is being previewed (transient), then don't trigger the file history event
add_to_history = True
if hasattr(window, 'transient_view_in_group'):
if view == window.transient_view_in_group(window.active_group()):
add_to_history = False
if add_to_history:
FileHistory.instance().add_view(view, 'opened')
class CleanupFileHistoryCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, current_project_only=True):
# Cleanup the current project
h = FileHistory.instance()
# If requested, also cleanup the global history
if not current_project_only:
class OpenRecentlyClosedFileCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
"""class to either open the last closed file or show a quick panel with the recent file history (closed files first)"""
def run(self, show_quick_panel=True, current_project_only=True):
# Remember the view that the command was run from (aka the "calling" view), so:
# (1) we can return to the "calling" view if the user cancels
# (2) we can show something if a file in the history no longer exists
FileHistory.instance().calling_view = sublime.active_window().active_view()
# Prepare the display list with the file name and path separated
self.history_list = FileHistory.instance().get_history(current_project_only)
display_list = []
for node in self.history_list:
file_path = node['filename']
display_list.append([os.path.basename(file_path), os.path.dirname(file_path)])
if show_quick_panel:
# The new ST3 API supports an "on_highlight" function in the "show_quick_panel" call
if int(sublime.version()) >= 3000:
self.window.show_quick_panel(display_list, self.open_file, on_highlight=self.show_preview)
self.window.show_quick_panel(display_list, self.open_file)
def is_valid(self, selected_index):
return selected_index >= 0 and selected_index < len(self.history_list)
# Note: This function will never be called in ST2
def show_preview(self, selected_index):
if self.is_valid(selected_index):
# Preview the file if it exists, otherwise show the previous view (aka the "calling_view")
node = self.history_list[selected_index]
if os.path.exists(node['filename']):
self.window.open_file(node['filename'], sublime.TRANSIENT)
sublime.active_window().focus_view( FileHistory.instance().calling_view )
def open_file(self, selected_index):
if self.is_valid(selected_index):
node = self.history_list[selected_index]
# Get the group of the new view (the currently active group is the default)
group = node['group']
if group < 0 or group >= self.window.num_groups():
group = self.window.active_group()
# Get the alternative tab index (in case the saved index in no longer valid):
# The file could be opened in the last tab (max_index) or after the current tab (next_index)...
max_index = len(self.window.views_in_group(group))
if max_index:
next_index = self.window.get_view_index(self.window.active_view_in_group(group))[1] + 1
next_index = 0
# Get the index of the new view
index = node['index']
if index < 0 or index > max_index:
index = next_index if DEFAULT_NEW_TAB_POSITION == TAB_POSITION_NEXT else max_index
debug('Opening file in group %s, index %s (based on saved group %s, index %s): %s' % (group, index, node['group'], node['index'], node['filename']))
# Open the file and position the view correctly
new_view = self.window.open_file(node['filename'])
self.window.set_view_index(new_view, group, index)
# Add the file we just opened to the FileHistory
FileHistory.instance().add_view(new_view, 'opened')
# The user cancelled the action - give the focus back to the "calling" view
sublime.active_window().focus_view( FileHistory.instance().calling_view )
FileHistory.instance().calling_view = None
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One issue is that you cannot find out what the current project is (using the API), so I had to use a hash of the open folders to identify the project. Unfortunately, the side-effect of this is that when you add or remove a folder from a project, the project specific file history will be orphaned and the plugin will start a new history.

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allixsenos (Luka Kladaric) has added a version of this plugin that is also available via PackageControl. His version uses the original "global history" functionality and does not support the more recent "project-specific history" functionality. I'm not sure if anyone (other than me) is interested in the "project-specific history" and getting updates with the PackageControl is pretty cool.

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I'm not sure if anyone (other than me) is interested in the "project-specific history"...

Me me me! Most of the time I work on one project at a time, but there the odd days where I have to shift between half a dozen projects for tweaks and small changes. Per project history in those cases is awesome.

...and getting updates with the PackageControl is pretty cool.

Indeed, any chance of this plugin making it into PackageControl?

Thanks for your work on this.

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Ok, here is an updated version that should put a closed file back in the same position it was before it was closed (same group and index). I'm pretty happy with this new functionality. My testing was limited to one group but it should be ok with more.

Funny, I'm sure someone asked for this feature but for the life of me I can't figure out where...

The difficulty with getting this into PackageControl is that, aside from gists, I'm pretty much blocked from using github at work (and PackageControl is also blocked at work). I could request it to be added to PackageControl but I will not be able to test it...

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It's pretty sad that your are not able to use github repositories at work (I wonder why) because I think this deserves it (more configurability, forking [well, gist is able to do this as well], issues, commit messages ...) and PackageControl autoupdate is really nice.

If you are ok with it, I could port this over to github and mirror your changes between github and gist (and maybe edit something of my own). And add it to PackageControl.
On the other side you will likely not benefit from this directly when you can't use github at all (I don't understand your situation).

Oh, and you can add single gists to PackageControl I think. Not exactly sure but I can try if you like.

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The problem I have is connecting from git to github because of the way that they do proxy authentication (NTLM, I think). The proxy is authenticated using your windows login credentials (and a smart card) so I don't actually know my proxy userid and password. This makes it extremely difficult to connect using tools other than web browsers or applications that have built-in support for that kind of proxy authentication. I was unable to configure git to successfully connect.

Feel free to try and get the gist added to PackageControl. If that doesn't work you can also import the code to an actual github package and get that added to PackageControl. Thanks for the offer :-)

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In the meantime ...

I had to modify the plugin so it worked for me. See changes in my fork (if you can).
In detail:
#239: project_name = get_current_project_hash() is not defined. Well, I made it into a @staticmethod and used FileHistory.get_current_project_hash() while disconsidering your whole style of programming and noticing the "global" instance of FileHistory later. Well, I fixed it ;)
#86: f = open(self.history_file, 'r') this fails when you don't have a history file (like I did). I wrapped a try: ... except: IOError around it and returned.

~: Some PEP 8 adaptions.

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Thanks for the corrections. I made some changes to the code to resolve the issues.

I'm pretty new to python. To be honest I only learned it to be able to make plugins for SublimeText. Is there a better way of sharing the one instance of the class between the three plugin classes (as opposed to making it global)?

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I'll look into your source and structure later today when I check whether gists are possible in PackageControl.

Tbh I leant Python for exactly the same purpose which was like 2 weeks ago.

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Package Control works in a way that only supports zip archives to be downloaded (I checked the source). Gist seems to provide only .tar.gz downloads so it won't work, I'm afraik.

I suppose you can read github repos (online) since this is only plain HTTP and I will link the repo here and add you as contributor when I ported it over in the next few days. And if that happens it is likely that I do some further commits like adding a README, default (or example) keymap, possibility for using .sublime-settings and so on.

We'll see how I can integrate you into the further progress, but you can send me patches/diffs any time if anything else does not work.

Edit: You can also upload a zip file on your own. I can include that in my package_control.json and update it whenever you update your gist.

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I created a repo (named your plugin "File History" - like in browsers -, if that's not misleading) and wanted to edit the .py but then I noticed that you used the CC-BY-SA licence. I'm not too sure about licences and stuff but I am cautious nonetheless. It would be nice if you can do something about that so I can actually edit it.

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I'm happy to change the license to something you are more comfortable with

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Actually, nvm. While browsing through a bunch of licences I realized that I interpreted the SA (ShareAlike) as ND (NoDerivs). I'm fine with the current licence.

I'll get into your plugin very soon (a few days, I suppose) and finally add it to Package Control.

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It's on Package Control now. Try installing it yourself and see if it works.

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Updated gist to show preview of files when cycling through the history in the quick panel. Changes made to the package control plugin as well:

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