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Created September 6, 2017 20:14
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A Mind is Born by Linus Akesson
; A Mind is Born by Linus Akesson
; transcribed to 64tass and further commented by J.B. Langston
; important locations after program is copied to zero page
vmptr = $cb ; video matrix
clock = $13 ; global clock lsb - indicates position within bar
clock_msb = $20 ; global clock msb - indicates bar of song
script = $21 ; poke table
const_d3ff = $03 ; location holding constant $d3ff
const_d01c = $0f ; location holding constant $d01c
mel_lfsr = $14 ; melody LFSR
sid = $0a ; sid register shadow buffer
mod_op1 = $d5 ; first opcode that gets modified
mod_op2 = $d7 ; second opcode that gets modified
basstbl = $f3 ; bass notes
freqtbl = $f7 ; melody notes
* = $0801
; basic bootstrap program
.byte $0D,$08 ; pointer to next line
.byte $FF,$D3 ; line number 54271
.byte $9E,$32,$32,$32,$35 ; $9E=SYS + 2225 in PETSCII
; end of line/end of program markers overlap with first 3 bytes of sid table
; sid register shadow buffer; copied to sid registers at the end of every interrupt cycle
; voice 1: kick drum and bass
.byte $00 ; $D400: voice 1 frequency lsb
.byte $00 ; $D401: voice 1 frequency msb
.byte $00 ; $D402: voice 1 pulse width lsb
.byte $19 ; $D403: voice 1 pulse width msb
.byte $41 ; $D404: voice 1 control register
.byte $1C ; $D405: voice 1 attack/decay
.byte $D0 ; $D406: voice 1 sustain/release
; voice 2: melody
.byte $00 ; $D407: voice 2 frequency lsb $D020: border color
.byte $DC ; $D408: voice 2 frequency msb $D021: background color 0
.byte $00 ; $D409: voice 2 pulse width lsb $D022: background color 1
.byte $00 ; $D40A: voice 2 pulse width msb $D023: background color 2
.byte $11 ; $D40B: voice 2 control register $D024: background color 3
.byte $D0 ; $D40C: voice 2 attack/decay
.byte $E0 ; $D40D: voice 2 sustain/release
; voice 3: drone
.byte $0B ; $D40E: voice 3 frequency lsb
.byte $10 ; $D40F: voice 3 frequency msb
.byte $33 ; $D410: voice 3 pulse width lsb
.byte $0E ; $D411: voice 3 pulse width msb
.byte $61 ; $D412: voice 3 control register
.byte $90 ; $D413: voice 3 attack/decay
.byte $F5 ; $D414: voice 3 sustain/release
; filter
.byte $07 ; $D415: filter cutoff lsb
.byte $00 ; $D417: filter cutoff msb
.byte $FF ; $D418: filter resonance
.byte $1F ; $D419: filter control; $1F = low pass filter all channels and max volume
; poke table with eight entries: first byte is target address in zero-page, second byte is value to write.
; entry for bars $00-$07 overlaps with last two sid registers above; performs dummy write to $ff
.byte $14,$41 ; bars $08-$0f: repeatedly reset LFSR seed to $41 to stutter melody
.byte $D5,$24 ; bars $10-$17: overwrite ora opcode with bit to enable color and stop resetting LFSR
.byte $15,$25 ; bars $18-$1f: change color to green; voice 1 waveform $25 (sounds same as $21)
.byte $15,$53 ; bars $20-$27: change color to cyan; voice 1 waveform to $53 (hardsync)
.byte $15,$61 ; bars $28-$2f: change color to white; voice 1 to $61 (disable hardsync)
.byte $D5,$29 ; bars $30-$37: overwrite bit opcode with and to make visuals brighter
.byte $1B,$0F ; bars $38-$3f: change voice 3 pulse width to $f for brighter timbre
; interrupt handler
inc clock ; increment global clock lsb by 2
inc clock
bne noc1 ; skip msb unless lsb wrapped to 0
inc clock_msb ; increment global clock msb by 1
lda #$61 ; set gate bit for drone
sta sid+2*7+4 ; via control reg for voice 3
lax clock_msb ; load current bar # into X and A
cpx #$3f ; switch to high pass filter for final bar
beq highpass
bcc noend ; skip finale until after final bar
lsr $d011 ; fade to black
jmp ($fffc) ; kernal reset vector
ldy #$6d
sty sid+$18 ; switch for high pass filter
sty mod_op2 ; change ora to adc (stop blinking)
lsr ; calculate address into poke table:
asr #$1c ; ((bar >> 1) and $1c) >> 1
tay ; save result fo later
; beat generation
lda clock ; check what part of current bar we're in
and #$30 ; only duck during third quarter of beat
bne noduck
dec sid+2*7+4 ; turn off gate bit to start release of note`
cpx #$2f ; turn bass off during bar 2f
beq bassoff
bcs nointro ; During bars $00-$2e we keep playing the same bass
ldx #2 ; note, from offset 2 in the bass table.
cmp #$10 ; turn bass off after first quarter of beat
beq bassoff
txa ; x contains either 2 or current bar count
and #3 ; mask off last two bits of bar
lda basstbl,x ; use as index into bass note table
sta sid+0*7+0 ; poke into sid voice 1 frequency msb
.byte $2d ; and absolute will eat the next instr and its operand
lax #0 ; Safe when the operand is zero.
bcs bassdone ; Carry will be set if we got here via bassoff.
; Carry was not set by cmp #$10, so we are in the
; first 25% of a beat. Throw away the computed bass note
; and play a drum instead.
; But handle the script first.
lax script+1,y ; load poke byte into A+X
ldx script,y ; load poke address into X
sta 0,x ; poke accumulator into address from script
lda clock ; get clock
asr #$0e ; mask 00001110, then shift right
tax ; A goes from 0 to 7 during the first 25% of the beat
sbx #256-8 ; update the video matrix pointer
stx vmptr+1
eor #$07 ; invert the value to obtain the pitch of the drum sound
sta sid+0*7+1 ; store in voice 1 freq msb
; melody generation
lda clock ; 16th notes last for for 8 interrupts
and #$0f
bne nomel
lda #$b8 ; load lfsr seed
sre mel_lfsr ; shift right and exclusive or
bcc noc2 ; only write it back if a bit shifted out
sta mel_lfsr
and #7 ; use bottom 3 bits of lfsr as index into note table
lda freqtbl,x ; look up note from note table
sta sid+1*7+1 ; store in voice 2 freq msb
ldy #8
lax sid+3,y ; copy stuff from shadow buffer to vic registers $d01c-$d024
sta (const_d01c),y
bpl vicloop
tay ; loop leaves $19 in accumulator; transfer to Y
lax sid-1,y ; copy stuff from shadow buffer to sid registers $d400-$d418
sta (const_d3ff),y
bne loop
jmp $ea7e ; jump into to last part of standard interrupt handler
; initialization
stx $286 ; set foreground text color to black
stx $d021 ; set background 0 color to black
jsr $e544 ; kernal clear screen routine
ldx #$fd ; copy program from $0802-$08FF to zero page ($02-$FF)
lda $802,x
sta $02,x
bne initloop
stx $315 ; clear high byte of interrupt vector; int handler now = $31
jmp $cc ; jump to main routine in zero page
; main routine
lda #$50 ; enable extended color text mode; set YSCROLL to 0
sta $d011
cli ; enable interrupts
lda $dc04 ; get timer A low byte
ldy #$c3 ; forces background color 2 or 3
ora $d41c ; manipulate font using opcode set by poke table
pha ; push it on the stack, where the vic is looking for font data
asr #$04
ldy #$30 ; tell vic to find video matrix at $0c00, font at $0000.
sty $d018
adc (vmptr),y ; read and combine two consecutive values (horizontal neighbors)
inc vmptr
adc (vmptr),y
ora clock_msb
ldy #$30+40 ; write back 40 bytes later
ora mod_op1 ; only use characters from stack page
sta (vmptr),y
bne mainloop ; Always branches.
.byte $2B,$AA,$02,$62 ; bass notes
.byte $00,$18,$26,$20 ; melody notes
.byte $12,$24,$13,$10
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